Au nyaman steambot nya di Gadong. Rupa-rupanya yang dulu di Sungai Tilong atu.. Wan!!!! Best you. I miss udang saja. I didn't see udang in the menu of your steambot last night. Congratulation for opening your own now, though lambat pulang nie congrats nya. Nothing is ever too late. But you know, i always like your steambot.
I was told only last night. I didn't talk about steambot coz' i know payah kan cari the soup you once have dulu. So, last night, when someone told me about steambot, i just have to call you. And i was just wondering kalau kalau you dah buka steambot restaurant.. and yes... you tah jua punya. Thank God eh... so i really enjoyed it.
I love the soup still. But different concept ya.. NICE... Best ever!! I will drop by lagi sometime. Hope you do well, wish you every success. Take care Wan.
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