Friday, June 15, 2007

reminds me of that day

This was taken on the 13.10.2002 the day Pelangi have RoadShow in town and the day my father passed away. I have fun earlier that day but i was totally gone...very depressed that afternoon. Loosing someone that you really love especially your dad and knowing that he was gone forever was not really a choice for me. He had a lung cancer. He was 55 then. I used to see him very strong and disiplined army men. He looked so good in his uniform. Tall and love fising. His life was probably the laut you know. But during the time he suffers dengan cancer nya atu, i was crying all the way. Night and day but i still have hope for him.
During that year, he spend most of his time at the hospital. I bought him a very nice nasi beriyani and fish curry for him to eat. He loves makan padas-padas. I push him on his wheelchair to satu tempat at RIPAS where he was supposed to ... Oh i forgot where that place is, and there he was about to get up from his chair and he wewe on his chair. Tears just drops inda beranti from my eyes and the doctor took me out from there away from him so he wount see me crying and putus semangat to do what he is supposed to do. Oh.. i was crush, heartbroken when i saw that. For a men who used to be really segak, and there he is lemah and ill.

So that reminds me all the time now, that no matter who you are, how you are, we are still human. And when we sehat today, we forgot who we are , tapi its just a click away for your life be taken by Allah. So that i always remember. I always cry whenever i am alone. A father for me to bermanja sudah no more in this world. Its hard when you lose your fater at that age. Still wanting to know more about life, still wanting to ask questions about guys, and a lot more. So I just have to go through it and pengalaman is my teacher in this life.
Its different kalau you masih ada father, he will protect you. So if you have your parents still, please respect them, love them and be with them all the time. Ask them what they like to do, make them happy all the time. They only want the best for you and you should see and appreciate that. Kesian kan they look after us, or even kalau inda pun, they are still your parents. One day, you will know what i mean. eh... panjang lah my notes ani..... I am in the studio and typing this, suddenly one of the gal dari mcr masok saw me belaing mata. Sedih ku...sedih ku... Oh Well... Got to work dulu ya... Rentak 1-5.


Shidah289 said...

Be strong!! You've been through a lot..good things happen to good people alright..

zura said...

Shidah289. Thank you. Yes, i do believe that. But sometimes, all the time, i miss my dad. And i just burst out crying like kanak-kanak kehilang toys. Bless his soul. Thank you.