Friday, January 11, 2008


in counting. Two days in a row miserable rasa ku. I don't like to think of something wen it cant be solve that minute. But entah ah.. just keep bothering me. Meself keeping quiet atu don't mean i don't care. I care but just cant do anything about it. What for to think and to spoil such a beautiful day for something like that... Its a big thing but what can be done jua...

Huh..... i cant breathe. Really... mental ku oleh nya. I wish the subject inda payah tah balik balik bring up if there are no solution that minute to solve it. Please lah.. Spoil berabiz my mood ani bah... How to smile when i m feeling like this already.... Gimme a minute..... I need that breathing technique...
OKay.... Let me talk about the ciri-ciri lelaki i like. Oh, i've never been lucky in love jua. Funny ah... give advice to people who have turbulence in the love life...tapi for me, never been lucky... I guess i am lucky in other things. I will be successful one day, that i know so. I can feel it. But love life, i doubt it. Fail a lot. I guess now i have to see, love and career. Well career now, you cant just say what you see, but as you go along, you will see more of it and its much better. This is just planting seed, later grow the leaf and then the flowers then maybe ada fruit. Ha.ha..a.
Oh before i lupa, ciri ciri lelaki ... salah satu yang paling i take seriously - one woman man. Respect loh... but its like one in a million... So try to calculate the Brunei population, well... inda jadi tah. I think that kira in the world saja. Campor all, than one in a million ya!!!!
But seriously, though i am like this now, I know i will be successful. In What? Than i cant say and i don't know. I only plan, but all Kehendak Allah... right. So again, there's love. There's career. I got to be lucky in one. Now that i know not LOVE, so i might just concentrate in my Career. Yes... keep smiling. You could be anything now, but don't be too sombong of who you are. Your place, your level, your power and right. Just remember sombong dont belong to any human in this world. Know why? The answer is simple. Coz you still human. Yes...inda caya ka?
Anyhew... i don't like whining too much... i rather think of something worth to think than to whine... true not?

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