Monday, January 14, 2008


Wah talking about penyesalan, real love pun ada, about everything a feeling can feel and whatever lah after you read this story, just a short story that came to my mind, and just wondering if you can relate to this one. You or me will not understand what is in her mind, only she Amanda who really knows the real story.

A very short story of someone who has made it in her life to become someone she once dream of. I name her as Lynette. Lynette is a very successful young woman now. She changes the life of people around her. Little or perhaps no idea about her life. How she exists in this world. Sweet Innocent and a big secret to her father and mother that she will never know till the end.

I thought this was amazing. "A secret that no one knows, yet only one two souls been keeping it secret for what, more than 30 years now. A small town where this couple first met. A divorced man name himself Joshua shaking hand with Amanda. The first sight and the first handshakes in a wild noisy party that night. Lots of drinking, dancing and chilling too. Was a good night for these couple and it actually sparks.

To make long stories shorter ya.. so they start dating for quite a bit, and very close with each other.. but one day, Joshua have to leave her to further his studies overseas for his degree. Heavy on her heart to let him go, but Joshua promised that when he come back they be together.

For few years Joshua was abroad, and those times Amanda was lonely and all her friends were coupling at parties. Young Amanda was seeing someone too without Joshua's knowledge. Being lonely, seeing someone is the supplement of missing Joshua. Imagine being a lone ranger while your friends having a good time. All close friends kept it a secret too. Been a while now, Amanda seeing this guy, David an x'pat who works 50 miles from town. Well they stayed together until one day he had to leave. His contract expires and wanted to take Amanda with him.

Amanda stayed back and say good bye to him. That good bye was actually the last ever. Back to square one again, but this time she is not alone. Bethany is a very close friend. A best Friend i should say, eat together, drink together gether and everything lah. Bethany starts to notice something unusual about Amanda. She vomited, didn't eat much, and she's always sick.

Bethany suspects something here, and ask Amanda if she ever told David about it. Nop.... she didn't bother to tell him. Bethany panic and wondering how to overcome this situation. She told her boyfriend which is Joshua's best friend. Amanda's tummy just keep growing and Joshua supposed to be scheduled back in 7 months time. Well.....

It sound simple ya, but Amanda was so scared. She cried every night, her parents wonder why she never come home, her brothers and sisters were upset why she didn't even visit. Amanda stayed with Bethany all the while and no one knows.

Oh.....mind you , Amanda also supported Joshua while studying overseas.A lot she sacrifice there and Joshua still don't know whats happening. So, Amanda in her late eight months now, and Joshua's back.

So when Joshua saw Amanda was pregnant at that time, he wanted to leave her. But Bethany spoke to him, told him all this while Amanda support him there and never say a word, and this how he repay her?? Amanda still in love with Joshua, just fall devastated and didn't know what to expect next. The brother of Amanda wanted to kill Joshua for what happened. But Joshua just ignore and live on. They got married and soon a child was born.

Ever since that, Joshua can never understood why Amanda did that. Joshua on the other hand, just party all the way... until now just never settle.... the pressure was there all the time. A word not out from Amanda.

Is it because of what had happened? or what? I myself pun confused. Until now, that child never really know who her father is, and Amanda herself never meet this David ever again to ever tell him that he had a daughter. It was kept a SECRET."

And that will be the title for this short story. The girl grew up, she is successful and she's in her early thirties now, will never know the truth about her life.

I was wondering myself, what if she only know know that her father now is not actually her father, or perhaps another different one, what if her mother now is not really her mother? The rest i let you think about it ya.... I mean, this kind of stories possible to be true. Only each person yang knows about sendiri kan.....

Name used in this short story ada lah rekaan semata mata. tks.

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