Sunday, June 8, 2008


This cerita about my hamster. Now remember OILVE, JOSH AND SPICE. Okay SPICE gave birth to 6 baby hamsters. But you know what? Only four yang survive. Well the other two babies, i remember Luqman took it out sekajap and put it on his palm, not even a day old, then masok kan nya balik. Then i guess that's the one yang missing. But i guess the one atu touches the other babies, then the other one pun kena lah. The mother ate the babies.
When i clean it yesterday, i don't see bones kah apa kah. I was nervous a bit, takut takut ada bangkai nya but then CLEAR eh. I think she ate it all. Its either the mother knows that the two were sick or sebaliknya. But hey.. the four still alive and well and healthy. Look at it saja. Got one very dark bulu, one OLIVE bulu, and the two look twins like mothernya.
I think jua anak c OLIVE WITH SPICE kali. But OLIVE mati dah. And I am not sure JOSH atu female ka.. but we will see if SPICE beranak lagi. I saparate the mother and anak as soon as i saw that the anak anak can makan sendiri. Not bad eh.. I wasn't sure if the mother will gigit the anak anak because as they grow, maybe samsing sikit. So i already saparate them and all well. Cute kan the pictures. Well enjoy it. Yup, i clean the mess myself too.

SPICE the mother..

the baby..

just look at this one.. took this from the inside...

look at this one, took it from the outside..

babies nya..

Oh.. always use gloves whenever you want to clean the rumah lah. Best. Then don't forget to WASH YOUR HANDS.. thank you. Cute??

ps. Oh the adult hamsters atu, you cannot imagine how they use mulutnya yang kecil atu to bring all the makanan kan di stock nya arah tube di rumah nya atu.. amazing... looks small the mouth, but actually ..... you got to peratikan sendiri and you know what i mean... yes.. seriously.

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