
So woke up so late today eh. well about 12.06pm and terus jump and shower and got ready for work..Ceta sikit lah. Last night, berbuka at KJ Restaurant di Gadong, and wow... nyaman and one of the best curry fish head i must say. There's also one in Lambak Noralizah & Iskandar House of Curry and satu lagi behind the Jeti Transport Gadong. I forgot whats the name. Its a matter of my liur lah what i type of curry i want that day.
Yesterday atu, i wanted just a plain fish curry head with lots of vegetables with it, kalau di Lambak, fish curry head nya accompanied with ikan masin... which is so nyaman too. And d-one behind the Jeti Transport with curry makan with nasi on the banana leaves kali... if not banana leaf, i dont know what leaf it is. But i know my nasi be on banana leaf.....
I remembered when i was in Kuala Lumpur once, well not once lah.. i went to a place where they serve rice on banana leaf, and its a mamak restaurant. Very nice. And was once in Pudu, behind the Seven Elevan, ada tempat parking kereta and ada gerai-gerai mamak there too, kueh teow mamak style with kerang. I tell you, so many places i go, i must try the food jua. I love oyster too, so i heard one of my friend says to have the best oysters, i should go to Greece. The oysters there are fresh, like they peel the kulit atu, and you can still see the oysters atu menguliat, and perahkan lime and then maman..... Oh... delicious...
Anyway, lepas sungkai, went to Mall Gadong and watched movie. The Brave One. Very interesting and star is Jodie Foster. At the end puas hati lah. Why i say that, you have to watch it yourself. After that, i started to think, women selalu mengikut perasaan kalau membuat decision, but in her case, i dont blame her... ha.aha..a.
Drop beli ice-cream at Q.lap my favourite one, then balik and watch tv drama series lagi. Deh... baru ya. I seldom have the chance to watch tv, meliat melintasi ada, but to sit and watch what's on, jarang sekali tu. And at the end, it was almost 3.30am.... adui.. selajur tah bersahur. Oh well... thats the cerita last night and this morning...
So back to work, sama lydia now in the Studio PelangiFM. Hujan di luar lebat and sajok here. We have our Weekend Selection and the artists are - DEWA_19. JOSS STONE. DAYANG NURFAIZAH. BACKSTREETBOYS. and now news at 3pm. Sat lagi kami on with Hello People.... and today we are going to ask listerners to share with us sempena Hari Guru today 23rd September 2007, to give us a short puisi in satu rangkap. We are going to see how many would appreciate their teacher.... My late father was a teacher, and everytime i go out, someone would said something nice about my father. His students appreciate him so much and they told me how he changed their lives. That's is amazing. I miss him eh...
Today, we want to hear how many nice of words dapat di dengar from the student, the parents about our teachers di Brunei. We heard a lot over the years, ada yang puas hati with the way the teachers thought their children, but ada jua yang tidak. So siapa yang salah here. I heard from some teachers, that kalau di tegur students, next thing you know the parents come to school and memarahkan teachers. So what went wrong there? So anyway, ada juga teachers yang buang panas rah children. So again what went wrong? Not all, but its the fact jua kali ah....
But hopefully, all this can be better lah for our future. Try to get the soulutions and not to argue about it and not doing anything about it. And paling terok lagi just to bit*h about it saja. We jua mengambil kesempatan memberi ucapan tahniah to all guru-guru di selurong Negara, and Al-Fatihah to guru-guru yang telah kembali kerahmattulah.
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