Friday. Last Friday 23.05.08. I woke him up at 6.30am and off ke Stadium. This is how he feel... resah di bawa bejalan. Em.. we just did our walk arah path yang merun atu, i told him 6 kali. Em.. bila 3 baru, mengeluh ia. Kan menangis jua inda jua. Like mengalih ia. Well.....
We talked about school. Exam and what he wants to be. Banyak lah ceritanya. Very interesting like orang dewasa dah. Sometime he asked me about things. Things sometimes inda me tau how to jawab. But well.. i find a way to tell him jua. Now growing sudah Luqman, and in schools pun belajar a lot of things.
In Ugama School belajar about laki laki and bini bini. Like baligh.. well he asked me banyak questions about being baligh... even sampai asked me like, em.. orang putih ada baligh kah mami??? Em... Asked me a lot about religion jua. Like this.. like that... About heaven and hell... and a lot more. Paling cali lagi, he tanya me pasal friends told him that he is baligh already because badan nya basar... ha.ha..ah.. cute.
Frankly i got a big baby there, and he knows he is big and tall. I enjoyed having such conversation with him. One thing saja kecian he is alone when he is with me. He be doing his own thing and i be doing mine. Sometimes he ask me jua why he is alone?? Oh well... i know how he feel. But he's good. He knows what to do with his times jua.
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