Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cabaran Memancing!! Huray..

Cabaran Pancing 2008 di Sepanjang Jambatan Kampong Sungai Matan.
Anjuran Majlis Perundingan Kampong Sungai Matan. Mukim Kota Batu. Negara Brunei Darussalam.

After RTB, heard about the fishing thing. Apa lagi.. jalan.. I had a great morning eh. Zoom off to Sungai Matan, and sambutan begitu meriah. Amazing sekali, with all the people so hyper, happiest, and Super Wonderful people there. In that early morning, i could not say and not hujan jua. Sort of mendung pagi, but hot jua. What is that ah? But check out.. Will post more pictures lagi. I got lots..
Oh.. when i arrived, i got to meet the Ketua Kampong. And from there onwards.. dari ujung jambatan ke ujung jambatan. Wah... rugi you know kalau you inda datang tadi. But nevermind, i got the pictures jua lah....
When you see em, i tell you, enjoy ani bah. Tapi apa lagi, au buning sensation eh on my face ani. Baik jua pakai sunblock tapi nyamo, inda kuat banar. Biar tia. Sekali sekala. Still not good too much exposure dengan matahari....

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