Friday, December 12, 2008


on the road.. to the hotel
finally i finished reading this book..ha.ha..

must have and must read..
Flight delayed to 12.30 pm. Supposed to leave Brunei at 11.50am. But sampai on the dot eh to Jakarta. It was a good flight. A long day today. Reached the hotel of course macet you.. haha.. and then freshen up and off to Senayan City. Makan there and then off again. So FDD pick us up pakai mercs you..ha.ha.. panasaran lah.

Gosh.. never met someone so successful and rich so humble. That's what i want to be. Rich and humble forever. Nda pilih bulu..ha.ha.. manusia nada bulu you.. how's that. I have the rouwan suoup for dinner. The story of my life today so amazing. Words cannot express. Tomorrow will be better than today... just wait and see.. Insyallah...

got this depan hotel.. lawa kan..

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