Thursday, July 8, 2010


Missing on Wednesday. I'll get back with that. Very interesting what had happened on Tuesday morning and Wednesday too. How was your day. Hey you know, this moment i m watching this channel and its all about Avacado. YOu need to love Avacado. Usually used for beauty. It can strengthen the skins. So start loving it. I never like avacado. Wonder why my mom loves it. Haha.. now i know why. Flavor - nutty creamy. If you need to ripen the avacado, un need next to apples. Once open parah tarus with lemon. And then you can mamar like squash it and add tomatoo chop chop, garlic chop chop and then black pepper, wala!! Avacado dip.. Try it.

I am going to have my breakfast dulu, i come back for more LifeSytly with Zura.. hahah!!! I just got that idea. Jangan curi. Buat sendiri! Hehehe...

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