Saturday, September 29, 2007
So as i stayed home the whole day, i text Iril in Chiang Mai. He is doing fine and i am sure he be back on-air soon. He said that he went to visit the temple on top of a mountain in the morning, and it was amazing. I can imagine. You know if you want to travel, you have to accept the you have to accept the 'rough and tumble journey' to wherever destination you are going to visit. A new place and must be prepared. Then it be fun.
So that's what my fren Dj Iril is doing. I am also like him. I love travelling, and love to go to new places and ready for it. But seriously, i woun't try to go to a risky places when i know so. So, enjoy it while you can. You can travel alone or with friends. But with friends, you have to have a friends like you. Then it be ok. I would love to travel backpackers style. That be interesting. So my friend in Chiang Mai told me.
At the end of the day, here i show you my work on my picture. I learned a new method using the photoshop and will for sure practice it until i become a 'PRO' After i did some samples, i didn't save it. Very clever lah Zura. I thought i did. I oredi ready to share it here with you. Haiya..... next time saja. Need to sleep. Sahur at 3.30am and then work again tomorrow at 2pm-6pm.
Was at work. I be working for this week in a row without break except for a day saja. Wow… kering air-liur. Especially kalau pakai braces and talk inda beranti..…
Today was a bit quiet at work. As in too many segment on-air and too little time to really do much talking. Only 20% of talk saja and 80% music. Oh my fren did his Friday prayer, and bila nya siap, selipar nya hilang. He called Amy to send selipar ke mesjid, but then Amy about to work. I told Amy that i send the selipar to him after work. Can you imagine, di mesjid pun ada orang heart to curi selipar. Oh well.... sad but true.
After work, went to kedai Steven, just to browse for new dvds. Went out last night for a movie ‘chuck & Larry’. Hilarious eh. I laugh and the people in the theatre laugh too. Language they use masa belakon very funny. Just plain funny. I enjoyed it so much. I haven’t been laughing that much since the last movie I saw ‘hot fuzz’, ‘white chicks’ and a few more I cant recall. But I just enjoyed it. I am looking forward for that ‘stone cold’ movie. That should be very good. I’ve seen the preview when I was watching a couple of movies in California at Westfield Mall.
Sungkai at Escapade, windy lah and it rain pretty hard for a while. Then I walked to the Mall. Oh I was with my sis-in-law. And just too many people today everywhere. But I enjoyed it. Nowadays, I practiced myself to park my car very very far and to walk to the place where I want to go. Very nice you know. You should try it. Why not.
My sis-in-law wanted to do eye-brow trimming. So we went to the ‘specialists’… I call my Jenny the ‘specialist’ for the eye-brow trimming. And then off to Hair Rock to cut her hair. I ask my Jenny ‘would she cut my hair short?’ and she wouldn’t dare. I said ok. then at Hair Rock I asked the same question to Lihan, and Lihan said well.. ‘why’? I let you figure out why they both rejected to cut my ‘beautiful curly (original toh) hair’, that’s what they said though….
I grab the opportunity to snap some picture while Lihan in action. I must say Lihan is so professional in cutting hair and Lihan knows what customer wants. Amazing, the timing was short, sharp on the dot. I am still thinking of cutting my hair short. My sis-in-law if my hair were short, it would be the d-most raya for me… ha.ha.ah… I don’t like the sound of it. So I pass dulu ya.
Friday, September 28, 2007
This was in my thought ‘Is there love?’ I meant in a relationship. Like a ‘true love’ or a ‘soul mate’ and ‘How?’ How long since you said ‘you are in-love to your partner’? Would it matter to say it all the time? Or just once year? Or once only in your life? If you are still with the same partner?
Drama 1
I got a friend. A girlfriend who always tell me almost everything about her relationship with this bloke. For some reason, I believed that we build love like we build a building. Foundation. To build the foundation is not easy. It takes a while and if the foundation is not strong enough, then there’s no love.
Drama 2
My friend been seeing this guy for quite a long time. And he is married. But he still text her and said “wait for me sayang, nyasal me kawin” – “wait for me love, I regret being married”… I cant believe it and I don’t understand. When she showed me the text, I just wish she see it clear. But love is blind. Tell me how blind can love be? She still think this bloke are serious. But I just leave you with the rest.
Drama 3
So another story, also this girlfriend of mine seeing a married man. But already divorced. Married to the man and have three children. Also a sad story. it was a great story at first, then it turn sour. Like fruit you know, oh I give you an example banana. On the counter it looks good, then you bring it home, after few days, it rots. Well another drama.
(This one different senario)
Girlfriend married to this man, got about six children, then this man passed away. She and the children have to move out from that house and rented a house for B700.00. she is a housewife and luckily one of her daughter already keraja.
This woman, also a girlfriend of mine, seeing this man a divorcee. Been together for more than five years now. she doesn’t understand her relationship. Something about this man, only her knew him well, and don’t know where this will go. For how long? I don’t know.
Been thinking a lot. I have noticed that younger woman got attracted to an old man. Tell me about it. Why? Do you want to carry the ‘burden’ of living with an old man? Like, you are beautiful, and here this old man, worst if he is married and have children. Some would probably tell me not all like that. Well, do you know? In my opinion only, you will go through a great deal of rough roads before you actually can tell me that you are in love with this old man of yours.
Examples: I hear lah. Kalau old man for sugar-daddy ok. will supply money and easi kad or pay the bills. Well, is it true? Pay the ticket for traveling if he fly for business trip and splurge you with shopping spree. Whatever brand you want, you get it. But is it worth it? Do you feel special? Being used as a sex object? Is that what you want? Do you feel better that you got this old man do all for you while his wife at home looking after his children? Worst this man would be calling his wife to remind her to not forget to do her solat, ibadat etc?
Oh well, I bring the curiosity for you to figure it out yourself. I have no say, but its just in my thought. Is it worth it? Some man just wants to have fun. But then again for how long? It’s adventurous, exciting and all. Men are born to be a hunter. So woman are born to be what? The hapless one.
PS. I dont know why i am thinking about this myself. its just what i see now kebanyakannya. And the trend is 'scandal among married couple' and its awful and where does marriage stand?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tutong Gerai Ramadhan
And this caught my attention, so sweet. I like the color.
PS. Tutong people at the Gerai Ramadhan were very-very nice. Inda kedukut dengan senyuman mereka. Smua senyum while berjaja. I like that....Salam.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Hello People - Rentak 2-6 - HARI GURU

@Tanah Perkuburan Islam

Terimbas kalau dulu, we have to bring our own kettle and air-sasahan and stanji before we visit kubur. Terutama nya people will visit their loved ones who passed away, semua berkumpul (the whole family) two weeks before raya or perhaps most will go on the d-day itself. Nowdays, its just easy. If you don't mind membayar B$1.00 for a bottle of water yang tersedia, then you are ok. But some bekira jua tu kalau $1.00. But not all lah. Some saja. But anyway, now to visit, inda tah lagi di pikirkan apa-apa, just be there, get the air-sasahan and bring Yasin and start membaca Yasin and bertahlil, and lastly berdoa to hadiahkan kepada yang telah kembali kerahmatullah, agar roh-roh dan ahli kubur di rahmati dan di beri syafaat, dijauhi dari seksa api neraka dan mudahan di tempatkan bersama dengan golongan orang-orang yang beriman. Amin.... So silent for a minute, and lets us sedekahkan AL-FATIHAH to our loved ones that left us before us and one day we will soon be joining them...

"The 'Mercu Dirgahayu 60' is a gift from the people of Brunei Darussalam to His Majesty Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzadin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saiffudien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam on the occasion of His Majesty's 60th birthday celebration."
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Guess what? I bangun, went to Bandar Seri Begawan and went to few spots and took pictures. Out at 6-ish am. I took some great pictures. Drop by rah one of the tanah perkuburan and took pictures of children playing while moms and sisters preparing for air-sasahan and stanji.s untuk di jual rah people yang melawat kubur-kubur keluarga yang telah kembali kerahmatullah. I myself need to visit kubur my beloved BABAH yang telah meninggal kami pada tahun 2002. Mudahan roh-roh di cucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman.. Amin....
So i will post it later yeah. Got to go now. Fauzan next with PelangiFm for Rentak 2-6. Salam.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I just need to share with you that during the HBD this morning, i mention on-air about "Ada juga lelaki takut tua", yes, ada dalam sebuah majalah atu written dari kajian 2004, 1.2 million men did make over on themselves because takut tua... So, yang cali nya, a listener text me via sms pelangi and said, i must be wrong eh... he said..."sori eh dj zurah. salah kali statistik mu atu and di mana you dapat stastik macam atu? laki-laki di brunei ani inda macam atu"... I just smile. And i got back on-air, and i said that - i didnt say men from Brunei, i said dari hasil kajian seluroh dunia, so it doesnt mean from Brunei, 1.2 juta lelaki, i mean... hello.... maybe not in Brunei, maybe in other countries in this world, so you know, open lah minda. We are living in the world population about billions of human beings kali ah, so i am sure there are somewhere out there men do make over themselves to look young. And that is from kajian, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Oh Well... sensitive jua... But i found out in a relationship, men and woman, men need to listen carefully jua, apart from communication is the key in a relationship, listening jua i think penting.... No hard feelings ah to the men. But yeah this is the fact. Ia tah kadang miscommunition can create a tension situation because one did not listen well. I am only talking for myself and i dont know how many women agree?
Oh someone in Australia like my pictures in gerai ramadhan i took at pasar gadong. I will try to visit other gerai ramadhan soon. I wanted to go to the Stadium Berakas, Tutong, Kuala Belait and may be Temburong. Why not. But for now until 30th Sept 07. I make plan from now lah saja. Ok... something to do now.
Today i bersungkai di Hua Ho bunut. The food court there banyak pilihan jua. Simple jua but nice. I like it. Stop by at one of the gerai on the way to the gadong and jerudong junction, the one that jual kueh melaya and kerupok lekor. Right at the big green signboard berfore the junction. Very nice kueh malaya but i would prefer they pack it using the kertas minyak. Then baru ia kick.... I m not keen food in the foam container. Not really good. But anyway, i will let them know that the kueh malaya very nice, just need to change the packaging saja. he.e.e.e.e
Nah.. that's me... after makan... behind me atu is the makanan ready made dah tu. So if you inda sempat bersungkai di mana-mana, just makan kurma and drink water, and laju tah kesana and try the food. Gurantee you like punya. Especiallynya, people who like "sambal tarong", that's the place to go. The rest of the stalls, beraneka jenis makanan. Try ah.. Jangan inda. Rugi toh.....
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
MEETING - Raya Program
And now, working at 2pm-6pm. So many changes since i got back, and i have to get used to it soon. It kept me up, and I can't hardly sleep for the past two days now, i guess i have so many things in my mind. Sort of like, thinking a lot about work, what needs to be done and so forth, and i m so worn out...out..out. I hope i catch up with naps later, because tomorrow will be another day for me and my shift would be early at 6am-10am (Hello Brunei Darussalam).
I was reading this majalah and i thought i kongsikan with you here. Its all about ubi kentang and mata. I am going to try it soon. I need it...he.e.e..e..e..
RAWAT LINGKARAN HITAM DI MATA (to clear the black circle on the eye)
Ubi kentang mampu membantu mencerahkan kadar lingkaran hitam di bawah mata. Ubi kentang mengandungi sejenis enzim (catecholase) yang digunakan dalam kebanyakan produk kecantikan sebagai bahan pencerah.
- Kisar sebiji ubi kentang. setelah itu, bahagikan kentang yang dikisar pada dua bahagian. Balut dengan sehelai kain nipis.
- Baring dan letakkan balutan pada kedua mata. TUTUP MATA AH... and biarkan 15 hingga 20 minit. Buat waktu senang saja. Jangan waktu bertugas. Membari hawar tu. OK. Bukan saja membari hawar, sibok jua tu waktu bertugas kan. Bila senang saja lakukan. Karang kena marah plang zura...he.e..e.e
Atu saja for now and selamat mencoba.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
So i start work officially.
Segment Birthday Greetings.
Segment Jatuh Cinta with the topic :
"Tiga Cara You Mengasihi Sesorang Yang You Kasihi".
Majority "kejujuran, menjaga hati, saling memahami, etc" jadi antara cara Mengasihi sesorang. Only one say "pandai mengampu", one say "tidak berahasia", one say "memberi idea" etc.
One caller, Mimi 16, ask me how about me? Well, i must say 1.patient 2.accept kelemahannya nya 3.transparent. There are actually more, but i don't remember. I am sure you too have your own way, kan.....
After news at 10.30pm, Segment Kau dan Aku. I usually tell them to try bakat masing-masing for a minute and at the end of the segment, the one that caught my attention will win. He.e.e. this is amazing you know. Calling on-air, and trying out your talents. I don't know if i myself can do that... ha..a..
Oh well, i be working again tomorrow at 2pm-6pm. Tune in to Pelangi Fm at and click to Pelangi Fm for net radio all over the world where ever you are. Thank you.
One of the historical place to visit by tourists but someone got to to do something about it and clean that place up. It may be in "Kawasan Kampong Bunut" but it still in our historical list a place to visit here in Brunei Darussalam. It looks like its been abandoned. Like nobody care. Sad... :-( (My visit 16.09.07)
PS. This kind of place is good for our young generations to visit. For example - school tirps. Not only for the tourists, but for all of us in Brunei to visit all the makams. So we value and appreciate what our history all about.

When faced with stress, stop for a moment to clear your mind of unpleasant thoughts. Close your eyes. Breathe in, expanding the belly and counting 1-2-3-4-5 ; exhale, slowly contracting the belly and counting to five.
Repeat at least three times, spreading life-giving oxygen throughout your body. In the end, you'll still be facing the same situation, but your outlook will be clearer.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
74. What would it be like for me? A long way to go. But will i be living at that age? You and i never know. A flash back of those times with nenek, she was the one - the one who taught me to cook. Yes, true. I remember when i was 7, i already know how to iron my school uniform. She used to ask me to peel the onion skin and slice it in a way she wanted it to be slice. She used to ask me to do a lot of things in the kitchen and even told me how useful this skills be when i grew up. At that time, at that age, you don't know how/what your future be. And you don't quite understand. What she meant. Maybe at that age, i know i will be like her someday, be cooking in the kitchen preparing food for my family. Which is true.
I am glad i can cook. I am glad i can iron. I am glad i can clean the house without the help of maid. I am glad i can do all the housework. I am glad for all. That's the skills not all of the girls have now. I am serious. No hard feelings ah. But its just it. Having a maid is a bonus.
I have a great memories with my Nenek. Last night was great. I prepared her favourite food "ambuyat" and the "cacah". Very important if you want to have a nyaman ambuyat, cacah is penting tu. So nenek tanya how's my cacah. She smile when she got the taste of it.
There were more than 5o of us. So everyone said my cacah the best...he.e.e.. I actually asked them all you know. Just wonder what the comment be, incase inda nyaman, then i probably can adjust. So i prepare the ambuyat. I am the only one pandai menumpah last night. So i have korma for berbuka while menumpah ambuyat.
Whatever it is, being a girl is very special. You still need to have the skills for everything to live in this world. No matter who you are, the skills and experience you have, no one in this world can take it away from you and only you have em.... no matter how little you know, you should be proud of it. And always ready to learn and to accept it....
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Pasar Gadong
Friday, September 14, 2007
PS. So at the end of the magic show, you can only view it on her phone. Yeah my friend punya phone. I was laughing hard because it was so funny. Like we were watching her doing her magic, but we didn't see apa-apa, rupanya only can be viewed on her phone saja....he.e.e..
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
So my turn came and i settled my bills. It was only about B$177.00 for three months. Yes three months. Just lazy bah to go to the counter to pay incit-incit atu. Until jua my line got cut off last night then its about time to go. Not inda tebayar, just malas kan jalan-jalan atu... ha.a.. excuses...
Anyway, after i paid my bills, then i was told to go to the other counter where beautiful young ladies and some gentleman there standing with all the gifts tersusun on the long table. So rupanya ada lucky draw. Sort of you give the receipt, then the lady there will tell you to take how many pieces of cut and staple papers in the box and then you open and you get the prize lah. I was hoping for a stickers ka. But the one i wanted was pen. Yes i got two...he.e..e. yeha... but to my surprised i won a "Postpaid Lite Plan"...!!!! Wow.. good. very lucky eh. I planed to buy one for my son.
The package includes - free 1 year license fees, registration fee and one month Lite plan rental. Wow......!!!!!!!! All i need to do is to go to any counter and register. Thank you to and you make my day.. I won 2 pens, one non-woven bag and one Postpaid Lite Plan......
I actually have two lines. One with PRIMA DST and one with Both are good. I used my for checking sometimes....he.e.e.e. no lah. I actually used my for Internet access. Its pretty cool. I have been using it ever since i got it. So life is a bit easy. I used my DST number for wow... i thinks for 10 years already. Do you remember, when it was not yet PRIMA, and it was EASI. So i still use my number i had 10 years ago. I changed it to PRIMA.
But hey, if you haven't pay your bills, then go and you never know you might bring a big prize home. I still want to have the stickers...ha.a..a or umbrella. I need that... Too malas to buy but if have an umbrella for gifts, hey why not. Give me one ah. I like gifts... ehe..e.
Congratulations for the staff of with their good service while attending clients. Thank you. Keep up the good work.