LOh... ngonyol jua topic hari ani kan. Anyway i am getting ready today going outstation. So just a short one here with the topic. I met someone yang told me about this. Now this came from a man yang sudah married and still married. Tell me girls, is there any different kah with this topic if you love someone?
Like this man said - nya listen ya.... bila nya kasih dengan seorang perempuan atu bukan bererti ia ada cinta. And bila nya cinta bukan bererti ada kasih nya dalam cinta atu.. and bila nya sayang inda sama and nada kaitan nya dengan cinta and kasih????????
Wah!! aku ani kan complicated. Aku jadi bingung deh!!! Masak, kasih cinta sayang itu berbeda????? hahahah... bila ku dengar kan, nda ku paham eh. That is why, men come from MARS and woman from VENUS. Inda sama penghlihatan nya meaning nya rah ku.
What is wrong with married man.. oh this married man is one of my fren. We were sitting at one of the cafe with some other married woman and singles too... no need mention names lah. but then you know.... I think dalam our hati that time (em... yang girls aja ya) think apa kan laki laki ani? Cua ia explain rah bini nya toh... haha.h...
And then ada this one guy have a problem with his life jua. Pun married jua. Ada yang woman pun ada. Like me complicated. Meaning COMPLICATED lah.... jangan tah di tanya apa COMPLICATED ani.. if kan mau tau jua, look up in the dictionary lah... atu tah meaning nya. Yang ada problem atu, masih lagi category ada problem.. masih okay. Good problem and must solve it wisely and not to take advantage of the situation lah...
Kalau ada problem, good problem... solve with your other half, bukan with another woman. THAT'S WRONG!!!!!!! It can turn out to be good if the other woman help to advice (but who wannts advice from another woman... haha..) or otherwise. Then another scandals lah on the way.. that be the PROBLEM SOLVING??? NYETTTTTTTTTT!!!! NOT!!! WORNG AGAIN!!!! Go to your woman and solve this good problem to your marriagewith her. Insyallah with the ketulusan hati to clear masalah and wanting to find the true solution and to settle the good problem truely, you will be bless (without you notis lah ah) and your problem be solve. If you remember, when you bekawan masa awal nya, bila she marajok, then pujok the way you pujok to with her heart back and see what will happen when you do it today...
Jangan sesekali ada yang ke tiga untuk masalah rumah. Not to say i don't like to help, but you know, you are the one yang know about everything in your house and masak kami pula yang dapat menolong. Oh.... one bad advice from a man to another man....ha.ha.. i don't know and not sure its bad or what.? but when you already commited to a woman, got children some more, well this is a bad advice you can have from another man...
a man minta advice from another man fren about problem he have with his wife. Wife nya bawa laki laki ke rumah dorang. And wife mad with her husband and lock him outside. (did you see the problem already) - now lets us ask ourseleves "what makes the wife lock him out dari rumah? - got to find punca all this and we wount know until he tell the truth to us right?? Then after that call this man for another advice.. and the man said, biarkan tia dulu. I will be there. By the time this fren sampai, then the guy yang sama bini nya dalam rumah atu balik.....
Okay, the guy advice to this guy yang ada problem - hidup you ani untuk enjoy. Rumah atu isihi dulu baru tah enjoy. Baru inda orang rumah becakap. Liat aku, rumah ku isihi and aku enjoy saja boleh kemana aku suka. Sama kawan kawan and apa aku buat, suka aku saja. Kau buat lah catu.... Jangan di salah kan, tapi buat report saja. Kalau bini ku cakap arah ku, kenapa bejalan saja ani... eh aku enjoy. Kenapa kau inda kawin sama orang baik baik yang kuat sembahyang apa??? (Wah terkezut ku toh.. dalam hati berkata eh.. apa kan??? memang inda baik laki laki ani.. inda sadar kan diri.. and makin tua makin keladi and akhirnya nya nanti mati sorang diri..) oh well.....
So would you want to get advice to your good problem in marriage to that kind of fren??? or would you want to make your good problem to sour problem?? all up to you jua. To me... this kind of man, nada kawan. Sudah Tua (ops!! sorry ah not all..) nada kawan kan enjoy, so cari lah kawan. Cara nya dengan menanamkan ke OTAK NYA dengan this.... ha.ha.ha..
liat tah sendiri. Where you want yourself to be? and whose your fren? all you yang pilih. so at the end BERHATI-HATILAH.. siok ramai kawan, masa susah no kawan. Mulut buaya buka langap, waiting for the next victim... are you going to be one????
So tell me rah my chat box... Men and woman open to share. Ada kah lain with kasih, cinta & sayang dalam hubungan???
from me.. I think ada jua kali but its all package to me... must have all... or otherwise whats the point...