Friday, June 13, 2008


Rumah Nenek..
7 am.
Yup lepas hantar Luqman, went to grandma's house and breakfast di sana with her. I ate one biji egg and a slice of bread with butter spread and kaya. Nice. Warm water to go with that. A while breakfast with grandma, taim makan ubat. Lots of ubat for her. I said to nenek, banyak jua ubat atu nek, au katanya hidup dengan ubat. She is in her mid 70's now and she is still strong. Amazing. Cerita cerita lah pasal ubat ani.
Did you know orang warga emas like this got different view on ubat? Not like us, bila di beri ubat, talan saja. Asal ubat atu bari kita okay. But kalau warga emas like her, not all see it right. Makan ubat ani menakutkan di iringi dengan cerita cerita saudara mara yang makan ubat yang inda sehat tapi sebaliknya. Au.. serious..
Ada ubat yang me baca atu, inda memberitau ubat untuk apa. Ada yang sudah di taipnya ubat untuk ani and ani. But ada ubat atu benama tapi inda tau untuk apa. So kali, kalau boleh tulis lah ubat atu untuk apa, so orang pun tau untuk apa. Ada satu ubat atu nada nama, tapi me tanya rah nenek ubat untuk apa? So she said, ubat utnuk ilang memori. Ah!? bangang jua me toh. Ubat utuk ilang memory. Bila cerita tentang ubat untuk hilang memory, i asked her kenapa she was given medicine to loose memory kan?
Sekali nenek bercerita, pasal ada saudaranya atu, warga emas jua, berbisnes, and inda mau meninggalkan bisness nya ani. Anak anak orang atu menyuroh him to naik haji. Tapi orang atu inda mau nya sebab ia nda mau meninggalkan bisness nya atu. Berniaga... So kata nenek, kena bari tia ubat hilang memori ani, apa lagi, mau tia naik haji. So bila naik haji, lepas turun haji, orang atu tadi, inda tia ingat kan bisness nya ani. Mengoreng mee tia pulang di rumah saja. Di rumah tia saja. So nenek said, lupa ia kan bisness nya ani, hilang tia memori nya ani. So anak anak nya pun bangang. Sampai meninggal kata nenek, hilang memori nya. So takut nenek kan makan ubat atu nya.
And me wondering, ia tah tu pandangan orang orang warga emas mengenai ubat. Takut sebab mendengar cerita cerita yang tiada penghujungnya yang betul mengenai ubat kan. So, inda ia mau makan. Even ada satu ubat atu, inda jua ia mau makan. Asprin ka kena bagi untuk di makan satu biji sehari bagi menjalankan darah etc. So, nya apa kan nie ubat ani. Inda jua begarak garak ubat ani. Sekali my auntie giling giling saja, inda ia mau makan tu nya. I ask nini kenapa? Inda eh.. bahapa untuk darah ani. Biar tia kali seminggu sebiji saja nya. Kata me, makan sebiji sehari. So dikeluarkan nya, but inda ia makan.
Kadang orang warga emas ani, takut kan makan ubat. Takut sebab ada yang bercerita pasal ubat ani memberi mati. Well we need to explain to warga emas yang takut makan ubat to eat dorang punya ubat because of this, and that. And i think we need to tell them dengan cara yang halus jua. Jangan kasar. Ada cara cara nya jua tu kalau kan membuatkan diorang makan. Ada cara nya. Jangan sampai jauh hati bisdia, suatu hari kitani pun akan menjadi seperti diorang and terpulang dengan cara kitani utuk didik anak kitani supaya dapat membiasakan beramah mersra dan mengenali orang orang tua di sekeliling kitani.
Balai Polis Bandar Seri Begawan......
2.30pm aduan lost documents..

Membuat aduan for my lost document. And i tell you, very fast nowdays ah. If you lost your ATM CARD, IC, BLUECARD FOR CAR, ETC lah, ada tempat aduan counter. And at first i thought ada di Gadong HQ, rupanya nada. Got untuk aduan, but one at the Mall Gadong. Ada yang Police Booth on the side before keluar towards the other side, bukan ke pasar, yes you can make aduan there too. But at the Police HQ nada toh... You want to know how i know? Well, i went there yesterday, and they said one in Bandar saja. And the one in Bandar said, they got one in Gadong Mall. So, remember ya....

DST at the Airport......


Tell you, i like those people there. Very friendly. But yesterday, inda beorang. I guess everybody pay their bills awal. Ha.ha.. I got the PRIMA line and my limit is only B$150.00 saja. I actually can naik kan limit nya atu plang, but no...i stick with that. So i know everytime when it touch to that limit, time for me to pay lah. Inda ada kan di pikirkan. But yesterday... yesterday.... eh menyanyi tah plang me ani. Em.. i still menunggu my DST card.. yeah... Di bandar plang, but in bandar atu, long q bah.. inda me tertunggu. Oh well... Keep smiling guys and thank you for the efficient service.. at Old Airport...


Well.. yes. Yesterday was paying all the bills. And a lot too.. I still got other bills to settle. The only debt i have .... em.. on cars and credit card. Some would just cut off the credit card. I met kawan hari atu, and we were talking about gaji and all. How we all habiskan gaji for paying our debts. Especially with credit card. If you can't control the usage the your credit card, habis lah. Of course mula mula atu when you got your credit card, wah... like the world you punya. So, becareful jua.

This friend worked at the same place, but incharge with one of the stations jua lah. So cerita cerita lah pasal medical check-up at RTB. I saw ubatnya and i asked apa kan tu? And then rupanya ubat tinggi darah. I said, really you tinggi darah? Yes katanya, with lots of works and all the staff.... la..lah...lah.... Yeah. Okay lah tu. Then cerita about the debts nya. And while cerita cerita atu, in my mind, wah .. i guess not only me lah yang ada debt ani. Orang pun in the same situation. But this fren, said, wah mula mula atu shopping inda beranti, then bills datang. Then the interest... then... etc. To cut it short, my fren punya car habis bank. Reloan balik just to pay credit card. All clear, and cut off the credit card. Selesai satu. But i guess banyak in my fren punya mind kali, sebab atu tinggi darah. Bahaya zone tu..

So anyway, credit card, for me i use it for hotels saja. If you go abroad, when you want to stay in hotels, you got to put deposit, with cash or just credit card. Put your credit card for approval, then pay cash at the end of your stay. That's it. So you know, how to limit yourself. Oh well....

If you still tinggal under the roof with your parents, parents who support you, well you never get to really feel the "living alone" feeling. Like me, i've been working since i was 16 as part time. I took part time jobs since school. Live away from family, when married. Pay own rent, pay own bills, pay food on the table and so on. Now still the same. Still paying. Someone take advantage of you, pakai your name for the cars, and friends as gurantor. What happen when they're not responsible, you yang kena. Now i am in that situation too.

One of the bank is chasing after me. Not my problem, but its under my name. So the balance of the car atu, i got to pay. I don't use the car, and i don't know where the cars are. Told the bank and the lawyer, i cannot afford paying all that otherwise what am i suppose to eat. Everyday day many to pay, and that, which is not mine, just my name, and me pulang supposed to be responsible. How?? If its mine, i will be responsible for that. I hate that.

Now i will never want to help lagi if using my name. Lesson learn. Bukan atu saja, got bestfriend yang pikir bestfriend. So rupanya bestfriend become enemy. I don't know why. It didn't have to be like that. I love her family and my bestfriend too. But i guess we all are human, rambut sama hitam, hati tetap berlainan.

Use my phone untuk cousinnya. Dulu punya cerita nie. Her cousin will pay monthly nya. Cut story short, this person from the debt apa kah.. chasing after me for not paying my bills. I explain, i did't use the phone. But still i got to pay. Otherwise my name be blacklisted. The bill amounted to B$4000.00. At the end, my bestfriend payah kan di cari, and her cousin entah siapa i don't know pun nada. I pay the bills few years every month $100.00 sampai habis. Well... sakit hati rasanya kan, but only me saja yang tau tu. Now only i share it.

Its not that we don't have masalah, its a matter how we handle our situation. All masalah come sekali gus, crazy di buat nya. But when you think about it, we have to settle it jua kan. And to settle it, not one go... cannot cannot eh.. So, one by one. Which ever yang priorty dulu.

Now car atu, i told them i can only pay certain amout, but i guess the bank cannot accept it. If i got all the money, i pay inda payah tah teruyung uyung to force to pay. I don't like to have bad names just for debts.

Oh ada my friend atu, he said, someone used nama nya jua, but didn't pay. Bank and penarik kereta chase him jua. But you know what he did?? Well ... i tell you karang tah. hehehe... rehat dulu ya... later i share it. Mandi dulu eh.




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