Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Meneriak ku eh! I haven't had a good nite sleep lately. Like Panda Eyes already. Tadi at 1.56 jam atas meja, and 1.55 jam on my phone, me bungkas dari tempat tidor. Mimpi punya pukulan. Apa lah..

In my dream, dream of pontibaby. Giler eh. Mula i tot nada, but i boleh rasa. Then i opened the door, sekali like really heavy. And ada lah me terasa hand.. benda lah and i scream Allahuakbar.. and struggling so bad. So loud i feel so real and i woke up screaming!!!! HUh..

Nasib mimpi. Room was dark then i tried to sleep. I felt the benda sleep with me.. then i bangun switched on lampu in my room. And i never sleep. Tired ku eh. And i only sleep tadi pagi jap. OMG!

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