Monday, April 21, 2008


This song membuat kan me tenang...and terus berwas-was. Actually reminding me all the time jua. Malaikat sebelah kanan and sebelah kiri i. You have too. So.. you know lah. Today at work until 2pm.

Now 8.19pm - I BROKE UP AGAIN!!! No luck in LOVE. Been going out with this guy since 2002. Just before my dad passed away. Within those times, ups and downs and finally just today "Bah you do whatever lah. Malas ku lg. M done.." and that would be the last time. Been inlove and out of love. Tried so many times. At the end, it not meant to be.

Hurt? Yes it hurt. But not as bad as last time. Gone through the worst. Just need to fixed things up a bit and sort out my life. I am SINGLE NOW AND AVAILABLE. But for now, i don't think i want to be involve with anyone. I let it be and i guess being single doesn't hurt that much just because so many around you are couple. Like em.. romantic couple. Nada kan di jeles kan toh.

The only thing about being single ani lonely saja. Biasa dah kawin. Then couple. Then single balik ani.. i am going to be lonely. Not lonely in any way, just probably sometimes need kawan to talk to. I feel like meneriak so loud now, but i guess the worst in my life was losing my dad. Losing boyfriend, worst was kena talak oleh my 'x' hubby. Now losing my boyfriend, i still have my son. My soul. My life.

Love comes and go. Men and woman kenalan everyday. Go out. Then inlove. Then out of love. All over the same thing happen and it would not stop. Selagi ada men and woman exists. And the long lasting love is for ALLAH. I am for ALLAH. I am reda with Kehendak Allah. Kalau sudah inda ada jodoh, all Kehendak Allah.

Deep in my heart, i wish it never end. But again.. i don't handle this matter. Only Allah yang menentukan. Kesukaan, kedukaan akan di rasa pada sesuatu yang ada awalnya dan akhirnya. Tiada yang kekal. Permainan dunia. Must have love but it will never last forever. Feel like forever, ada makna nya yang forever. Yang sentiasa dalam doa kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.

Salam. I need to sleep now. Got to wake up early. Today is Monday. And i like it. Hujan this minute. Thank you Allah. And lets pray that we get to see another new day tomorrow....Amin3x.

xoxo... from zura.

Ps. some people would be happy to hear this break up and some i don't know. But whatever it is, if you are in the same situation as i am, don't worry. We are all human and no one is perfect. And whatever it is, the some people will go through what you and me go through. Its a matter of being honest with yourself that would bring happiness to your life and that is what i want in my life. Natural ......


Anonymous said...

kau seorg wanita yg mulia dn tabah yg pernah ku kenali..pujian ku tulus..atas dasar penilaian ku selama ini..blum pernah ku temui wanita yg seperti mu selama ini..terus terang kau lah inspirasi ku..kau merobah hidup ku..kini nama mu tersemat di lubuk hati ku buat selama nya..hati ku hiba membaca ruangan ini..aku tau nak buat apa..aku hanya mampu berdoa agar tuhan meanugrahi sesuatu yg terbaik buat mu..amin3x..aku amat merindui mu..salam dri abg d seria..

Aka said...

Dear Zura,
It is nice to visit your blog, i always read your celoteh since i am in UK - Only now i terpanggil untuk leave a note - Jodoh ketentuan adalah milik Allah disamping kita mengujudkan usaha pertemuan nya. Kesepian tidak bermakna hidup sudah berakhir, malah ianya baru bermula seandainya sepi itu indah dan dipenuhi dengan berkah Allah dan i belive that ayat-ayat cinta Allah menerusi Al-Quran akan lebih menceriakan sepi dengan keindahan taman surga. Semoga Zura akan sentiasa dilindungi Allah dari Mungkar dan mendapat berkat Maarufnya jua.
