Tuesday, June 22, 2010

LOVE = ?

I like this one. Send to me for my segmen LOVE..

people out there says.. love is not just kisses and holding hands. some says, love is drugs. why so ? cause, at first it'll make youu addict and in the end, it'll ruined your life. but, adaa juaa cakap yang, love is just a game that been play by two players. ihhh.. macam macam muchh.. but, to me, love is just a simple word yang ber-meaningfull ... See Moresekalii. if youu lakuukan dengan yang benar laa. hahah. youu get what i mean.and yeahh, here, i just wanna share a bit :) right what, couples is always in trouble. isnt it? ''it is part of the deal'' so yeah, i agreed, dont you? we have to face it, no matter how hard it is. well thats not the point to make our love lessen.. cause love wont be less, if we are not willing for it.. some couples would say to their lover like ''daybyday, my love to you is getting less'' thats dumbass for who ever used those words. seriously, the fact is love will getting more and more, never less and never too much :) and it wont stop. unless, youre dead, then you'll stop. right?

and remember, love is like life. it isnt always happiness, it can brings a little pain sometimes, but when we dont stop living, why should we stop loving? so, just do the right thing. yes, sometimes it might hurt, but if it is right thing to do then it is necessary.

written by Azwani Aqillah
- For segmen Jatuh Cinta with the topic - Bagaimana Awda Menanangi SIDIA yang bermasalah, namun juga awda bisa menambat hati nya dan dengan cara awda, masih lagi bersama hingga kini.. Still bahagia. Share it with me Segmen Cinta bersama Zura di PelangiFm.

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