A beautiful morning. Here in Sukang. At exactly 5.26am my eyes open ani bah. Amazing very coooolll rasanya today. My ZENS mainkan lagu SYURGAMU a beautiful song to wake me up too…. ALLAHU AKHBAR.. tempat ku memohon redha dan keampunan mu….
Long trip bah yesterday. Start at 3am, gather in Tanjong Maya then move on ke Sukang. All the way I did not see kedai you know. Knowing me I must have drinks seperti COKE, SPRITE or anything like 100 PLUS.. sugar along the way. I need that otherwise …. Penin-penin tu di buatnya. Just want to avoid from kepeningan. But nada awal atu I wanted to buy 100Plus.. COBAAN… that is which I did not realize jua toh because this is my firs trip to SUKANG using the kampong way… all the way….
My trip to SUKANG..
Wah my firs time.. as belakang passangers of HULUX TOYOTA imagine tia with all the barangs too. Em.. still I make myself confortable.. its okay. Menunmpang jua kan so no complain. Just want to go away on a budget trip to SUKANG. Pay B$20.. for food and B$15 for the boat trip and all. Yes that makes sense. Why Not!!
Okay along the way, very interesting jua. Never thought this kind of place exists.. rupanya lawa eh BRUNEI kitani ani… Kaya dengan hutan yang begitu fresh sekali.. susah cari nie kalau negeri orang. Kalau tak caya, coba tia. Ada but BRUNEI punya hutan-hutan and kampong kampong just so amazing sebab inda di KACAU. And on the way atu, WOW!!! Jalan nya hebat. Lompat-lompat me di belakang ah. Mula okay eh.. wah sama jua like KK but hey this trip for 4WD lagi siok. Lagi mencabar.
On the way atu, me look at the perjalanan to SUKANG as perjalanan hidup me.. and I tell you all ada kaitan nya. Coba tah, if you want to achieve something in life, it look simple, probably if you look at it from the MAP lah or whatever you liat it from ya.. then you really go on that trip in the map atu… and it looked simple but not. Now this is interesting…
One two three step woun’t get you anywhere. Even on the plan leaving Tangjong Maya at 3pm and arrival should be around 6pm. Inda eh.. we arrived at 8.45 baru nampak DEWAN SUKANG and turun ke rumah PENGHULU RUMAH PANJANG at almost 9pm. So from 6 pm atu plus tia another 3 hours to 9 pm… another extra miles and hours to reach SUKANG..
So I see it, walaupun you want it on that time, it woun’t be exactly on that time but it will come on the RIGHT TIME.. (menitik airmata me.. (Why?) .. because I wanted and been wanting to capai sesuatu and I am not there yet.. this will be my BURNING DESIRE to reach what I really wanted to do and have the FREEDOM!!)
Maybe you’re a bit blurr.. but I see it from here and sudah pun. The push I want weren’t strong but what I see ani memberikan me semangat to really wanting to do something in my life something for the better for me and LUQMAN my son. A journey hard for me to explain and only if you come along, you will know what I mean.
Ada jua phase yang scarry atu, until bepaloh me. I really felt like kan melompat dari kereta and I don’t want to go through it, but I see everybody was calm and confident to go through the one road that if you see bah.. you pun kan melompat dari kereta atu or perhaps don’t want your car to pass through.
That is where the car make their turn, sama ada to turn or to go on… and that part for me I see it ALMOST bah.. ALMOST you’re ALMOST there where you say to yourself, ‘EH AM I READY FOR THIS??’ yes that part and that decision is where you are going to reach for what you want..
like us.. if we turn back and drive back all the way rah jalan-jalan kami lalui gerenti just sampai ke Tanjong Maya with nada kepuasan, but we.. they well … us go through it with all the TEAM ani bah… within hour sampai ke SUKANG.. PUN after the TOUGHEST road atu bah.. ada masih jalan jalan yang still memberi cabaran but not as tough as that.. to reach SUKANG…
Imagine tia with LIFE?? It’s not actually that BAD. Whatever you see the pain you have the SUFFERING you have in whatever it is pun… you will eventually go through it and of course with KESABARAN AND DETERMINATION… and that is so TRUE. Kalau inda, you woun’t get it or reach for what you want.
THAT NIGHT AT THE FUNCTION. DATO TIMOTHY ONG………. Said..’start small today does not mean small tomorrow, being poor today does not mean poor tomorrow .. you just have to go through your FEAR and do not be scared of FEAR because FEAR is your teacher to your DREAM.. (need to check with script)..... something like that.. like know what is your weakness and know what you are good at. Nothing wrong to know your weakness.. eh banyak lagi.. i don't quite remember.. nanti i ask my cousin to ask Dato Timothy Ong.. gosh it was a good speech. Some would see it like he talk about himself and ada whispers in my ears that hey..i dont want to know about it lah.. but that person did not really see it clearly.
I whisper back to that person... i said its okay. Some poeple see it different way and explain different way.. if you appreciate your life and others you would listen to the story of their life, the successful people. How they become successful.. not commenting but just listen. By listening you will get a PRICELESS HISTORY about one life and would not hear it again.. that's it and use peoples experiences who got through their life and become successful wisely.. its ILMU..
And when people tell you story about their life, not for you to abuse it but listen to your heart and listen heart to heart.. and you will find the beauty of life. From baby.. baby talk with baby style, em.. teenager express it differently, your early 20s see it differently, in your 30s different and 40s and 50s and etc... so just LISTEN with sincerety Insyallah you will see life to the fullest..
Next will be MELILAS. Heard we are going by boat now. Last night beautiful HARI KELUARGA di SUKANG, end the night with BBQ and I ate 2 pcs kambing and em.. fish.. and had PEPSI TWIST.. which I don’t usually drink.. but well semalam atu just need to..ha.ha….ha…ah….. and guess what??? Set up tempat tidor and oh ha.aha… just to share the story – didn’t brush my teeth (just kumur ja). Didn’t shower and just a quick clean up and liat movie jap MY STEP BROTHER half way and ozzzzzzing off.. zzzzzzzzzzz…
Now 6.19am.. need to get ready and breakfast. Ready awal and jalan awal. Here in SUKANG you got to see DUSUN PEOPLE.. later at MELILAS with the IBANS. The other side there is the PENAN PEOPLE… Someone said to me last night, the PENAN PEOPLE kalau hari hujan if dalam rumah, they keluar and masok ke dalam hutan bertedoh rah bawah DAUN POKOK-POKOK. I asked kenapa? He said, entah ah.. they don’t like to hear bunyi hujan yang hit the atap rumah atu.. bising… WOW.. see we live different way yah.. and amazing to know something like that.. though sedikit baru but JUST SO AMAZING… gtg.
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