Thursday, March 31, 2011


Oh semua berbeza jika di gunakan pada satu ayat. Yang lebih creatif jika pandai menggunakan KAMBANG BULU, KAMBANG LIUR DAN KAMBANG-KAMBANGAN. Bah sila buat ayat-ayat menggunakan kesemua perkataan atu..

Mendengar kan ada jua yang KAMBANG BULU waktu ALLAHUAKHBAR di laungkan pada 23hb Feb 2011 yang lalu di TAMAN SOAS, Rupa-rupanya ramai jua kambang bulu mendengarkan. Ada yang berada di dalam Taman SOAS katanya, ada yang mengalirkan airmata. Menusuk ke jiwa. Ya Allah.. That include me, mengeluarkan titisan air mata. I thought me only, but others too.. MasyaAllah..

Atu perkataan KAMBANG BULU. Perkataan KAMBANG LIUR, ada yang berjalan menuju ke taman, ada yang beludah. Entah inda makan pagi kali. Telampau awal kali kan makan. Jadi kambang liur jua orang atu, pun beludah sana sini kan mengeluarkan rasah pahit-pahit, gula-gula sudah nada, beludah tia. Tau ia ada barisan kanak-kanak sekolah di sana atu jua, beludah inda tia ia peduli. Ada jua yang membuang ingusnya siap blow-blow selarah-larahnya. EEEiii.. bari KAMBANG LIUR jua tu.

Sudah atu, KAMBANG BULU dan KAMBANG LIUR sudah. Ada jua yang KAMBANG-KAMBANGAN. Maklum lah ramai orang masa atu. Bah menunjuk-menunjuk tia. Berbagai cara lah menunjuk-nunjuk. Haha .. malas i kan beritau. Karang ada yang terasa jua. Haha.. cali jua. Anyway, all i use tu. KAMBANG BULU. KAMBANG LIUR. KAMBANG-KAMBANGAN! hehe..

I hope you enjoy reading. You punya pengalaman macam mana?


Muhamad Shahrimin Ghaffar kurang usaha dan keyakinan diri membuatkannya berbeza untuk mendapat kerajaan.

Mary-Anne Hasiib Al-Husna ‎"Janganlah engkau merasa seolah-olah umur kita masih panjang kerana lamunan seperti itu banyak membawa kepada kelalaian duniawi"

Syuaib Nurul ianya smua dtgnya dri allah.kita tidak boleh membezakanya.. Sepertimana org kaya dan org miskin. Kita haruslah bsyukur apa yang ada.

Alesya Saiffuddin jgn mrasa kkurangan itu mbuat kta gagal bh kan sbnarnya kkurangan itu ada lah klebihan

my badminton coach words cgu nas yg brada dpte katok msa ane

frm lesya

Arrye Azza tapi juga karena kurang kuatnya mental...,

Lee Santi Hidup tak pernah smpurna dgn adanya kkurangan ilmu ddada bahkan kkurgan itu lh yg mgajar kita erti khdupan ddunia.

Abng Vios f nada kkeurngn bkn nma khidupn mun smua iakn smpurna pyh toh:)

Abng Vios f nada kkurngn bkn nmanya khidupn 2

Kaz's Trd dgn kkurangan atu th bg sstgh urg brusaha tp ada jua la yg *ukn plng kn ngucp e.. Utk kongsisama* Iata kuatkn azam utk brusaha jn mngu buah yg nda gugur e... Brusaha tawakal.. Insyallah da jlnnya tuu ;) mustahil nda ada kn... Hee...

Mr-jol ㅈㅗㄹ Live your Life as there's No tomorrow :)

Love Yatul Twonintyfour hidup tanpa mengharap akan hari esok..

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lirik lagu - KASIHKU by Rahim Maarof

Puas i cari lirik lagu bagi KASIHKU nyanyian RAHIM MAAROF, namun gagal untuk mendapatkannya. Nada kali lirik lagu nya atu? Yang lain ada.. I hope i dapat jua later.. or perhaps just listen to the song and write sendiri untuk menyejokkan jiwa.. :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


LadyAyu Maisarah Insan yang sentiasa berurusan dengan jalan ALLAH sentiasa merasakan hidup ini terlalu mudah dan indah. Sesuatu halangan itu tidak dianggap sebagai masalah sebaliknya sebagai dugaan ALLAH untuk menguji iman mereka

Bazilah Isnan It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice.

ThaQif MOnstar ‎"Menilai seseorang, bukan daripada cara pakaiannya, tetapi menilai melalui cara ia bertutur dan cara ia berfikir!!" :)

Fadhil Hamzi Majal is good, inda memajal inda belureh. :p

Afiq Azmi sesuatu perkara yang terbaik ialah kita melakukan sesuatu(yang baik) yang orang lain fikir kita tidak dapat melakukannya=)

LadyAyu Maisarah Sebaik-baik berfikir ialah memikirkan tentang kebaikan orang terhadap kita dan kejahatan kita terhadap orang

Lila Aisah Ibrahim ‎~life is too short to b unhepi..~:)

Nur Kasih Tidak pnah wujud org mls. org yang d anggap mls ialah orang yg tidak dapat mencari kehidupan yg sesuai diri nya.

Paten Pgm To the world you may be just one person but to one person you may be the world.

LadyAyu Maisarah Tuhan memberikan akal kepada manusia, yang membezakan daripada binatang. Dengan akal, manusia dapat mengenal tuhan, dengan akal juga manusia dapat mempertimbangkan baik dan buruk. Tanpa akal manusia seperti binatang ~ Nauzubillah

Rafiz Majid Kita takkan gagal selagi kita sendiri yg merasakan yg kita gagal.

Rahmah Fadzil Dugaan hari ini jadikanlh pengajaran untuk masa akan datang trmalh dgn redha & sbr,sesungguhnya segala yg baik itu hanya datang dr Allah s.w.t..Waallahua'llam.. *Rahmah dr Muara*

Afy Rocketeer tiada lagu seindah zikir dan tiada puji-pujian seindah selawat kerana kita tahu bahawa dunia pasti berakhir dan kita perlu memperbanyakkan melakukan amal ibadat

Nurrawiee Semudin Gunakanlah 5 perkara sebelum datang 5 perkara iaitu masa muda sebelum tua,sihat sebelum sakit,kaya sebelum miskin,lapang sebelum sempit dan hidup sebelum mati.

Asrif Saifullah love is like stuff.when it's new you will love it and protect it..but when it's old you will throw it away...

Aisya Hazmi ‎"Ingatlah semua,sabar itu iman,Duit bukan kawan,Dunia hanya pinjaman dan mati tak berteman"pertingkatkanlah iman kita "

Abidonal Ghandi If one day u feel like crying. CALL ME I don'tpromise u that. I will make u laugh but I can cry with u if one day u want 2 run away. don't b afraid to call me. I don't promise 2 ask u 2 stop but I can run with u if one day u don't want 2 listen ANY BODY! call me and.... I promise 2 b very quiet but.... if one day u call & there is no answer.. come fast 2 see me... perhaps I need u..

SiiManja Shopz Sesungguhnya setiap insan yg hidup ddunia pasti kan mati jua ahernya..
Dan bgi yg mseh dbgi peluang idup marilah kita sama2 mengerjakn akan suruhan yg maha kuasa..kita tidak tau bila masanya kita akan mati..

Love Yatul Twonintyfour Setiap kesudahan tiada penghujung dan setiap penhujung tiada pangkalnya.. Jadi Selamilah dan temuilah kesudahan penghujung yang tiada pangkalnya~

Rafiz Majid Perjalanan yg beribu2 batu itu di mulai dengan langkah yg pertama.terima lah seribu kekalahan sebelum menerima satu kemenangan.

Roy Ali menilai seseorang bukan dri segi sifatnya saja tp nilailah ia dgn akal yg waras,bukan dgn kenafsuan yg memukau diri sendiri,umpama dahan yg layu wlu di basahi embun pagi ia cuma besinar sementara,apabila basah kering baru npk keaslian nya

Raining Heart tidak ada gunanya menyesal, lebih baek redha dan terima sajalah apa yang berlaku.. enna, kb~

Maun Halim Shakalakalakabaibey Jumaat raja segala hari..

Rafiz Majid Jangan terlalu bangga dengan pakaian yg mahal dan cantik,kerana pakaian kita yg terakhir nanti ialah kain kafan.

"SuatuHariNnti Kita pasti bhenti bkrjaDgn mnusia.TetepiTiadaIstilah BhentiBkejaDgn Allah Melainkn Pejuangan berAkhir berSma Nafas Terakhir"HjhRosmahHjJamil

91.4fm.SaLam Lai."Ya ALLah,kayaknLh aku dgn iLmu,hiasiLh aku dgn sifat beLapang dada,muLiaknLh aku dgn ktakwa'an&IndahknLh aku dgn kesihatan yg baik."AnniE RMBA

Pengiran Cinta ‎... Biarlh akal kta dkawal oleh hati krna byk kbaikan yg trjdi.. Jn pla dkawal oleh hwa nafsu krna bnyk kburuk yg akn trjdi. Jdi biarlah akal kta brilmu utk panduan msa dpn kta.. 4rm mdt403.

Baking Cake Akal mempertahankan barang yang pahit tapi manis akibatnya, nafsu mempertahankan barang yang manis tapi pahit akibatnya. -hamba Allah-

Paten Pgm jangan bilang kamu cool cos you're not cool enough. Haha -fatin lambak kanan.

Annas NasHjh Rose ‎.
"Berfikir sebelum berbuat adalah satu kebijaksanan. Berfikir selepas berbuat adalah satu kebodohan. Dan Berbuat tanpa berpikir adalah seribu kebodohan"

Dari Hjh Rosmahwati Hj Jamil

Kuntil Sounting hati yang panas dibwa istifar,bukan ditunggu ajal menjelma,sehingga hidup cri lah ilmu agama kerana dunia,harta benda,keluarga kita hanya sementara,amalan juga akan ditanya.byk kan bertanya kerana bertanya tentang agama islam itu mendtgkan fahala.

Aida Suka Lavender Tak perlu m'harap ssorg Yg kita hrp2kn dialah t'baik utk kita.. Tp,kita harus tahu apa HarApan org lain mahukan dari kita..............

Naqq Kudin jangan lah membenci rakan seperjuangan, maka nya perjuangan kita tiada keberkatan.

Be Freedom Ariffinurdawani Threeoneseven sesungguhnya doa itu senjata kita..dan iman itu dinding kita...

Jagung Cinta Gandum Tak perlu di tangisi nasib diri ini
Walaupun kecewa selalu mengiringi langkahku


Au flexible banar. Melantik tapi karas. Haha.. Kata nya, a lot of practise makes it perfect. I guess long years of doing it will flex that body.

Right way of breathing, straight back all the time and a 10 min. full stretch routine early morning ... your body will flex perfect the way you want.

Some people have a right body problem and some on left body problem. Yours? Me? Mine is right. I can't seem to pull my right hand to the back to stretch further to the left. But i can do the left to the right. Maybe its not a problem. Maybe that's just the way it is. Like i am right handed. One of my brother is left handed. And you? Yes.. you see what i mean?

I am the 'what i mean, you know, what i mean?' type of person. I am too the 'OH MY GOD!' type of person. Remind me of Randy of American Idol 10, keep on saying OMG!! hahah.. Raise eyebrow and i smile.

FLEX - Menggerakkan senti ; bengkokkan.

FLEXIBLE - Boleh dilentur ; boleh disesuaikan.

PRACTISE - Berlatih ; membuat sesuatu berulang kali untuk menjadi mahir ; mengamalkan.

Nasib jua ada kamus for me to refer the word practise. Ada dua : PRACTISE and PRACTICE.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

YOU KNOW... ... ...



Men and Women loves to FLIRT. It adds SPICE to their life. It adjust their life. It add ADDITIONAL UMPH! in their everyday life and live to make it lively. Hahahahh!!! From huwoooo.. to WOW SUPER CHARGE their immune system. You like that? Yes i am sure you like. There's no other better than FLIRT.

Its okay when you're single. I would be bias if i said not for married couple too. Hahah.. Well who FLIRT THE MOST? Lets do the survey.. But then its okay to flirt, it makes you FEEL BETTER AND FEEL YOUNGER. But don't get into the TRAP that its just FLIRT. It makes the other feel good as you felt it too when you FLIRT.

I guess when you're married, the other half don't see extra UMPH! ah? Haha.. it takes two to tangle. Too busy flirting the other half is missing. Where's the love has gone? That's probably a title of a song. Then again, where's the flirting has gone when you have each other? When you know FLIRT SPICE UP YOUR LIFE, wouldn't it better to SPICE UP EACH OTHER? It worth while and its a LIFEWHILE!!!! Haha..

Again FLIRT. wHO doesn't?? tell me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Oh HONEY! something i would like to share for you or for me to always be alert about relationship. Hope it help. Its always a learning experience everyday in a relationship. To love or not to Love? Here's something about CHEATERS.

Cheaters lie about everything, which leads you to question what is truth and what is fiction in their lives. When the need to embroider overshadows the desire to be honest, the relationship becomes a sham.

If you are dating someone who seems to be untruthful about mundane (biasa) topics — take note. The lies probably run deep. “Without truth, there is no love.”

Life and love are all about learning. Remember this : “Everyone who touches you, teaches you.” Instead of getting bummed out about a cheater who stole your heart, think of what you learned, and how your experience helped you to grow. Your new insight will arm you to attract someone more trustworthy in the future.

This article is from the Dating Tips & Advice on written by By Dr. Gilda Carle, Ph.D.


What a way to start your day? All those 'angin' in your body just didn't give the signal that its about to pop..

Yoga class - One farted (loud!) and one burp (loud too). I smiled. And the others too. Ignore the best thing to do. Yoga learning the breathing technique. But when someone farted, the air is just not .... mmmm.... to inhale? Haha!!

Sweat? Yes, you will sweat. Again.. the ordour? Too strong body ordour, i frankly say I WILL FAINT IF I HAVE TO SIT THERE FOR ANOTHER HOUR. That stingking body ordour just KILLS ME!! You know you have it, find a way to solve that problem. Ask me, i will help you.



Psst. its okay to let it out. That means the body don't want to keep it. Let it out. Hahah... Normal. Just normal. But the body ordour thing, OIIII!!!!!! Do something about it. Don't just sit there and ignore. It could put you down.. and it could make you not confident about yourself. And it could affect you in many ways.

Tonight's event!

Dua tiga kucing belari
Apa you rasa hari ini

jawapan kawan ani...

rasa orange!!??

mmmmm... do you understand berikan dua rangkap pantun?


Dua tiga kucing belari
Apa you rasa hari ini

jawapan kawan sorang lagi..

malam ini di kepit Zura dan Fakrul Razi
terasa happy sekali!

mmmmm.... Okay lah. Boleh terima.

Lets go back to our pantun again. Maybe one day you need to do it again and you never know who will ask you to berpantun. FUN.. FUN !!!


Believe and Faith. That will bring you to where you want to be. Up to you. Religion? Your own believe and your own Faith.. How you see things will not be the same on how people see it too. I have my own skin. And one and only. You too. You EYES.. no match at all with the rest of the people living in this world too they who left us.

When i said eat shit is the best thing ever, that doesn't mean you will eat shit. BRAIN .. we used brain to think. Eat or Eat or Not Eat or Not Eat!!!!1 Haha! tell me.. Some take it to the extreme. And yes some would say.. oh this will create WAR! Yet, does this person knows that what actually create WAR??? Do your research too. Don't say only.

Its what you believe, its what you know, its UP TO YOU. How you believe that's how you are. You have FAITH? ... so what's the problem. Don't think too much.

Let me clear this for you. I always touch wood. I used to love Valentine's Day.. Wow!! For me, when i hear a story and its a bad story, i quickly look for whatever WOOD. I would touch it. Even if i am on stage, and the floor is wood, i would go down and touch wood. I touch wood because i don't want bad things to happen to me. But i never know what it meant and where it comes from.

One day.. one day.. Puan Lili saw me did that. And i quickly run towards the door. She wonders why i jump and touch wood. She saw what i did. She ask us in the room what does it mean? And i said no idea but i just touch wood to get away from that bad things happening.

She soon explain. I don't look at her being prejudice. Or even a hipprocrate. She studied in the US too. She is a Muslim too. She used to do that she said. But she is the curious one and ask what it meant. She ask her friends there in the US and surely it's all about TOUCH WOOD - TOUCH THE CROSS WOOD. I don't see her as prejudice.

We respect others RELIGION. She didn't share bad things about OTHER RELIGION. Its just all of us in that room were all Muslim, she shared it with us. Its up to us. When i think about it logic, i tried from that day onwards to avoid. I don't ask you to avoid it too. I share with you too because i learn something new.

Nothing about hipprocrate. Hipprocrate is when you are a Muslim, but you dont have a heart of a Muslim. You are a Catholic, Protestant or Buddist or whatever RELIGION you believe, when you don't have a heart of that FAITH you believe in.. then ONLY you can say a HIPPROCRATE. I believe whatever RELIGION YOU BELIEVE, you will never ever want to create something extreme as pointing others are wrong.

LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF. LEARN ABOUT WHAT'S AROUND YOU. DOESNT MEAN you are CLEVER THAN ME or OTHERS, YOU can say whatever you want. You're showing your weakness and strength. And that too NOT FOR ME TO POINT MY FINGER to you, and tell you what YOU ARE.

If you feel to be love and cherish the moment with your love one need to be call VALENTINE'S DAY, well.. up to you. But to enjoy the moment and cherish that to me or wear lingere and feel sexy, hey .. ! i don't have to wait for Valentine's Day. Its everyday for me.

These are special days for people who have faith and believe IN THEIR OWN RELIGION. Here are some informations i would like to share. But if you got some information from other website, let me know too...

Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents

(Sizes shown are approximate estimates, and are here mainly for the purpose of ordering the groups, not providing a definitive number. This list is sociological/statistical in perspective.)

Christianity: 2.1 billion
Islam: 1.5 billion
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
Hinduism: 900 million
Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
Buddhism: 376 million
primal-indigenous: 300 million
African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
Sikhism: 23 million
Juche: 19 million
Spiritism: 15 million
Judaism: 14 million
Baha'i: 7 million
Jainism: 4.2 million
Shinto: 4 million
Cao Dai: 4 million
Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
Tenrikyo: 2 million
Neo-Paganism: 1 million
Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
Scientology: 500 thousand

And some other you can check. So i am sure they have their own celebrations on special day. I am a Muslim and i will practise the way i wanted to. And you practise the way you want too.

To me personally, when i think i am lack of something, say as a Muslim, to be a good Muslim I am far lacking in knowing knowledge that i should know. But with the help of seminars and listening to a religious stations (radio), that help me so much. I become a sponge. I will try to soak the information. I don't disagree. Because in living to the fullest means to me, that i too MUST (WAJIB) learn about what am i for here in this world? There are reasons you know.

Always i said to myself, in my prayer alwasy DOA or DU'A .. whichever you spell it and whatever it meant to you, i am not sure but to me prayer is DOA too, to ask for more knowledge and understanding in what i do everyday. And to be always be blessed by Allah SWT. And to always remind myself to be humble and be what i can be to help others. Though not with material, but i am sure my friends will tell you if you ask them.

Don't get so structured if you want to live to the fullest. Have fun but be reasonable too. Think and be wise. When you fell you are at WAR with yourself, fight it. DON'T EVER INVOLVE OTHERS IN YOUR WAR. FIGHT IT AND WIN!! There will be no WAR, when you're not at WAR YOURSELF.

Believe in your RELIGION. DON'T CHANGE it for others. HAVE FAITH. BE STRONG. HANG ON THERE. IT will take you where you want to be and what you want to be.

Psst.. there are too many followers out there. Do they know what they are following? Its trend! This that... I am being honest. Just look at fashion. Its simple. You know you don't look good with that style, but hey TREND! You know you will super good with that style, its TREND! Lucky for you. SHOW IT OFF... Yeah. Did you see that? Also goes with the LIFESTYLE.. I don't say i am super cool or whatever, but i NEVER QUIT TO LEARN.



Thursday, March 17, 2011



Bahan Tumis:

  • Lada Thailand merah
  • Lada Thailand hijau
  • Lada merah besar
  • Bawan Bombay (slice bulat)
  • Bawang Besar (slice bulat)
  • Bawang putih (chop chop)

Bahan Daging.:

  • Daging (slice)
  • White pepper
  • Salt (pinch)

Leave for at least 5 min in the ziplock bag. And then deep fried your meat.


Tumis all bahan, jangan masokkan bawang besar. Masokkan deep fried beef tadi. Biar sebati, pour Olive Oil. Its okay if extra oil nya. Then baru masokkan bawang besar tadi. Add the Thai chili sweet sauce just one tablespoon, a pinch of brown sugar. And sprinkle of fish sauce and pinch of salt. Wala!! NYAMAN tu..

Tarong Sambal


  • Tarong slice
  • Chop Garlic
  • Chop Bawang Bombay
  • Tutuk Udang Kering
  • Lada Thailand merah
  • Lada Thailand hijau
  • Lada besar merah

Caranya: tumis all the bawang putih, bawang Bombay, udang kering tutok, all the lada sampai ada baunya, baru masokkan tarong. Tumis sambai sebati. Used Olive Oil for you cooking. Yang biasa saja not the Extra Virgin. Tumis .. pinch of salt, pinch of oyster sauce, pinch of fish sauce, pinch of white pepper, pinch of perisa serbuk ayam. Let tarong sampai masak, and hidangkan. Oh jangan lupa belacan juga di tumis. Enjoy! NYAMAN tu.


  • Bawang putih beberapa ulas chop chop
  • Bawang Bombay beberapa biji chop chop
  • Lada merah Thailand beberapa biji chop chop
  • Lada merah besar beberapa biji chop chop
  • Lada Hijau Thailand beberapa biji chop chop
  • Tomato 3 or 4 biji pun chop chop
  • Sos ikan secukup rasa
  • Garam one pinch
  • Serbuk ayam one pinch

Tumis semua all bahan-bahan ani beberapa minit. Sampai jua chop tomatoes sebati. You can have it crunchy jua. Up to you. This is sambal tumis. You can use this sambal for penyet. You goreng ayam with one pinch of salt and serbuk ayam, deep fried. The combination of Sambal Tumis with your deep fried chicken is so NYAMAN! Try it. Psst. Don't forget your sayor. Tumis kering bayam with garlic or tarong sambal or tumis kering changkok manis with garlic only. So NYAMAN.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Time so sikit. Time so inda cukup. Time so short. Time is presious. Time gone never retime. Eh lurus kah inda jua tu. Time gone no turning back. No time now life. Haha.. Lalah sudah ku hari ani. But semangat untuk tidak menyerah atu tetap kukuh.

Kerja rumah, untuk menjadikan rumah ku syurga ku. Ani di buat rumah ku tempat beselerak. Macam mana tah. Anak laki-laki anak bini-bini sama saja. Mun inda pandai buat kerja rumah, inda tia jadi rumah ku syurgaku. Jadi tia rumah persinggahan.

Balik keraja, balik sekolah. Tepampang depan tv. Sampai kesudahnya. Satu kerja pun inda di buat. Mengharap di buatkan. Malam tidor. Inda ada buat apa apa nie. Liat tv jalan and sambong liat tv.

Esok sambong dengan tugasan. Sekolah kerja. Masing-masing dengan usaha untuk berjaya. Di luar saja kah harus berjaya? Dalam rumah mesti jua kali ah. Dari rumah lah di luar akan berjaya. Tapi ramai yang masih buta. Inda meliat tu. Ia tah rumah persinggahan.

Rutin work - jika kerja dalam conti, ialah bertambah lagi kerjanya selain dari kerja rumah. Namun masih boleh bernafas dan berusaha untuk melakukan tanggungjawap selesai dan sempurna. Dari 10.45 am ambil anak dari sekolah ugama. Lepas tu balik rumah. Sampai rumah almost 11am. Masak ... makan at 11.30am. Sambong lagi, hantar sekolah di bandar at 11.50am. Takut-takut jam di perjalanan, so awal lah jalan. Sampai sekolah at 12.10pm. And then zoom balik. Sampai rumah at 12.25pm. Buat itu buat ini. Masak lagi untuk makan tengah hari.

Azan Zohor 12.31pm.. Berhenti sembahyang jap. Lepas itu, goreng sayor, mau fresh kan. So makan and almost 1pm .. Ambil all kain baju for laundry. Rehat for 10 mins jap. Laundry now.. Sasah dulu baju hubby and son. Penting. Mine inda penting. I know what i want to wear.

Now sitting down, menunggu laundry. I think tmro i will do khusus untuk kerja conti punya program. Now sipping my green tea. But yes, that's my duty everyday. Later at 5.30pm pick up my son from school. Balik of course cook dinner. And after wash piring-piring and kemas dapor jua. Well... all the same. I think i want to do something jua later. Maybe go salon kah, do mani and pedi. But i got Indon contractor mengusai jamban in master bedroom. Hah!!!

I thought i wanted to watch movie tadi to ease tension. But ya lah.. menunggu diorang tah. What about you? What do you do with your time?


Cerita rambutan budak sekolah di galarnya. Arwah menanam pohon rambutan bersebelahan dengan pohon mangga. Berbuah jarang sekali. Tapi bila berbuah, ibunya menyedekahinya. Bila atu saja, teringat lah jua kan amalan pahala yang di tinggalkan untuk orang yang masih hidup menolong menyedakahi. Ibu sendiri. Jua amalan yang tidak pernah terlintas pun di kepala until kemarin. Tersentak di minda, that is one of the amalan jua Sedekah Al Fatihah untuk arwah.


Haha.. senyum jua ku. Awal pagi bangun. Zoom at 5.50am for yoga. Tekantut betarap di buat nya dalam doing inhaling and exhaling. Breathing dari abdomen relaxes. So relax banar muscle and 'hush'.. kantut. Kantuk kosong. I guess when i say kantut, probably yang berisi. That's why ia di panggil kantut. Patut keluar angin. Tapi ia nya keluar like kantut but nada bau, inda berisi.

And betarap-tarap. Bagus jua kali i recon when angin keluar. When bangun pagi you stretch dulu kan. Angin-angin akan keluar dari mulu mean betarap and dari dubur bekantut. So bila you mandi awal pagi dengan air yang suam panas, relaxes muscles. And lepas atu berwudu, dan sembahyang. Nyaman rasanya.

Then latihan breathing melalui yoga. Menenangkan. Just as one exercise yang boleh menenangkan dan menguatkan muscle yang CORE dari dalam. Masa mula-mua atu, wah, bekajaran badan. Lama dalam beberapa kali yoga, Alhamdulillah .. inda jua kajar-kajar as it was before. Muscle nya inda kuat. Lemah musclenya. So that is why kajar kajar.

Kalau badan rasa ada yang foreign, mesti dikeluarkan nya dari mulu. Sama ada muntah, betarap angin etc. Dan kadang beria-beria, cirit, bekamih etc. Bepaloh seluroh badan. Makna nya badan mengeluarkan toxic. Mesti keluar punya.

Oh .. jua. Ramai jua yang beranak, bertanyakan kenapa harus di induce kan mengeluarkan anak? Dari pandangan bisdiorang, jangan tah di paksa untuk mengeluarkan. Jika perlu, jika ada masalah baru tah. Ani yang biasa pun kan di paksa. Jua tindakan badan, jika sudah cukup ada dalam badan, pandai jua mengeluarkan sendiri tu. Inda payah tah di paksa-paksa.

I remember last time in 1998, June 19 on Friday afternoon that was, i was induce to keluarkan my baby. So sakit nyaman ada jua. Memang sudah tau sakit, so terpaksa lah menyukai kesakitan atu. Memang nyawa tu. Kalau salah siap inda lagi meliat dunia. Tapi Alhamdulillah.. sudah 13 tahun coming tu tahun ani 2011. Alhamdulillah. So di induce sebab berak dalam perut. Mula-mula melangoi. Lepas atu di baca lah satu zikir yang di beri kan oleh kawan ahli keluarga dari Egypt, zikir dari salah satu surah dalam ayat Al Quran.

Mula-mula kan kena sindok. Doktor buat preparation. Sekali inda semana-mana kepala nya balik normal position. Happy all the nurses. Ada three nurses bidan and three doctors that time. Nurses to make sure i am confortable, and clean from blood etc. And doctors, one untuk memastikan my son bila keluar nanti, di bersihkan dulu nose tube nya all the way in, and one doctor from the epidural and one doctor to monitor my rahim untuk memastikan anak keluar dengan sempornanya. Wow!! I remember my mom standing ngam ngam di hujung katil atas kepala. Nilu kali ah.. tapi i was Alhamdulillah okay.

So keluar push push punya push, di hujung nyawa rasannya kan mempush akhirnya keluar kepala. Doctor yang satu atu menyuroh berhenti push. Biar kepala nya saja keluar. So biar lah kepala nya keluar. Masok tube ani ke hidung, ke mulut and etc. Clear and clean, bah nya doctor satu lagi 'Push' tia nya.. bah push lah. Alhamdulillah .. Ya Allah. That's was the amazing experience of me in my life.

Berak jua punya pasal tu, keluar terpaksa di induce. Supposed date lahir pada 29th June 1998, oleh kerana nya doctor keplanya damit sikit dari normal, apa lagi panik lah. So again, minum air yang bebacakan dari ayat ayat suci Al Quran, Alhamdulillah ke tiga hari atu tanda my son kan keluar. Makanya lahir lah my son on the 19th June 1998.

Cerita dari awal pasal bekantut and betarap. Kalau ada barang foreign dalam badan, InsyaAllah akan keluar jua tu. Kalau inda mau keluar, berusahalah.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat. Pengalarnya Rambutan Budak Sekolah. Sedang saya mengoreng ikan dan berada di jendela mengupas kulit udang, kan memasak untuk makan tengahari. Terperanjat di buatnya, namun saya beritahu dengan nada tinggi sikit supaya dapat bertemu di depan pintu rumah saja.

Plastik kuning di ikat mati, di buka sambil bercerita pasal rambutan yang berwarna kuning. Sedih jua mendengarkan cerita dari hati seorang ibu tua. Saya bertanya pada ibu tua bila perginya anak yang di ceritakan? Enam tahun lalu nya. Ia tah mula nya sakit. Sakit kerana kecewa, sedih dan tidak menyangka. Anak bungsu meninggalkannya untuk selamanya.

Bertanam buah rambutan dan mangga. Sambil mengunjuki menceritakan kepergian anak yang di kasihi. Waktu makan 'aul' makan 40 hari, pokok rambutan dan mangga penoh dengan buah-buahan. Di suroh peradian menyedakahkan pada kawan-kawan. Rasa ibu untuk anak mengharapkan pahala untuk nya bekalan di alam barzakh. Arwah yang menanam pohon rambutan dan mangga. Semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat.. Amin.

Pengalarnya Rambutan Budak Sekolah. Jarang jua bebuah kata ibu tua. Tapi nya, bebuah atu ku simbat kan untuk mu jua. Kecian jua. Bukan jua sihat banar ibu tua ani. Bejalan pakai tongkat. Bulan lalu, inda nampak. Rupanya di hospital betahan sekajap. Pengsan waktu malam ceritanya. Kalau bejalan pakai tongkat. Tongkat kayu yang dari pokok. Kadang inda tau ke mana. Jauh hampir pun inda tau. Alhamdulillah sekali sekala bila Ibu tua ada jalan-jalan, saya berhentikan kereta bertanya khabar. Pesan supaya berhati-hati jua.

Setiap kali menlintasi rumah, setiap kali jua mata mencari-cari di mana Ibu tua berada. Kadang ada di luar rumah. Kadang ada duduk di lantai di dalam rumah dengan pintu yang bepagar. Pun jua melambai-lambai tangan ani tanda nampak ibu tua dan mengatakan atau menyampaikan salam untuk hari ani. Suka saya meliat bila Ibu tua senang dengan lambaian tangan dan di lambai nya dengan senyuman. Alhamdulillah..

Pakain baju Kurong Kedah pendek, yang selalu di pakai orang tua-tua. Saya sendiri pun ada satu. Arwah nenek ada kasih satu. Selalaunya orang tua-tua saja yang suka memakai. Dipakai dengan kain batik/ kain sarong. Rambut di sanggol siput. Muka Ibu tua kecil dengan kulit bekedut dengan rambut yang penoh uban. Badan kurus sekali. Selipar jepun pakai bejalan-jalan. Sentiasa senyum bila terserampak dengan Ibu tua . (Saya ingin memberi gambaran Ibu tua yang di maksudkan.)

Seorang ibu kehilangan anak. Seorang ibu adalah dari seorang bapa dan seoran ibu juga. Seorang ibu tua yang mempunyai dua orang anak. Yang sulong pun punya anak-anak. Yang bongsu meninggalkan untuk selamanya. Kisah seorang ibu dengan rambutan budak sekolah yang berwarna kuning.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Whatever it is, again please avoid from 'touch wood'. Cerita dulu-dulu. Now you know. Salib (cross). Dulu-dulu salib nya yang wood atu kan. So that's what it meant. Whenever bad things happen or when they pray to avoid bad things happened to them, they hold onto the wooden cross and pray to Christ. So that is what you called 'touch wood'.

We Muslims should not say or practise 'touch wood' or knocking on wood whenever we wish to avoid bad things from happening to us. Instead you should say Naa'uzzubillah. Get it. So if you used to practise it, AVOID IT.

Now you know..

Swalayan - Self service

Salib - Cross (Wood)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Started early. Sunday? Yes.

Attended MAJLIS SAMBUTAN HARI BUAH PINGGANG SEDUNIA 2011 at Songket Ballroom, Hotel Rizqun Antarabangsa in Gadong. One of my good friend invited me along. It is very interting to know something about health. Alhamdulillah we are healthy.

One of many organs we have that we should know how it function in our body. Learn about it. Prevent is better than cure they say. Yes indeed i agree. Some would say illness comes from Allah. So some never bothers to even want to know how to find cure. When we eat and drink something beyond our bodies can take, then illness will attack you.

Haha.. i've ever have one segmen about illness, and i received text. The number was there on the screen. And this person was negative. To the extend, 'Zura, penyakit ani datang nya dari Allah, terima saja..' . Wow.. terima saja? Yes okay, terima. But my segmen was something to do about health on how to prevent. And that text i received. I accept what was texted to me but i will not agree. Totally not.

Anyhew, statistic says every year 100 new patients detected from kidney problems. That's pretty bad and sad. From diabetes to heart problems that caused kidney problems too. So all in all its overall about difunctioning one organ to the rest of our organs.

I was touch with one story on how this young woman undergone kidney transplant. I was touched. I took tissues from my handbag and pass to my good friend too. I know how she felt since she is one of the patient too. She's been on dialysis for 24 years. Since she was 19 years old. She told me she wanted to get married with her one and only first love when she was 14 years. But of course mother didn't allow her. Yes i too will not allow if i have a daughter that age. But then kidney problem years after. She is still single. She wishes she had one child at least. But then that is history. She also told me that if she have one child, that child would be grown up already. I nodded but didn't say a word.. I know how she felt.

My story continues. I sat there with the all the kidney's patients. It is very interesting to hear what they have to say. When we are not one of them, not even one in our family have that illness, we will feel clear. We will not know how they felt. I was sitting with patients who have gone through the process called dialysis to keep them alive, to keep their blood clean. I must say we Bruneians are very lucky to have such facilities and treatment for FREE. Unlike in other countries, you will not have that for FREE. Sorry not, only medical insurance can help you. Here? Nop, and some take it for granted.

Did you know since 2009 - 2010 the Government of His Majesty spend 11.8 million (correct me if i am wrong, i think i heard million or billion.. but i am sure million.. again correct me if i am wrong.. ) for kidney patients in Brunei? For the facilities and treatment? Yes.. this is true. What do we do for Brunei? What? Did we ever bother to look after our health? Did we ever bother to be one of the healthiest nations? Yes.. some but not much. Not yet. Hopefully, HOPE is there still for us to change to a healthier life styles. HOW?


'Silent Killer' said YB Pehin Menteri Kesihatan. And all the patients drop jaws. You just look at them, what hope do they have when you're the only one? I too .. felt what they felt. Silent Killer? Not something that you can reverse the time to prevent it now, its too late. You just have to go through it and families and friends are to supports and you to feed courage to live and survive and to live to the fullest. You know you will not be able to live the same as you used to unless if you undergo the kidney transfer and that too if it work for you.

My good friend told me i am her courage to live. I said to her, you're there for a reason for me. You're one of my good friend and there got to be reasons why you're my friend. I told her she gives me hope too and she makes me realized that never to not appreaciate what i have in life. She actually gives me hopes that she herself didn't know she did. Not me her courage, but she is my courage to go forward too. She is there and that makes me look things a lot different than i used to. For what i have been through in life, the challanges she have to go through is even heavier than me. She is in pain all the time. She have to be strong. And she live, yes she live. But i know deep inside she don't want it to be like that. But then i must say, she is a strong woman. I love her like my own sister. She is still one of my good friend.

Haha.. you must be wondering. Yes, we have our ups and down. And that makes it even stronger. We don't know each other but we still learn. I know she is very sensitive, and i tried to avoid to create when she created something that would hurt me too. Haha.. it makes the relationship stronger. We respect each other and we support each other. You might not know how that works ah.. but mentally she support me in a way that i or you can be her if we don't look after our health. I believe she's there for a reason and that reason is clear and only i can feel it and knows.

A very long story today. Actually a lot more i wanted to write, but i need to do my prayer before i sleep. I will continue this during the midday tommorrow. Write some more. Morning shift with Dj Zayn at 6am to 10am. Hopefully i share some info on-air.

What i did today, woke up early. Start my morning early. Went to the function half a day.. unexpected. Home at lunch time. Clean here and there. Took some pictures of myself, which i find vain.. haha.. so vain! and then sleep for one hour. Oh send my son to Mall at 1.20pm. He watched movie with his friends Muez & Mahathir. Movie Rango! Haha.. i missed that. Pick him up at 5.15pm. Stop at Soon Lee SuperMarket at Lambak. Bought fresh 3 pieces chicken thighs for dinner. Home. Cooked. First made my Sambal Penyet. Then rice. And vegetables. I did my laundry too while i cooked. Done all.. change my jeans and ate dinner. Now .. blogging. Haha! What did i missed? Oh i did watched the American Idol 10 before i fall asleep this afternoon. Now ready to sleep.

You see, full blast for me. I enjoyed it very much. Oh my son is about to make his own MILO Shakes..

Before i forget this, almost all the kidney patients were very active with everyday life before they find out their kidneys are not functioning. So what went wrong? I need to find out about that. Is it because they are not living balance diet or what? Too workoholic, and too full with activities until they didn't realize to look after their health? Or perhaps they think they did all the requirements they need to be healthy without realizing they missed something?

That i need to find more information. Need to look up in the internet. So balance in everything is the answer. And what is Balance life? That for you to find out too.

Psst.. go check the newspaper tomorrow. I got to go. You take care. Don't forget to wake up with a glass of water (10oz) and sleep with one full glass of water too. May Allah blessed us. Semoga kitani sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah. Amin.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I will never say touch wood. I know where it come from. And next time i will say Nauzubilah. Thank you to Puan Lili for telling us this afernoon what it meant. Logic and yes, that is one knowledge i will keep forever and even share others for life.

Its like celebrating Valentine's Day. I used to not agree and WHY? I now understand it and why we bother at all unless your religion allows you too. To me and some of you, put it aside. Don't lah. Not being kuno lah. Not ikut trend. But when you know the history, well, then you know what i meant. Haha.. No wonder i never got to celebrate it because i never have someone i love during that date and month. But then again, i just disagree last time and i would say, biar tia bah orang kan celebrate. Now that i know, i would help even to educate to understand our young ones that its not to celebrate at atll. Lots more to celebrate and to know, and we, you and i will be proud of it too.

Puan is a curious person. Luckly she ask why cannot on the cement, touch cement? Touch rattan? Touch whatever except Wood? OH.. thank you. That makes me chanel my mind 360 to not even think about it 'touch wood' and just say Nauzubilah. Oh .. just to share too, the cross your finger thing, yes, that too, if you're a Muslim, think again before you do that finger crossing ya.

Hope we just not the follower, hope we be the leader to lead our generation to a more understandable life to adapt in our Religion and Budaya. Not just IKUT IKUT. If not us, who else? I am not saying i am good or what, but i wanted to share something that i know that InsyaAllah, what we want in life akan tercapai when we start to know what we want and who we are and just by doing some changes will gives us a great life.

Does it make sense? Did you get the messege? TOUCH WOOD - TOUCH SALIP. So remember again, try to avoid saying it. Now you now, hiya .. up to you lah.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Salam. Earthquake hits Japan. Shocking. Finished worked this afternoon, and went home. Switch on the ALL THE NEWS CHANELS and there 'Earthquake hits Japan'. Today Friday 11th March 2011 at 3.30pm Japan time.

12.06pm on 9th March 2011, i received text from my Uncle, 'Salam. March 19 akan terjadi SUPERMOON, tahun 1955, 74, 92 & 2005, tsunami melanda Acheh. 1974 cyclone attack Darwin. March 19 belum pasti apa akan melanda. Jauhi lautan 1 minggu & sebelum tarikh itu. Doa agar dunia aman. Amin.'

Today is 11th March 2011. I received text on the 9th march 2011. The date to be aware and just HOPE AND PRAY that nothing bad will happen is on the 19th March 2011. One week before that date should be around 12th March 2011. So today is 11th March 2011. I was shocked. I immediately texted my mom and told her to watched the news. And i forgot about texting my Uncle. I met him just now at the family gathering, and he told me and i told him i wanted to text him earlier but i thought he would have watched it earlier than me. But he told me he watched it late after. Oh!

Never assume. Next time update should not miss him out on this. When i saw the news Earthquake hits Japan, i remembered i saved the text. I quickly looked into it again, and wow???!! That's scarry. In the new the tsunami warning for Hawaii, Phillipines and a few countries. And yes, last year i heard about the New Zealand, but did not expect it happened.

Next, probably HAWAII, TAIWAN AND PHILIPPINES. Also mentioned in the news, INDONESIA too. Hopefully the warnings is taken seriously. Grieved and sorry to hear hundreds killed in tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake. When i saw the news, i was upset and sad, sorry for the children too. Everything just gone. Left with enormouse damage.

Police said 200 to 300 bodies were found in the northeastern coastal city of Sendai, the city in Miyagi prefecture, or state, closest to the epicenter. Another 110 were confirmed killed, with 350 people missing. Police also said 544 people were injured.


Warnings blanketed the Pacific, putting areas on alert as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West coast.

A tsunami warning was extended to a number of areas in the Pacific, Southeast Asia and Latin America, including Japan, Russia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Chile. In the Philippines, authorities ordered an evacuation of coastal communities, but no unusual waves were reported.




Walau hampir tapi masih jauh rasanya. Itu lah dia HAPPY untuk ku. Walau hampir namun jauh. Happy apa tu?

Bila ku baca sendiri bab sedih, buat aku sedih lagi. Apa lah? Memang tidak di galakkan tapi ya lah, kita kan manusia. Saya manusia. Kamu apa? Pun juga manusia kan. Saya meyedari dan patut di sedari pun ada kelemahan.

Di situ lah bila kelamahan menghentam minda dan hati, banyak kan berzikir. Dan salah seorang dari ahli keluarga akan mendekati memberikan nasihat. Juga tidak ketinggalan kawan-kawan, sama ada yang di kenali atau yang tidak di kenali.

Dari sana, kembali HAPPY. Ya dekat tapi masih jauh. Namun perasaan kuat, tetap HAPPY. Happy bila mengingatkan masa masa happy. Pengobat hati juga di kalau sepi. Mengingatkan masa masa HAPPY.


Tiada yang ku harapkan darimu. Aku pun tahu aku akan bersendiri jua akhirnya. Teman ku di dunia ialah kamu, teman ku di alam yang lain adalah amalan ku.

Ku menginginkan kebahagian dunia juga akhirat. Itu doa ku setiap pagi dengan harapan setiap hari selagi detik jantung ku bergerak dan angin yang di hembuskan dari nafas ku yang di pinjamkan pada ku yang sementara ini.

Yang ku lalui membuatku menangis, ketawa, marah, tenang, terang, manyakitkan, menghancurkan, menyenangkan dan segala macam perasaan yang ku rasakan.

Semamangnya kita mula dengan menangis, ketawa, tenang, kecoh, menangis, dan akhirnya sama ada menangis atau ketawa, itu akan datang dari amalan jua.

Setiap hari ku berdoa, berharap sesuatu yang baik untuk ku, keluargaku. Ya Allah, ampunkan aku. Hati ku hiba mengenangkan dosa dosa yang ku lakukan. Terima lah taubat hamba berdosa. Ku akui kelemahan diri, ku insafi kekurangan ini, ku kesali kejahilan ini, terimalah taubat ku ini Ya Allah. Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan, ampunkan aku Ya Allah. Redhai dan berikan aku jalan ke jalan yang Engkau redhai.. Ya Allah.

Thank you MOM.

Ustaz menerangkan - buruk baik nya datang dari Allah S.W.T. Kita wajib percaya Qada dan Qadar. InsyaAllah.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I remembered. Quickly i keep quiet. But it hurts to control it. But again i remembered what she said. Remember, in the house both are the authority. No point. I remembered and that make me just mengalah.

Tired. Just tired. Tired become sensitive. I don't understand anymore. I berserah. Hidup Mati Jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Tired. I rather sleep. Tired of everything. I tried but too tired. It doesn't matter anymore. Just tired, and this is what it become.

I am going to sleep. I am too tired. And i hope and pray tomorrow will be a better day. Just Tired.


Right now i hate my life. I don't know why. Ya Allah.. I hate my life. I wish Allah take me away from all this. I just can't take it anymore. I hate my life. Ya Allah take me from living hell in this world. That's is how i felt now. Enough is enough for me. I am too tired. Too tired. Is this what surviving is? I am only human. How more need i got to go through all this? What did i do in my life that i don't deserve to live a good and happy life? Which part of my life that i do to deserve all this challanges you gave that i felt i wish you take me away?

I am crying now, Ya Allah.. the challanges i have to go through are heavy, too heavy for me that i wish you just take me away. How far will i go Ya Allah? How far will i go and how strong will i be to survive from all this?

Aku berdoa for kekuatan mental dan physical, pengertian akan sesuatu dan beri lah ilmu untuk kebahagian dunia akhirat. Ya Allah, berikan lah aku hidayah dan tunjukkan aku ke jalan yang benar. Bimbing aku Ya Allah, sesunggohnya Engkau Ya Allah Maha Mengetahui akan apa yang aku tidak mengetahui dalam perjalanan hidup ku.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Thought so. Not so, that's the fact. Good to learn. And good to be a good student too. Good delivery too. Learning is fun. Its a process in life that i will never want to miss. How about you?

Oh i am cold. I learned today, that we cannot control others. Because they have their own mind and feeling.

I know.. i know.. i know also you know. I learned new words too. Well.. that's so true. I and you or you and i, can't control you and i. Got it. Only dengan keIzinan seseorang atu saja yang you think that you have control over individual. Actually dengan keIzinannya only. And that's is not easy. But because of a good reason, that one person did that for you. Though some of you didn't realize that. Did you know that? So, mean, you got to appreaciate it.

Now, do you think you know it all?


You got to be kidding me. Kid me not. Spitting? Next to me? Where? Nah nya. Next to me. Not spitting at me. Different meaning toh. Unexpectable. Looked really good, modern jua usulnya. Trendy yes. Quite young. Probably late 20s. I heard this culture loves to spit. Yes, when you know, hush hush. When you heard, yes hush hush. Because there are other great qualities that this culture have. So .. spitting is a bloody dirty attitude to have when you spit where ever you feel you like to spit. Shoot!! Dammm dirty. That is totally disgusting. Shoot.

This was last week. I wanted to blog it immediately but it was late. I had to work early the next morning. Anyhew, she spit. Yes.. she actually spit. SHOCKING for me. Yes.. not once, i noticed a couple of times. Em.. cinema 1. Not quite sure what row and it was on the ........... side. Haha!!

Sekali kau lagi!

Psst.. i thought naik kaki is dirty. SPITTING when you sat next to someone while watching movie? YUKKKKKKK... Can you imagine? She look sweet, but then it was horrible to know that that attitude just ruin it all. Darn it!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Its funny sometimes when you hear voices talking to you. Who is that? Haha.. its funny. You probably smile or you probably nodd your head and said, yes i hear it too. It is sometimes good but sometimes not. This is where you step in. Its either you follow or you leave.

You can't erase the voice or you can't tell it to go away. Any way? Not for me. It mostly evaluate what's happening now. Is it the same to you? Some must be wondering ...mmmm what is she talking about? Its okay. I guess when you spend your time alone, that when the voice comes in. Haha ... macam orang inda betul bunyi nya kan.

Voices. It could menghasut or it could be reminding you to do something good. Either one. Depends jua tu. I don't know you. It can make you laugh and it can make you cry too. Gila bunyinya? Yes banar tu. But that's reality. When you know something, inda you berani bah. Takut you. Serious.


A little i want to share. I used to not bother sembahyang Suboh. I felt it is so difficult to wake up as early as that. But as the process goes in my life, i listened to a lot of ceramah, du'a-du'a and translationny in the radio, and read books about advice and keugamaan. Kalau inda tau, jangan terlalu mengharap untuk mengerakkan hati untuk mengenal sesuatu, so buy books relate to your religion and learn more. Get ilmu from there. Got the basic, not so fluent but got the basic and start from there.

So anyway, what i wanted to say, if you were in my situation, i know probably you're still young and don't think much about this, still jua i want to share. I have a hard time too waking up as early as that last time but not anymore, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. I must say, working in the radio, i learn about you and that i am grateful too. I learned that time, disipline in time is important.

All my life probably i can't be bothered to even think, if i am late or whatever. I don't count how many minutes i have left to live or whatever lah. Many actually. But again as i said, before. Now working shift, waking up as early as 4.45am, kalau dulu i missed sembahyang Suboh. But now.. i try not to. Not to show off, but to share with you how rugi it is to not wake up and do the Suboh prayer.

You just think after this ya. You don't have to do anything if you don't want to. But you just thinks for yoursef, not for me, not for your boyfriend, not for your girlfriend, not for your parents, not for anybody, but for you. Okay..

One day, when i woke up for suboh shift, i prepared myself for work. Shower, brush teeth, smell good, good perfume sprayed all over sampai ke paha etc. Wah.. yes.. Then bebincu, bemake-up sikit, touch up here and there, and breakfast. Suboh tu. And Azan Fardu Suboh will be either 5 ish kan, and that i missed. But if work, i didn't missed. I am worried and takut jua tu kan, kalau akhir datang kah or even inda datang keraja, boss will be marah with me and surely prestasi and even kena buang from work if inda datang.

That makes me thinking. Why didn't i think of that when preparing for Suboh prayer??? Allah is watching you. Everything you do. Allah created you. Not your boss. Yes you're living to get gaji to live to support your family. Yes. But have you ever think of Allah? Why am i not scared if Allah marah the way i am scared of my boss marah? Hey!!! Satu tamparan yang kuat i felt. Satu rasa i felt, i am now really really scared if i ever miss my suboh prayer. Balasan nya lebih menyakitkan, though i have not rasa, but i read and listen. So why not make that a priority in my life when i start my day too. Which i take it lightly and didn't think much about it.

I know maybe some of you would say, kambang jua, belabih jua, or probably even worst. Up to you jua, because you can think your own and say whatevever. I just wanted to share what makes me bangun, and melawan degan gelutan bangun pagi just to pray. Pray. Dua rakaat saja, so i know, kan bangun atu payah. Boleh qada. But if you were ask to bangun pagi to do sukan and rahan from your boss, surely you bangun takut kan kalau inda tebangun. Beharga rasanya kan diri when your boss acknowledge you. Your boss said bangun pagi ah main golf tani karang, bangun you too. Bangun ah awal pagi mengambar tani, jangan akhir. Bangun awal kah, bekabun kitani ada acara. Dang banyak lagi lah, sampai boleh tertinggal and ada kala inda terfikir kan sembahyang Suboh. Tinggal. Tapi inda you takut kan. Tapi..

Kalau tah ajal tiba, you miss Sembahyang Suboh, pagi atu on the way you ke tempat yang you ada acara, rugi kan you tertinggal. So atu yang me takutkan. Bila ada masa untuk melakukannya, tapi inda sempat, sebab mati. Takut ku. How about you?

Bukan saja melakukan kewajiban lima waktu, tetapi setiap bacaan dalam sembahyang atu adalah du'a untuk kitani jua. Agar perjalanan kitani sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah dan menjauhi kitani dari melakukan perkara yang inda baik dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah. Inda you mau kan? Siapa lagi kan protect you?

Since that, meninggalkan Sembahyang Suboh akan membuat me serba salah. Takut. Because one day i will stop blogging when ajal tiba jua. And that would be the end of me jua. And nobodys' going to be with me, and i will be alone at last. I don't know when.

To you, and me too, to our children and generation to come, mudah-mudahan to always menunaikan kewajiban lima waktu. And the rest is for you to lead your way to survive and live to the fullest. Take all the problems as your challanges in life. Pebaik tia light one to the heavy one. Live to see and go with the pain, because no pain no game nya orang kan. Still semoga terbuka hati you to mendisiplinkan diri, you and me to not meninggalkan Sembahyang lima waktu. InsyaAllah..

Psst.. one day atu i tried to bangunkan my son to perform his Suboh prayer, lambat kan bangun. So i said 'banyak nya anak-anak iblis,syaitan arah mata nya gantong-gantong. Rasa jua kan menutup mata Luqman atu. Nah basar bulat-bulat lagi menyumbat arah telinga Luqman atu. Eeeiii.. basar eh, nampak mummy eh. Bari gali lagi usulnya.. eheheh.. Luqman bangun Luqman.'

Senyum and ketawa ia. Haha.. ketawa me jua. Memang susah bukan senang. Tapi wajib kitani untuk bangun. Wajib. Siapa you lebih takut? YOur boss or Allah yang mencipta kitani?

Oh i heard ceramah jua. Kalau suami bangun suboh, sunat untuk membangunkan isteri untuk Sembahyang Suboh. Kalau inda bangun, percikkan air ke muka isteri. Kalau suami inda bangun, percikkan air ke muka suami. Sunat untuk isteri membangunkan suami untuk Sembahyang Suboh. Tapi bila me dangar, isteri boleh memercikkan air ke muka suami, em.. do you know what comes in my mind? Kalau suami okay i know isteri probably bangun jua kali. But kalau isteri memercikkan air ke muka suami, baik inda kena marah tu? Tau tah kalau laki bukan the MORNING PERSON??? What do isteri do next? Pulang tah jua kan.. But inda semua lah.


Baca this waktu sujud akhir dalam sembahyang -



Baik-baik sebelum melakukan apa-apa. 'firkirkan dulu sebelum melaku kan apa-apa yang ingin di lakukan'. I said that many times. And it is not kosong whenever i said that. I meant it. I don't what you want to say or do, but many many times i said that to others to myself and on-air. I meant in all aspects whatever you want to say or whatever you want to do.

Its alright to make a move and don't listen to others because nobody owns you, but hey 'fikirkan dulu sebelum melaku apa-apa'. Not for me, if it for me only, i can't care less to even mention that all the time. Its good for us to remind each other not advice. My advantage i got to tell you when i am on-air. I don't know, wheather you listen or not, but i hope i get my point across. And it MEANT A LOT. Pity when you don't understand. Mean, so many to learn. I myself still have a long way to learn too.

I am not going to stop you from doing your mistake. What the hell!, that's your problem. Good bad, that's your problem. You own that and you deserve to do good or bad, up to you. But think think again before you do something. You like or don't, it will come to you. And that process called PENGALAMAN. I don't have a Degree in writing skills, you can laugh at my writing, or Masters or PHD too. Haha if you wount pass Degree, surely not going over to Masters and PHD. So what do you have? PENGALAMAN. That's is the most valuable one i have in my life to survive.

I smile when i received in my INBOX a word from someone i think have not live longer enough to even have the thought to write such things. Pity .. pity.. i felt how stupid, and surely others thing so too. I really pitty. Some would want to smack that one face. But what's the point? I don't see any point. Even to bother with such people is a waste of time. Even a minute in the mind, just a waste of time. That's what that one want you to do. To think and be stupid like one.

I have met people like this, probably worst. But at the end they or one never goes anywhere. From a great background to the lowest you can imagine. Still at the end, nowhere. Seriously. I have seen. All end up 6 feet under one day. And why bother to even think this people are special. Haha.. Special case barangkali and you know what? Let them solve their problem. And its hard for them to do that, and give way and space. Up to you whatever however way. See it deep and long run, eventually living all life like that. Problem comes from where they come from and that have to be solve from there.

So when you want to say to someone what is in your mind, okay you're not sure what i mean ya? Say you want to say someone atu MONKEY kah, BABI kah, APA kah, think again. Or PELACUR kah, ORANG GILA kah, or SIAL kah, or APA lah you can think of, that you've heard and learn from your parents when you were young once upon a time ago, and you use it upon someone, think puas puas. Now kalau you call someone MONKEY, remember you one day will get married, and you will have children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren (when you're lucky to see your grandchildren, that would be super), do you want to see MONKEY too? Or perhaps like BABI face? Or like PELACUR?

Yes think again. Seriously, think again. I have seen and i will not have to say. I have that opportunity where i hear and see, or even say and it happen. I have seen what happen when you say all sorts of things about people and what it do to you, YES. I hear a lot, and saw what happened after. And i have said, and what happen had happened. Never, never ever .. but if you want to not stop, up to you. Its all in your hand. Your future, in your hand. Whateve we do, its a process. Up to you. PENGALAMAN is most important in life, not just living but live to survive and that is something more than anything!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


4.30am AWAKE
5.00am RTB
6am-10am CONTI
10 am-12.30pm BENGKEL DRAMA
12.35pm-1.30 pm HOME/SLEEP
1.35pm-4.30pm BENGKEL DRAMA
4.40pm SOAS
5.20pm AWAKE
6.45pm HOME
9pm COOK
9.20pm VISIT MOM
9.45pm HOME
10pm LATE DINNER!!!!!

WOW!!! full jua hari ku atu. Yours?