
Yup... went to send Luqman to school this morning. After that, balik mandi and zoom to RTB for the taklimat Kasihatan. Until 10ish kali there this morning, then call Sofian that i wll be attending the training jua at KKBS. Ok katanya, so i pun zoom to KKBS. Sat for the training jap, coz i came atu half way kan. But i stayed back and talked with the two ladies there regarding the subject yand diperbincangkan atu lah. Very interesting. This is going to be 3 hari. So today baru the 1st day and tomorrow and lusa. But lusa jua, in the morning i got to see my dentist. So i got to zoom off to see my dentist then balik kul 2pm sambong lah Insyallah di KKBS.
Wah.. this morning when i attended the Taklimat Kasihatan, it was really interesting. It's actually really good when you have the chance to to all this for free. And rugi if you missed this one. One most important thing in your life is to have a good health. An excellent one. So take this opportunity lah. Good jua that they have pemerikasaan gigi. I was shock. Yes shock!!
Why??? Dalam MAP OF THE WORLD atu kan (masa dalam taklimat atu kan), Brunei is the one in a red dot. Red dot means -people in Brunei mempunyai masalah kerosakan gigi yang paling tinggi. That's a PROBLEM. How to solve it.. nie nah. This is why these people masok untuk membuat pemeriksaan. Well again ITS YOUR CHOICE...
The rest pemeriksaan darah akan di jalankan starting tomorrow. So everybody got a date sudah and jangan lupa. Pemeriksaan darah, pemeriksaan najis bagi 39-40 ke atas saja, penyukatan badan pinggang dan ketinggian dan banyak lagi. Well i am looking forward for this check up. I hope you too.
This is a picture tadi. Alum ramai datang. Preparing for the training. Learning about Warga Emas and how to handle things if you become Sukarelawan. Its not easy, inisiative di perlukan untuk menjadi sebagai sukarelawan. Now, when i sat there tadi kan, i got to listened to stories i never would think exist. Nah, learning lagi kan. It's amazing how people di sekeliking kitani ani behave. Very interesting. So ... yes again, i am looking forward to know more about this.
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