Saturday, June 7, 2008


M not feeling so good this week. Caugh saja. But i am actually okay. Still moving and yeah still fillling my activity harian. So what's to complain. Anyway, wow.. been hot eh the chatbox. Oh well... you can never memuaskan kehendak people. Not all like you and not all hate you. That's consider to be good dah tu. Kalau not all like you then that would be a problem. Not all hate you pun a problem. Haha....

I got calls from from friends eh.. tell me bout me chatbox.. WAH! hebat hebat debat.. What?? Ada perang MULUT. OUch!! pALING bahaya tu. Chatbox atu hot berabiz kata me fren. Well.. i let it be coz you all got own opinion. Becareful saja. Think before you do something or write something. Yang jelas siapa nah... kan. Well i know you all meant well and good. Its okay. I myself pun not perfect. But i do learn a lot too. So nasib lah... hehe.. kan boleh me senyum and still writing and still i can laugh. All and all at the end of the day you see lah balik masing masing punya PL.. thats its. Sama ada you realize it or not, that's terpulang with you.

Eh just want to mention here jua. Just when you are about to tell a story to someone, ada tia kena cut off atu. Tukar subject. Then .. you just wonder if that person is listening or just au... then suddenly eh you know laalalalaaaaa.. different story. Sometime cerita atu inda important plang, just a short one that you wold like to share, something you are proud of yourself that you did something ... though small but inda nampak but you are excited about it, and want to share it.. just past like angin ani bah... huh..hih... hampa..

I had a long day today. Really though damam jua, again no complain but just want to share with you what i have been doing, well i go to Restaurant awal pagi, with rain lebat berabiz, lintasi lots of lori-lori yang HUGE HUGE atoh.. sKARRY eh... Then round Muara and Pantai Serasa. Kan bejual ABC ku on Sunday di pantai rasa nya. Luqman said he is okay with it and he can help me too.. well he enjoyed helping me jua nya. Anything for mummy.. he.he... Sayang BAby ku..

Okay atu lain story lagi tu.. em then balik rumah, call someone for catering lagi. Someone order makanan for 30people for lunch. Well.. done!!! Then clean my hamsters punya house HOUSE EH.. and then mengalihkan anak-anak nya. Cukup timing nya already... You just see the pictures later too. Oh di Serasa masa hujan lebat atu, ada jua yang GILA PANCING..

well you get what i mean once you see the pictures later too. Apa inda, atu baru couple. Suka ku meliat, meskipun tia panas, meskipun tia hujan, meskipun tia TAUFAN... eh ALUM TAU EH kalau TAUFAN..haha... kan memancing. Atu SEHATI SEJIWA. Baur SOULMATE.. entah apa di pancing atu jua.. IKAN!! IKAN LAH!!! au ia tah..

Lunch NASI KANDAR DI BUNUT, and they were listening to PELANGI FM and DJ RIAN was working. I heard DD was on air for POKET INFORMASI with RIAN.

Oh well.... Balik rumah, mandi jap, then pick up ..... for urut. I got angin lah. Not so good my badan ani dah, makin MUDA!!! ha.ha.ha.. jangan marah eh. Kalau rasanya MUDA okay tu, tapi kalau MARAH mean sebaliknya... he.he.... JANGAN MARE EH..

Lepas mandi.. (of course nada picture nya tu ah.. rated tu. so jump to picking up her yang kan urut me. Driving, so i saw this bikers ani di depan, main main lagi ia with his bike. Em.. playing jua .... em... seliuk seliuk .. but still okay lah. Thougt that was cute. But sebaliknya, not so cute plang tu. Anyway..

Then kedepan lagi, this pick up lah.. em.. jarak yang baik kalau memandu. Mengambil gambar untuk contoh saja. Inda boleh di ikut nie. Dangerous eh. But what to do jua, want jua to share. Jarak yang paling BAGUS sekali untuk mengelakkan terlajur nya kenderaan AWDA bila ada brake mengajut... ha.ha...

Then after urut, OUCH!!!! NYAMAN EH!!!! OUCH!!!!! Bukan nya siok beurut buang angin ani. Sakit kali ah...

masa berurut atu, MISCHA was with me. Rah me ia berasak asak.. ha.ah.. terlelap ia jap. Then just there with me.. cute !!! She jaga me too.. oh.. so sweet.

cerita-cerita tah on my way sending her, then balik rumah, discuss with my cook about barangan for catering. Then jalan lagi kan ke clinic, but oi.. nada yang buka eh. Au ah SAturday kali ah.. HALF DAY. Lah.. Bought ayam panggang for my dinner. Went home and makan and now blogging... Long day kan. But i enjoyed it.

Eh i miss tadi, i went to Pekan Muara, rupanya the PASAR IKAN AND PASAR SAYOR nadai eh di bandar nya. Sayang eh. Terbiar tia plang the place. All move to PANTAI SERASA. But how kalau orang yang nada kereta kan beli barang dapor?? Like ikan and sayor, susah jua kan ke SERASA. Bukan orang semua mampu kan bekerta kan drive ke SERASA to beli ikan and sayor. Baik tah di pikirkan tu eh. Ada jua baik nya separuh dari yang menjual lauk and sayoran pindah balik ke pasarnya yang disediakan atu. Baik jua. OH well.... Ada plang tempat beli sayor, but rah tempat just opposite the SHELL STATION PEKAN MUARA atu saja. Lauk?? inda kan makan yang frozen?? he.he... saja ..

Oke.. liat tia me terbaring damam.. oh well... I be at work at 12AM TO 3AM.. STRESS. Not that i am STRESS but JUST WORK LAH.. HE.HE..


1 comment:

Har said...

Embo jiu? buoi tiru endo jaie kegitan.Doi, damam tah ia. Ia tah ku cakap ari atu.Jgn ucapkan SUBUH atu.bagi daman.
Jgn banyak fikir didunia ini, Nya org tutong, Nyawa kan lunon,nyawa kan bunuhon.Untok mu Zura, Dari pda u fikir benda remeh temeh, banyak lagi benda lain dipikirkan.Hidup Zura,Mulon Zura