Saturday, April 26, 2008


Teka who is this guy with me?

And one of my beloved brother..

Oraite!!! Di muara now. This is how i look like when upset. A bit so... not good aaaaaeeeey. Well... the jeejaka up there yang i suroh teka is the Vocalist of De Epitome.... YES... baik jua belum balik. Lepas he paid his bill, he went back to his table. Then i ask the girl to call him back. Pasal apa tu nah, ambil gambar lah... he.he.e..

I don't see orang orang penyanyi like this lah, and sometimes when you play lagu lagu dorang, we don't know who they are until they came for segmen interviewing. Now you pun tau sapa kan the Vocalist. Sempat me tanya tadi, how many in the group. Six katanya. Oh.. i did't get his name. Buleh.... Text me sapa tau nama nya ya... Ha.ha.a. mau kan suroh orang teka, me sendiri inda tau nama nya... apa lah.. lagging lah zura malam ani. A bit redup upset nya. YA ALLAH .... THANK YOU.

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