Friday, April 29, 2011


This was a joke a very dear friend shared. I laugh after. Just see how you take this one. If you laugh, its a good sign. But if you don't feel anything, well.. you need to see doctor and ask why you didn't laugh to this joke i am about to tell you. But one thing though, you have to share with the doctor with this joke. Okay. If you wanted to smile after, just smile. Its okay. Better .. much better than no feeling at all. Still need to take dosage of fun to smile. I agree.. yes i also agree to what you meant. 


ceritanya like this...

This man always visits his late wife punya kubur. Siramnya air on her kubur. Tahlil and doa. Tuan Imam pun bangga with this man. Proud that ever since his wife passed away, he visited and baca tahlil and doa for his wife and inda beranti menyiram her kubur. Almost everyday during that year.

To the point, where the Tuan Iman approached him. And Tuan Imam told him that he is so proud of him that he came here everyday. And that's what a man should do. 

Apa lagi.. he said what nah? 

'Tuan Imam, i come here everyday to siram and see the grass to grow lah. But it never grow. I have waited too long, i siram with water banyak kali already, but alum jua tumbuh rumput ani.'  Tuan Imam tanya 'why?'.. and said 'tumbuh tu karang.'

Inda sabar lah kan menunggu and melihat rumput tumbuh. Rupanya ada cerita. 

................... flashback ........... (psst . i actually wrote this two paragraph awal lagi, then i realized if i were to share this earlier, nada tia suspennya.. Hahah!!) hush! .. ..

This man punya wife yang really ill. Really ill that she knows inda lama lagi she die lah. So her husband was on her side all the time. I know he loves his wife lah. Because he is by her side all the time. 

One day, before she died, she told her husband - 'love, just remember this, if you want to remarry again, biar tia tumbuh rumput (let the grass) tumbuh di atas tanah kubur ku. 


Happy 1st anniversary. 

Just not the same as what i've pictured. Totally a different experience. Not what i have in mind. Just simply a normal day. Haha ... I think i watched too many movies. Too many romantic movies. And oh wish i was in the movie. Hahah... That make me smile. Deep smile. 

Today is history for the newly wed Royal - Kate and William. Amazing. After a long super wonderful relationship (ups and downs), at the end they walk down the aisle with love. Unconditionaly love. And it just have to be on the very date of today 29.04.2011. 

I remembered the similarity to this one last year. The same date but different year.  Just 29.04.2010. And yes its a super wonderful relationship too. 

Just on this 1st anniversary, a pretty normal and simple one. No celebration. Just another normal day. But i thank to Allah i am given this chance to see what this life have to offer. Its amazing how i felt today.

I wonder how was your anniversary? Or perhaps i should ask, what's your plan for anniversary this year? You got one? Pebaik tia just being together as a couple or a wedding anniversary? 

Hope you cherish every moment of it too because you will have an experience of your life time that you will not see it again. And there are always reasons why it happen and its written just for you. Did you know?

Sunday, April 24, 2011


When you feel something, and that something is going to be a burden in long run, well.. think again. If that something going to be a good outcome, then do something about it. Go for it. If it were to be the opposite, well ..

I don't know. I can see it. I don't know if you can see it. Bertawakal saja lah. I remember this, a text i received.

Worry is 100% wasted of emotion. It cannot change the past. It will not change the future. It just ruins today.
Rick Warren.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Much Better.

Much much better. Yes feeling much better. Cannot stand being not well too long. Need progress in life than to stay in bed forever. That's for me. Not feeling well mean not good to me. But good in other way, mean that body need to rest or got something in the body that is foreign. Haha!! You will become ILL.

If i were you..

You don't know bored until you're bored. Haha..

Monday, April 18, 2011


Attack again last nite after laundry. Felt so bad. Really bad. I think my BP46. I can't breath. Weak. Nya - is it dangerous kah tu if BP46? Haha.. entah i said.

Still not feeling well. But paksa ja. Ayong ku eh!!!!

Can't wait to get back to bed now... I need that sleep.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Dalam hidup biar matang. Tidak kira umor you berapa, bila matang you will survive dalam hidup ani. Memang semua boleh or bisa bernafas untuk terus hidup. Mempunyai matlamat dan semangat. Tapi ada kah kekuatan untuk survive untuk menikmati hidup yang memuaskan atau selamba saja hidup sampai ajal menjemput?

Atu kena tanya badan sendiri. Kalau selamba, bah liat tia cara hidup nya. Tiada erti dan mengalih saja hidup tanpa haluan. Tanpa cita-cita, tidak ada semangat untuk meneruskan hidup dan meliat hidup ini penoh makna jika ada tujuan.

Bunyi senang saja bila dengar SURVIVE atu, in reality OH!! mana senang. Senang jika punya skill dan ada cukup pengalaman jua. Pengalaman bukan dapat di beli, di lalui baru beroleh pengalaman. Pun jua, kekuatan mental dan segala, perlu dih.

Sat, i check Kamus Dwibahasa Oxford Fajar dulu dengan perkataan SURVIVE.. Nah.. TERUS HIDUP atau WUJUD. Jika SURVIVABLE - keadaan terus hidup.

Tidak kira menang atau kalah dalam apa jua hal, yang penting masih bertahan kan. Kalau menang pun, tapi inda bertahan dalam hal yang lain nya, itu masih kalah. Kalah menang dalam apa jua situasi, ya masih berjiwa untuk terus hidup dan percaya akan sesuatu yang baik tentunya akan di dapati atau di kecapi.

Bukan senang untuk mendapat kan skill. Biar hidup susah dulu, pelajari kesemua nya. Namun ada yang memlilih yang senang dulu jalan hidup dan bersusah kemudian. Adakah itu yang you mau? Eh au ah.. tanya badan sendiri. Susah bukan you senang jadikan susah. Bila sudah senang, susah nya untuk mempelajari sesuatu yang you belum pernah coba dan mungkin tidak akan mengetahui yang di coba itu untuk kegunaan masa akan datang.

Haha... kurang faham, its okay. Setiap hari ada yang mengusut untuk mempelajari sesuatu, padahal berguna kelak. Boleh membuatkan putus asa dalam kehidupan jika yang di mahu kan tidak tercapai. Tapi bila di kenang kembali, walau tidak tercapai, sesuatu yang lain di pelajari yang tidak nampak ketika itu, di gunakan untuk meneruskan hidup.

Hidup inda usah kelam kabut. Tapi mudah jika membuat perancangan. Juga tidak semuanya akan berjalan lancar untuk mendapatkan apa yang di rancang. Ada kalanya sebaliknya. Jadi pelajar terhebat waktu di bangku sekolah, namun sesuatu terjadi 360 degress turn menjadi nya seorang penganggor dan pengeder dadah atau jadi musuh masyarakat.

Terkejut. Apa tidak nya. Ada juga sebaliknya. Bukan yang terhebat di sekolah tapi 360 degree nya turning point dalam hidup nya membuat nya lebih terhebat dalam kehidupan. Tidak sangka dan jangan mengata. Itu lah rahasia jika ingin berjaya, jangan mengata pada kekurangan yang ada pada seseorang, mana lah tau keterbalikkan. Nauzubilah..

Masing-masing punya episod. Masing-masing punya drama. Masing-masing punya carta. Punca nya semua dari kita. Yang terbaik dan yang terburuk, eh.. au masih lagi hidup. Punya ketetapan hati, tetapkan hati. Punya kekuatan, bukan yang punya muscle berketul-ketul kuat, tapi kekuatan segala zahiriah dan batiniah, wah.. Salut you.

Mau nya saya ingin mengeluarkan semua isi yang ada dalam minda saat ini, namum berserabut tidak tersusun. Hahah.. bikin i ketawa sendiri macam orang ROCK. Kata kawan i, jangan cakap macam orang GILA, tapi ROCK saja nya.

MUTIARA KATANYA : Dalam hidup, terkadang kita lebih banyak mendapatkan apa yang kita tidak ingini. Akhirnya kita tahu bahawa yang kita inginkan, kekadang tidak dapat membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih bahagia.


Kiki Koko Sjf
Awak mesti senyum sekali
Kalau kita senyum
Semua orang berjangkit
Bila semua orang senyum
Dunia tiada penyakit :))


Salam.. what a day yesterday. Hari gelisah for me. Segala tidak kena. I pun tidak tau apa cerita. Coba hendak tenangkan diri namum ... gelisah. Lain macam rasanya, like badan rasa mendidih panas rasa mau marah saja! Nasib baik today, Alhamdulillah .. i am cool. Are you cool? What's not cool? Not cool if you marah marah ler.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


SEJAK kecil lagi kita telah didedahkan dengan kaedah mencuci telinga yang telah diamalkan secara turun-temurun oleh mereka yang lebih berusia daripada kita.

Baik dengan menggunakan putik kapas oleh mereka yang dikatakan tergolong dalam kategori moden, mahupun penggunaan benda-benda tajam atau secara spesifiknya pin rambut oleh mereka yang agak tradisional.

Kedua-duanya digunakan oleh mereka yang mempunyai niat dan tujuan mencuci telinga yang kononnya kotor dan tersumbat dengan tahi telinga.

Ada yang menjadikannya sebagai satu rutin atas dasar telinga perlu dicuci selalu dan ada juga yang telah menjadikannya suatu amalan yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan setiap kali selepas mandi disebabkan oleh kerana terlalu biasa dengan amalan mengorek telinga.

Bagi mereka yang tidak berapa berkemampuan pula, agak jarang mereka dapat merasai nikmat mengorek telinga dengan menggunakan putik kapas. Jauh sekali untuk menjadikannya sebagai rutin harian.

Lantas, golongan ini sering dianggap tidak pandai menjaga kebersihan diri kerana membiarkan tahi telinga terkumpul dalam lubang telinga.

Tanggapan salah

Mungkin suatu pendedahan atau maklumat baru yang agak mengejutkan sekiranya anda diberitahu bahawa penggunaan putik kapas sebenarnya bukan sahaja tidak mampu membersihkan telinga, bahkan ia boleh menyebabkan masalah gangguan pendengaran.

Itulah hakikat sebenarnya jika anda bertanya kepada pakar telinga di mana-mana klinik atau hospital swasta sekalipun.

Itu bukanlah suatu yang menghairankan kerana kepercayaan yang kurang tepat ini tidak begitu terdedah kepada masyarakat awam.

Hanya mereka yang mengalami masalah tersumbat tahi telinga sahaja yang mengetahuinya kerana tabiat mengorek telinga secara rutin inilah yang menjadi punca yang membawa mereka ke klinik berjumpa doktor.

Lilin telinga

Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan dalam sebaik-baik kejadian, lengkap dengan mekanisme yang membolehkan kita menjalani hidup yang selesa, walaupun tanpa pengunaan perkakasan tambahan.

Saluran telinga manusia mempunyai bahagian yang dilapisi kulit yang menghasilkan lilin telinga (ear wax).

Saluran telinga mempunyai struktur menyerupai rerambut halus di bahagian menghala ke luar, dan bahagian tanpa rerambut yang letaknya lebih ke dalam yang hampir dengan gegendang telinga.

Lilin telinga, yang ramai antara kita mengenalinya sebagai tahi telinga, terhasil daripada kelenjar yang terletak di bahagian yang lebih ke luar daripada keseluruhan salur telinga.

Majoriti dalam kalangan masyarakat menganggap lilin telinga ini kotor dan perlu dicuci, dan fahaman ini sebenarnya adalah salah!

Kesan mengorek telinga

Menjadi sesuatu yang lumrah bahawa apa sahaja yang dijenamakan sebagai ‘tahi’ itu perlu dicuci. Di sinilah timbulnya kesilapan yang pertama.

Lilin telinga terhasil daripada proses fisiologi dalam diri manusia. Amaun yang dihasilkan amatlah sedikit.

Apa yang menjadikannya banyak ialah tindakan kita yang sering mengganggu proses pencucian lilin telinga ini yang sepatutnya berlaku tanpa diganggu.

Rerambut halus yang terdapat dalam saluran telinga sebenarnya telah diprogramkan untuk ‘menyapu keluar’ lilin telinga ini.

Disebabkan itulah bagi mereka yang tidak menggunakan putik kapas, akan terasa seperti debu-debu berhampiran dengan kawasan cuping telinga.

Itu sebenarnya ialah lilin telinga yang secara automatik telah disapu keluar oleh petugas-petugas yang sentiasa bekerja di dalam telinga kita.

Apabila tugas mereka diganggu, maka semakin hari semakin banyaklah lilin telinga akan terkumpul dan terperosok ke bahagian yang lebih ke dalam.

Sampai ke suatu tahap, kita akan mengalami apa yang dikenali sebagai kurang dengar jenis konduktif (conductive hearing loss).

Tidak kurang juga kes-kes di mana hujung kapas terlucut daripada bahagian plastiknya dan menyebabkan ia tertinggal di dalam lubang telinga.

Ia tidak dapat dikeluarkan di rumah oleh pesakit sendiri atau kawan yang ingin membantu. Ini kerana lokasinya yang agak jauh ke dalam, ruangnya yang sempit serta susunan saluran telinga yang tidak lurus sepenuhnya.

Pengeluaran kapas berkenaan biasanya memerlukan pemeriksaan mikroskopik dan putik kapas yang tertinggal diambil keluar dengan menggunakan forseps.

Ada juga di kalangan kita yang menggunakan benda-benda yang lebih berbahaya seperti pin rambut, lidi, hujung pensel dan sebagainya untuk mengorek telinga.

Penggunaan alat-alatan ini lebih mengundang padah kerana ia akan lebih mendedahkan pesakit kepada kecederaan yang serius seperti luka pada saluran telinga dan kerosakan pada gegendang telinga selain daripada ia turut mendedahkan kepada risiko jangkitan kuman pada saluran telinga yang dipanggil otitis eksterna.

Kurang dengar

Apabila terlalu banyak lilin telinga yang termampat dan terperosok ke dalam, ia semakin menghampiri gegendang telinga.

Gegendang ini berfungsi sebagai penukar daripada tenaga bunyi kepada tenaga getaran atau mekanikal.

Apabila ada sesuatu yang menyentuh apatah lagi menghimpit dan menekan ke atasnya, maka sistem konduksi bunyi akan terganggu dan terjadilah masalah pendengaran.

Perlu difahami, kehadiran gumpalan lilin telinga yang termampat akibat sentiasa ditolak masuk oleh putik kapas akan menyebabkan gelombang bunyi yang sepatutnya masuk ke dalam telinga akan terhalang.

Lantas, jumlah stimulasi bunyi yang sampai ke gegendang untuk diinterpretasi akan menjadi minimum dan mungkin tidak cukup untuk tahap pendengaran yang jelas.


Pesakit selalunya akan hadir ke klinik dan hospital apabila terjadinya masalah pendengaran yang mengganggu tugas harian mereka.

Ada juga di kalangan pesakit yang menghadapi bunyi bising (tinnitus) di dalam telinga. Setelah menjalani pemeriksaan dan lilin telinga termampat disahkan, doktor akan menggunakan beberapa kaedah untuk mengeluarkannya.

Kaedah konvensional yang digunakan ialah dengan memancutkan air suam ke dalam telinga dengan menggunakan picagari (ini hanya boleh dilakukan oleh mereka yang terlatih sahaja).

Dengan cara ini, lilin telinga akan menjadi sedikit lembut dan lama-kelamaan ia akan terkeluar dengan arus air tersebut.

Bagi sesetengah kes pula, ketulan-ketulan yang terlalu keras dan mampat akan dilembutkan terlebih dahulu dengan sejenis ubat titis telinga dan kemudiannya barulah lilin termampat tadi mudah dikeluarkan.

Sesetengah hospital, terutamanya hospital besar yang mempunyai perkhidmatan pakar telinga, kaedah penyedutan lilin telinga di bawah pemeriksaan mikroskopi boleh dilakukan.

Apabila lilin telinga telah dikeluarkan, biasanya pesakit akan memperoleh tahap pendengaran seperti sedia kala.

Bunyi bising dalam telinga atau tinnitus akan hilang dan rasa selesa kembali dinikmati. Nasihat yang diberikan ialah supaya pesakit tidak lagi menggunakan putik kapas pada masa akan datang.

Kita perlu ingat bahawa badan kita telah diciptakan dalam keadaan yang cukup baik dan serba lengkap.

Sebarang manipulasi hendaklah disertakan dengan ilmu yang mencukupi agar kita tidak ditimpa mudarat.

Benarlah kata orang-orang tua bahawa menjaga kesihatan dengan cara mencegah adalah lebih baik, lebih selesa, lebih mudah dan jauh lebih murah daripada merawat.

Petikan dari Utusan Malaysia (Kesihatan).


Manusia biasanya lebih menghargai sesuatu yang sukar diperoleh tetapi sering melupakan nikmat yang telah tersedia.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

i got a joke.

Haha.. i got it and i want to share it. - A man ask a trainer in gym, 'i want to impress that beautiful girl, which machine can i use?'. Trainer 'USE THE ATM MACHINE OUTSIDE THE GYM!!!'.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Kata Mutiara

kecantikan itu uang, nilainya akan menyusut hingga suatu saat akan kehilangan nilainya..
kesetiaan itu emas, dengan bertambahnya waktu maka nilainya pun akan semakin tinggi..
karena proses alam, yang cantik menjadi keriput namun tak pernah ada fakta bahwa emas akan berkarat

Sunday, April 10, 2011


About hamsters. When 'baby hamsters' born, you have to jaga well. The mother will be very protective. And if the father is in its hamsters' house, it bit if you try to touch the baby. So be very careful. What you can do, separate the father from the mother and its babies. Just leave the mother to care for its babies. And do not, DO NOT touch the babies. Otherwise you woun't see it anymore. Try to cover its house, make it dark and just feed everyday. Water important and hamster's food for the mother. Don't peep so many times, let the mother take care of its infant. Don't clean its house, and i know its going to be smelly. But this is for the better for the growth of the babies hamster. I know its going to be smelly, but hey to save all the babies, why not? So, first day, tiny. Very tiny. One week, still tiny very tiny but litte hairy. Two weeks, still tiny, very tiny but looks better. The fourth week, still growing. Just some tips for you. Let the mother look after its babies naturally. No touching. No peeping. Give food and water. You will have a very healthy babies hamster. Okay. Just ask. I let you know what i remember. I had too many, that i just have to give away to friends children for a better home. I am not an expert, but i did once have hamsters with many generations of its gernerations. Haha..

He Pays.. do you?

Tiger Woods.. mmm.. voice 1 - did you know his shirt pressed iron by someone. voice 2 - yeah.. he paid that someone to pressed iron his shirt.. ..

Friday, April 8, 2011


Jangan sesekali menyalahkan kesilapan diri sendiri kepada orang lain kerana orang yang tidak mengakui kelemahan diri sukar untuk berjaya.

SaLam Lai. IkhLas dari Riyak adaLah dua sifat yg berLawanan.Org yg bsikap riyak dLm amaLannya,pasti tiada pda dirinya keikhLasan,ikhLas pda hati yg suci.AnniE R

914 mgadu sesama mnusia mslah nd kn selsai.Tp klo kita mgdu kpd Allah swt inshaallah psti da jln kluarny drp zemah dlmbk

Zini Manan Kbhgian, ksenangan, kmulian, ktenangan, hanya ALLAHswt letakan dlm amal agama yg semporna


Nurrawiee Semudin fikirkan dosa dan pahala, kerjakan yang berpahala dan tinggalkan yang berdosa.

Pehin Dicement Tumbang ‎=) muka i byk cenyum .beri lah cenyum dgn iklas kpd urg skeliling krna memberi senyuman itu tidak membuat urg len bhutang budi malah membuat urg nyaman hati

Husna Ma Kita jangan selalu mengharap..kerana mengharap tidak pasti tertunai..tetapi kita boleh bersabar..kerana kesabaran itu mengajar kita erti kehidupan.
Jangan menangis kerana gagal dalam cinta..sebab manusia akan meninggalkan apa yg di cinta.

Hjh Rose
Salam Dj Zura .... Mutara kata ke2

"Sesuatu yang baik belum tentu banar.
Sesuatu yang benar belum tentu baik.
Sesuatu yang bagus belum tentu berharga.
...Sesuatu yang berharga belum tentu bagus".

‎"Kasihilah musuh mu. Berbuat baik lah pada orang orang yang membenci kita. Mintalah berkat bagi orang orang yang mengutuk kita. Berdoalah untuk ornag orang yang mencaci dn menfitnah kita.Ignatlah jika kita berbuat baik, kebaikan pula yang ...akan kita terima. Oleh itu jika kita tidak boleh menjadi orang yang pandai.Jadilah orang yang baik"

Dari Hjh rosemahwati Hj Jamil
Bertugas Di Kuala Belait (",)


Sungguh benar bahwa kita tidak tahu apa yang kita miliki sampai kita kehilangannya, tetapi sungguh benar pula bahawa kita tidak tahu apa yang belum pernah kita miliki sampai kita mendapatkannya

Ponder ..

Driving yesterday ... thinking about life. The road, the path we all have. Each one has own way and how we go through it, it is up to us to handle it. Lots of it here. My thought, i know people before us went throught it too.. At the end it become history, theirs and they die alone. Alone. Just you and God now.

I don't know. I sort of see it already. The drama we have in life, is full of fun, pain, games and many more. How you describe it, that's it. Yes.. You may be go through this and that, i go through this and that too. So, how strong and how capable we are, it is all up to us. We could do anything in the world if we want, but again how we think and how we see and do things makes into consideration too.

I feel i can accept however bitter life has to offer. There is to life that i have to face, because i know its all from Allah. I know Allah gave each one of us different test in life to go through to see how strong we are mentally in sorting out this adventure and to use our brain to live life to the fullest.

Faith. Our Faith. That will lead us to where we want to too. Allah gave us this sweet life, bitter life for us to be a better person, to stand on our own feet, to appreciate life when we think life is no good for us, and that a question from us that says IS THIS REALLY FOR ME, WHY ME AND NOT OTHERS? Allah loves you.

Glad i heard ceramah the other day, someone ask why not just we all got to heaven? Why? Well the test in life for us to choose the path we wanted to live in the later life, the permenent life, that's why Heaven and Hell was created there for us. Its not easy. It sounds easy, but not.

Death? I don't know how i will leave this life. You? Also you don't know. If we only knew.. I can't imagine?????? I pray that i leave life in peace, dalam iman, and pray and doa, that i leave in good way the way i come to this world. How about you? Nobody want to leave in a tragic and horrific way. But again its all written. MasyaAllah..

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Rukun Islam ada lima (5) perkara :

(1) Mengucap dua kalimah syahadat
(2) Sembahyang lima waktu
(3) Berpuasa sebulan dalam bulan Ramadhan
(4) Menunaikan zakat
(5) Menunaikan haji ke Baitullah (Mekah)

Rukun Iman ada enam (6) perkara :

(1) Beriman kepada ALLAH SWT
(2) Beriman kepada Malaikat-malaikat
(3) Beriman kepada Kitab-kitab
(4) Beriman kepada Rasul-rasul
(5) Beriman kepada Hari Kiamat
(6) Beriman kepada Qada dan Qadar

ISLAM adalah ugama yang telah diturunkan oleh ALLAH SWT kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. yang merupakan seorang Nabi dan Rasul terakhir kepada seluruh alam dan tiada yang terkecuali darinya.

Sejak ALLAH SWT menciptakan manusia pertama iaitu Nabi Adam a.s. dan isterinya Hawa, manusia telah berkembang dari keduanya sehinggalah lahirnya manusia yang berbilang bangsa dan ugama yang mengamalkan pelbagai bahasa, budaya, pakaian dan adat resam.

Seorang demi seorang Nabi dan Rasul telah diutuskan kepada kaumnya. Adalah diberitakan bahawa Nabi yang diketahui adalah seramai 124,000 orang dan rasul yang wajib diketahui adalah seramai 25 orang termasuklah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Sejak di Luth Mahfuz lagi ALLAH SWT telah meletakkan nama Nabi Muhammad s.a.w di sisiNya.

Israj & Mikraj

ISRAK dan Mikraj satu peristiwa paling agung yang berlaku di bulan Rejab, setahun sebelum penghijrahan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ke Madinah.

Umat Islam wajip mempercayai dengan penuh keyakinan peristiwa itu.

Peristiwa bersejarah itu diabadikan dalam al-Quran mengandungi hikmah amat besar, menunjukkan kekuasaan Allah mencipta alam ini dan membenarkan lagi kerasulan Muhammad s.a.w.

Ia peristiwa sangat luar biasa, mencabar pemikiran manusia seisi alam kerana berlaku di luar pencapaian panca indera biasa manusia, namun bagi golongan beriman tetap yakin dengannya kerana ia bukti kuasa Allah.

Dalam Islam, ulama mencapai kata sepakat sesiapa yang meragui atau tidak mempercayai peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj hukumnya kafir.

“Maha suci Allah yang membawa hamba-Nya pada malam hari dari Masjidil Haram di Makkah hingga ke Masjid Aqsa di Palestin yang diberkati sekelilingnya untuk memperlihatkan kepadanya tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Allah jugalah yang amat mengetahuinya.” (Maksud surah al-Isra':1)

Tetapi bagaimana bagi mereka yang sangsi atau tidak mempercayainya langsung, malah menganggap ia satu kisah dogeng, seperti golongan yang kufur dengan nikmat Allah?

Penceramah bebas, Mohd Rani Awang Besar, berkata umat Islam pertama sekali kena percaya Allah itu Maha Berkuasa.

“Jadi, Allah boleh melakukan apa saja yang Dia kehendaki. Perjalanan Nabi melalui peristiwa itu juga bukan atas kehendak nabi tetapi dengan kehendak Allah SWT,” .

Daripada riwayat, menceritakan beberapa liku kejadian dialami Rasulullah s.a.w dan kejadian aneh bermula sebelum melalui perjalanan Israk dan Mikraj lagi.

Baginda mengalami pembedahan dada, hati Baginda dicuci dengan air zamzam, dibuang ketul hitam ('alaqah), kemudian dijahit kembali dadanya dan dimeterikan dengan “khatimin nubuwwah.”

Selesai pembedahan, didatangkan haiwan iaitu Buraq untuk ditunggangi Rasulullah dalam perjalanan luar biasa yang dinamakan 'Israk' dan sepanjang perjalanan dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa dengan ditemani Jibril.

Tiba di tempat tertentu Rasulullah diarah oleh Jibril supaya berhenti dan bersolat dua rakaat, seperti di Thaibah (Madinah), tempat di mana Rasulullah akan melakukan hijrah, Bukit Tursina (tempat Nabi Musa a.s. menerima wahyu) dan Baitul-Laham (tempat Nabi 'Isa a.s. dilahirkan).

Dalam perjalanan itu juga Baginda mengalami beberapa kejadian seperti gangguan jin Afrit dan menyaksikan golongan yang sedang bertanam, terus menuaikan hasil tanaman.

Baginda juga menyaksikan tempat yang berbau harum iaitu bau kubur Masyitah (tukang sikat rambut anak Firaun) bersama suami dan anak-anaknya yang dibunuh Firaun, segolongan sedang memecahkan kepala, golongan yang menutup kemaluan mereka dengan secebis kain serta lelaki dan perempuan memakan daging mentah berbau busuk.

Ketika Mikraj (ke Hadhratul Qudus menemui Allah) Baginda didatangkan Mikraj (tangga) yang indah dari syurga. Rasulullah s.a.w. dan Jibril naik ke tangga pertama lalu terangkat ke pintu langit dunia (pintu Hafzhah).

Baginda dinaikkan ke beberapa lapisan langit bertemu dengan kalangan nabi dan rasul, termasuk Nabi Isa, Nabi Musa dan Nabi Ibrahim sedang bersandar di Baitul-Ma'mur dihadapi oleh beberapa kaumnya.

Baginda juga bermunajat dengan Allah dan dalam munajat itu baginda menerima perintah melakukan solat 50 waktu sehari semalam, yang kemudiannya dipendekkkan kepada lima waktu saja.

Mohd Rani berkata, memang kejadian Israk dan Mikraj itu aneh tetapi semua pihak perlu menerimanya dengan hati terbuka.

Bagi yang mengerti, katanya, kebenaran peristiwa itu tidak perlu dipersoalkan kerana maksud Maha Suci Allah seperti pada ayat 1 surah al-Isra' menunjukkan kuasa Allah mengatasi segala-galanya.

“Dia yang menjalankan dengan kehendak-Nya, maksudnya Allah yang menjalankan dengan kehendak Allah.

“Malah, semua makhluk berjalan dengan kehendak Allah. Misalnya, hujan turun dengan kehendak Allah, perjalanan matahari mengikut peredaran yang tertib juga dengan kehendak Allah.

“Perkara ini harus difikirkan secara terbuka, iaitu dengan tujuan mahu mencari kebenaran, bukannya menutup kebenaran. Semua kena yakin Allah Maha Berkuasa. Jika awal-awal lagi tidak mahu percaya memang susahlah,” .

Dalam hal ini beliau mengadakan satu perumpamaan, jika Allah mahu seekor semut berjalan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Jeddah dalam tempoh 10 jam, memanglah kelihatan pelik dan sukar diterima.

“Tetapi dari segi akal sebenarnya boleh diterima, sebab mungkin ia menaiki kapal terbang atau memasuki saku baju penumpang.

“Sebab itu ada ayat dalam al-Quran yang bermaksud Maha Suci Allah iaitu merujuk kepada kekuasaan Allah.

“Supaya Allah perlihatkan tanda-tanda kebesaranNya, benda-benda zaman dulu tidak boleh lihat, tetapi Nabi boleh lihat, termasuk dengan roh Nabi.

“Batu di Masjidil Aqsa juga terangkat kerana hendak mengikut bersama Rasulullah s.a.w ke langit disebabkan sayang dan tidak hendak berpisah dengan Nabi. Itu adalah tanda kebenaran yang sangat jelas.

“Sesiapa saja boleh ke Baitul Maqdis melihat batu terbabit yang masih boleh dilihat dengan jelas hari ini,”.


Salam. Good morning. Just want to share something i received in my text from my beloved RHR. Tidak belajar sehari adalah sebuah kesalahan. Tidak belajar seminggu adalah sebuah kebodohan. Tidak belajar setahun adalah sebuah kemiskinan dan kemelaratan, dan tidak belajar seumur hidup adalah sebuah warisan yang berbahaya buat keturunan.


This i got to share. It was yesterday when i was in the office about to start work at 2pm. That story i got to tell you so you can tell me what you think? What effect does it give to you? ... Haha.. i am giggling here.

Okay story goes - this when i can remember what it says.

This happen in a bus. One guy took a picture of his son from one of the shop. He drop it when he was standing in the bus. And that picture happen to be right under the seat of this one lady. He said 'excuse me, could you lift your saree, i want to take photograph.' ....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE? OR ASK.. DO I KNOW WHO I AM? .... yes i did. I ask myself that question too... Hope you got the answer.

psst... weldone for taking the time to ask yourself. I did too.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Jika ada dua puluh orang yang sabar diantaramu, niscaya mereka akan dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang musuh.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


An eerie story about this picture. This is one and only picture i have of this little kitten outside thee porch of our house. I haven't even confirm its name yet. I was looking for the word 'camouflage' mean 'penyamaran; samaran'. Reason why, the color this kitten have just go with the earth color. Beautiful kitten. I was looking for that word 'camouflage' for its name. But unfortunately, not even word could express what happen to it before i confirm its name. Yes.. do you want to know what happen? Look at the kitten. Sweet isn't it? I like it. But when it first came to our house, it look very thin. Very very thin. Well a stray cat in peachy gold color bulu was outside our house. All the time there waiting to be fed. At the end, my husband bought a cat food. Yes.. sweet. So it got fed. Everyday. Funny when 'TOM' its name, oh its a male, eat good meal, it caught a mouse and place it infront of our door. I thank it and said to it TOM, welldone! TOM did a good job. About TOM at home, it was okay. Then came this little kitten. I heard a sound .. screeching meowing .. yes i did, but thought it was in the MINI ZOO. Hahah.. another story about that MINI ZOO. When i have time, i will tell.. But for now about this little kitten. Yes a sound. A screeching meowing when i did my laundry. But didn't care much. The next day the same thing, but didn't see this little kitten. Finally, it came out from the bushes. Oh was i scared, i thought it was something else. Boy oh boy!!! But its a little kitten. Thank God! Anyway, my husband ask me where it come from? And he doesn't want to have kitten in the house. Enough with TOM only. He worried that this kitten will shit ... ops?! haha.. will poop and pee everywhere.. But i said, it woun't. Still disagreeing .. but then i can't do anything. I can't just put the kitten away, with its condition so thin. I think another week, it die for sure. Somehow, it was okay to have this kitten around. Oh screeching meowing got louder if not fed. Haha... Then TOM was okay with it too. It was not even a month, it ate well. Not thin as before. Now look cuter.. So i thought of calling it 'CAMOUFLAGE' since it just blend with everything outside the house especially in the garden. I must say beautiful. Now.. here comes the story. I didn't see Camouflage for a while. Wondering yeah yes you can say that. But then i said to myself its probably playing out there with other cats. Its okay. Every morning i knock on my car just incase it didn't sleep under or in my car engine. Oh.. oh!!! i got to tell you this. My husband told me, when i was in Jakarta, he took my car out for a drive. And little did he know that the kitten was on the wheel. Yes!!!!!!!! Serious. He drove my car all the way to tungku and gadong link, and stop at the traffic light. A van full of young children was shouting pointing fingers to the wheel of my car. My husband wonder why these people were doing that???? Of course he can't hear what they were saying shouthing and pointing at, but it seems like they are telling him something important. Hahah... He came out and saw the kitten. Haha.. my Camouflage!!! OMG!! Do you want to know what he did to it? Here goes the continuition of this story.. Poor thing. My husband can be cold at times you know, hahah.. He took it and throw it in the boot of my car. Went to play badminton for an hour or so, with it in the boot of the car. Came home, and took the kitten out. Hahahha!!!! Mean!! Still the kitten was alive. Got the hint already when i said 'was alive?'.. One day .... i heard something outside the porch. But i can't care less. But when i went out, i saw a vormit, a thickened mass of liquid on the wood floor. I didn't bother. I thought the cat vormited or just a cat poop. I didn't smell anything. Nothing at all.. i wonder but not care much mode. It was there for a while until it dried by itself. Noone care to clean it, so why should i. I realized i don't see Camouflage anymore. I wonder where it goes. A week, no Camouflage.. mmmm... to the extend, i thougt someone took it. Saw it somewhere and took it. But worst! Worst than i can ever imagne. Little did i know, that thickened mass of liquid dried out and was a vormit from something. That something ate something and vormitted. And the content of that vormit is blood and bulu and bones of Camouflage. Don't ask me what ate it, but when i wore my gloves, was about to sweep the floor with that dried vommited just stick. I got down, and tried to clean it, then i felt bones of something little. OMG!! I freak out and jumped. I just can't believed it. No... no.. no... I got down, close up, and saw Camouflage bulu and felt its excess bones..






Super Wonderful Feeling ..

Friday, April 1, 2011


I watch HISTORY channel now, and i wonder how many countries are there on this earth? So i got up, and google about it. Hehe.. some info for you too. Maybe you too have idea to start on something to fill in your time, so you stop saying 'its boring today..'. :) Capitals of Every Independent Country The 195 Independent Countries on Earth With Their Capital City or Cities By , Guide Mar 2 2011 In February 2011, the official results of a referendum in South Sudan indicated that South Sudan would likely become the world's newest and 196th country. However, the declaration of independence is not expected for South Sudan until July 9, 2011. At that point, this page will be updated. Below is a complete listing of the 195 official independent countries of the world and their capital cities. Please see my article about the Number of Countries in the World for more information on the number 195. There are a significant number of countries that have multiple capital cities. Where that occurs, the additional capital cities are listed as well. (Note that the word "capitol" refers to the building and not to the city). My World Atlas provides maps and geographic information about every country and many non-countries on the planet. Follow the linked country name for maps and geographical information about each of the 195 countries in the world. The countries of the world and capitals of every country follow: Afghanistan - Kabul Albania - Tirane Algeria - Algiers Andorra - Andorra la Vella Angola - Luanda ntigua and Barbuda - Saint John's Argentina - Buenos Aires Armenia - Yerevan Australia - Canberra Austria - Vienna Azerbaijan - Baku The Bahamas - Nassau Bahrain - Manama Bangladesh - Dhaka Barbados - Bridgetown Belarus - Minsk Belgium - Brussels Belize - Belmopan Benin - Porto-Novo Bhutan - Thimphu Bolivia - La Paz (administrative); Sucre (judicial) Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo Botswana - Gaborone Brazil - Brasilia Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan Bulgaria - Sofia Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou Burundi - Bujumbura Cambodia - Phnom Penh Cameroon - Yaounde Canada - Ottawa Cape Verde - Praia Central African Republic - Bangui Chad - N'Djamena Chile - Santiago China - Beijing Colombia - Bogota Comoros - Moroni Congo, Republic of the - Brazzaville Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Kinshasa Costa Rica - San Jose Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro (official); Abidjan (de facto) Croatia - Zagreb Cuba - Havana Cyprus - Nicosia Czech Republic - Prague Denmark - Copenhagen Djibouti - Djibouti Dominica - Roseau Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo East Timor (Timor-Leste) - Dili Ecuador - Quito Egypt - Cairo El Salvador - San Salvador Equatorial Guinea - Malabo Eritrea - Asmara Estonia - Tallinn Ethiopia - Addis Ababa Fiji - Suva Finland - Helsinki France - Paris Gabon - Libreville The Gambia - Banjul Georgia - Tbilisi Germany - Berlin Ghana - Accra Greece - Athens Grenada - Saint George's Guatemala - Guatemala City Guinea - Conakry Guinea-Bissau - Bissau Guyana - Georgetown Haiti - Port-au-Prince Honduras - Tegucigalpa Hungary - Budapest Iceland - Reykjavik India - New Delhi Indonesia - Jakarta Iran - Tehran Iraq - Baghdad Ireland - Dublin Israel - Jerusalem* Italy - Rome Jamaica - Kingston Japan - Tokyo Jordan - Amman Kazakhstan - Astana Kenya - Nairobi Kiribati - Tarawa Atoll Korea, North - Pyongyang Korea, South - Seoul Kosovo - Pristina Kuwait - Kuwait City Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek Laos - Vientiane Latvia - Riga Lebanon - Beirut Lesotho - Maseru Liberia - Monrovia Libya - Tripoli Liechtenstein - Vaduz Lithuania - Vilnius Luxembourg - Luxembourg Macedonia - Skopje Madagascar - Antananarivo Malawi - Lilongwe Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Maldives - Male Mali - Bamako Malta - Valletta Marshall Islands - Majuro Mauritania - Nouakchott Mauritius - Port Louis Mexico - Mexico City Micronesia, Federated States of - Palikir Moldova - Chisinau Monaco - Monaco Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar Montenegro - Podgorica Morocco - Rabat Mozambique - Maputo Myanmar (Burma) - Rangoon (Yangon); Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw (administrative) Namibia - Windhoek Nauru - no official capital; government offices in Yaren District Nepal - Kathmandu Netherlands - Amsterdam; The Hague (seat of government) New Zealand - Wellington Nicaragua - Managua Niger - Niamey Nigeria - Abuja Norway - Oslo Oman - Muscat Pakistan - Islamabad Palau - Melekeok Panama - Panama City Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby Paraguay - Asuncion Peru - Lima Philippines - Manila Poland - Warsaw Portugal - Lisbon Qatar - Doha Romania - Bucharest Russia - Moscow Rwanda - Kigali Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre Saint Lucia - Castries Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown Samoa - Apia San Marino - San Marino Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome Saudi Arabia - Riyadh Senegal - Dakar Serbia - Belgrade Seychelles - Victoria Sierra Leone - Freetown Singapore - Singapore Slovakia - Bratislava Slovenia - Ljubljana Solomon Islands - Honiara Somalia - MogadishuSouth Africa - Pretoria (administrative); Cape Town (legislative); Bloemfontein (judiciary)Spain - MadridSri Lanka - Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte (legislative)Sudan - KhartoumSuriname - ParamariboSwaziland - MbabaneSweden - StockholmSwitzerland - BernSyria - DamascusTaiwan - TaipeiTajikistan - DushanbeTanzania - Dar es Salaam; Dodoma (legislative)Thailand - BangkokTogo - LomeTonga - Nuku'alofaTrinidad and Tobago - Port-of-SpainTunisia - TunisTurkey - AnkaraTurkmenistan - AshgabatTuvalu - Vaiaku village, Funafuti provinceUganda - KampalaUkraine - KyivUnited Arab Emirates - Abu DhabiUnited Kingdom - LondonUnited States of America - Washington D.C.Uruguay - MontevideoUzbekistan - TashkentVanuatu - Port-VilaVatican City (Holy See) - Vatican CityVenezuela - CaracasVietnam - HanoiYemen - SanaaZambia - LusakaZimbabwe - Harare

While the listing above is an authoritative listing of the independent countries of the world, it is important to note that there are also more than sixty Territories, Colonies, and Dependencies of independent countries.

* The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the State of Israel are all located Jerusalem so Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Nonetheless, all countries maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv.

Largest Countries

Countries with the Largest Population. By Matt Rosenberg, Guide

Mar 2 2011This is a listing of the 23 largest countries in the world (those having a population over fifty million). Data are estimates for these largest countries from mid-2008.

China - 1,330,044,544

India - 1,147,995,904

United States - 303,824,640

Indonesia - 237,512,352

Brazil - 196,342,592

Pakistan - 172,800,048

Bangladesh - 153,546,896

Nigeria - 146,255,312

Russia - 140,702,096

Japan - 127,288,416

Mexico - 109,955,400

Philippines - 96,061,680

Vietnam - 86,116,560

Ethiopia - 82,544,840

Germany - 82,369,552

Egypt - 81,713,520

Turkey - 71,892,808

Democratic Republic of the Congo - 66,514,504

Iran - 65,875,224

Thailand - 65,493,296

France - 64,057,792

United Kingdom - 60,943,912

Italy - 58,145,320

Source: U.S. Census Bureau International Data Base

TEST ... oh boleh rupanya!



April Fools' Day
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April Fools' Day

April 1, 2001, in Denmark, regarding Copenhagen's new metro

Also called All Fools' Day
Type Non religious, cultural
Significance Practical pranks
Date April 1
Observances Humor

April Fools' Day is celebrated all around the world on the April 1 of every year. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day where everyone plays all kinds of jokes and foolishness. The day is marked by the commission of good humoured or funny jokes, hoaxes, and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, teachers, neighbors, work associates, etc.

Traditionally, in some countries such as New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Australia, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool".[1]

Elsewhere, such as in France, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S., the jokes last all day. The earliest recorded association between April 1 and foolishness can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392). Many writers suggest that the restoration of the January 1 as New Year's Day in the 16th century was responsible for the creation of the holiday, but this theory does not explain earlier references.


A ticket to "Washing the Lions" in London from 1857. This traditional April Fools prank is first recorded in 1698.

In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392), the "Nun's Priest's Tale" is set Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two.[2] Modern scholars believe that there is a copying error in the extant manuscripts and that Chaucer actually wrote, Syn March was gon.[3] Thus the passage originally meant 32 days after March, i.e. May 2,[4] the anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia, which took place in 1381. However, readers apparently misunderstood this line to mean "32nd of March," i.e. 1st April.[5] In Chaucer's tale, the vain cock Chauntecleer is tricked by a fox.

In 1509, a French poet referred to a poisson d’avril (April fool, literally "April fish"), a possible reference to the holiday.[4] In 1539, Flemish poet Eduard de Dene wrote of a nobleman who sent his servants on foolish errands on the 1st of April.[4] In 1686, John Aubrey referred to the holiday as "Fooles holy day", the first British reference.[4] On 1st April, 1698, several people were tricked into going to the Tower of London to "see the Lions washed".[4] The name "April Fools" echoes that of the Feast of Fools, a Medieval holiday held on the 28th December.[6]

In the Middle Ages, New Year's Day was celebrated on the 25th of March in most European towns.[7] In some areas of France, New Year's was a week-long holiday ending on the 1st of April.[6] So it is possible that April Fools originated because those who celebrated on the 1st of January made fun of those who celebrated on other dates.[8] The use of the 1st of January as New Year's Day was common in France by the mid-sixteenth century,[4] and this date was adopted officially in 1564 by the Edict of Roussillon.

In the eighteenth century, the festival was often posited as going back to the time of Noah. According to an English newspaper article published in 1789, the day had its origin when Noah sent his dove off too early, before the waters had receded; he did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April.[9]

By radio stations

  • Jovian-Plutonian gravitational effect: In 1976, British astronomer Sir Patrick Moore told listeners of BBC Radio 2 that unique alignment of two planets would result in an upward gravitational pull making people lighter at precisely 9:47 a.m. that day. He invited his audience to jump in the air and experience "a strange floating sensation". Dozens of listeners phoned in to say the experiment had worked.[17]
  • Space Shuttle lands in San Diego: In 1993, DJ Dave Rickards told listeners of KGB-FM in San Diego that Space Shuttle Discovery had been diverted from Edwards Air Force Base and would be landing at Montgomery Field, a small municipal airport with a 4,577 foot runway. Thousands of people went to the airport to watch the purported landing, causing traffic jams throughout Kearny Mesa.[18] Moreover, there wasn't even a shuttle in orbit at the time.[19]
  • Death of a mayor: In 1998, local WAAF shock jocks Opie and Anthony reported that Boston mayor Thomas Menino had been killed in a car accident. Menino happened to be on a flight at the time, lending credence to the prank as he could not be reached. The rumor spread quickly across the city, eventually causing news stations to issue alerts denying the hoax. The pair were fired shortly thereafter.[20]
  • Phone call: In 1998, UK presenter Nic Tuff of West Midlands radio station pretended to be the British Prime Minister Tony Blair when he called the then South African President Nelson Mandela for a chat. It was only at the end of the call when Nic asked Nelson what he was doing for April Fools' Day that the line went dead.[21]
  • BBC Radio 4 (2005): The Today Programme announced in the news that the long-running serial The Archers had changed their theme tune to an upbeat disco style.[22]
  • National Public Radio: Every year, National Public Radio in the United States does an extensive news story on April 1. These usually start off more or less reasonably, and get more and more unusual. A recent example is the story on the "iBod," a portable body control device.[23] In 2008 it reported that the IRS, to assure rebate checks were actually spent, was shipping consumer products instead of checks.[24] It also runs false sponsor mentions, such as "Support for NPR comes from the Soylent Corporation, manufacturing protein-rich food products in a variety of colors. Soylent Green is People".[25]
  • Three-dollar coin: In 2008, the CBC Radio program As It Happens interviewed a Royal Canadian Mint spokesman who broke "news" of plans to replace the Canadian five-dollar bill with a three-dollar coin. The coin was dubbed a "threenie", in line with the nicknames of the country's one-dollar coin (commonly called a "loonie" due to its depiction of a common loon on the reverse) and two-dollar coin ("toonie").[26]
  • Country to metal: Country and gospel WIXE in Monroe, North Carolina does a prank every year. In 2009, midday host Bob Rogers announced he was changing his show to heavy metal. This resulted in numerous phone calls, but about half were from listeners wanting to request a song.[27]
  • U2 live on rooftop in Cork: In 2009, hundreds of U2 fans were duped in an elaborate prank when they rushed to a shopping centre in Cork believing that the band were playing a surprise rooftop concert. The prank was organised by Cork radio station RedFM. The band were in fact just a tribute band called U2opia.[28]
  • Cellphone ban: In New Zealand, the radio station The Edge's Morning Madhouse enlisted the help of the Prime Minister on April 1st to inform the entire country that cellphones are to be banned in New Zealand. Hundreds of callers rang in disgruntled at the new law.[citation needed]

Real news on April Fools' Day

The frequency of April Fools' hoaxes sometimes makes people doubt real news stories released on April 1.

  • The April 1, 1946 Aleutian Island earthquake tsunami that killed 165 people in Hawaii and Alaska resulted in the creation of a tsunami warning system, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre, established in 1949 for Pacific Ocean countries. The tsunami in question is known in Hawaii as the "April Fools' Day Tsunami" due to people drowning because of the assumptions that the warnings were an April Fools' prank.
  • The death of King George II of Greece was on April 1, 1947.
  • The AMC Gremlin was first introduced on April 1, 1970.[77]
  • In 1979, Iran declared April 1 its national Republic Day. Thirty-one years on, this continues to be mistaken for a joke.[78]
  • On April 1, 1984, singer Marvin Gaye was shot and killed by his father. Originally, people assumed that it was a fake news story, especially considering the bizarre aspect of the father being the murderer.
  • On April 1, 1991, news emerged that David Icke, the British sports reporter, had announced that he was the son of God and that the world was about to end in an apocalypse. Not surprisingly, many people took the reports as an April Fool. Icke has, however, continued to expound his views.
  • On April 1, 1993, NASCAR Winston Cup Series Champion Alan Kulwicki was killed in a plane crash involving Hooters of America executives in Blountville, Tennessee near the Tri-Cities Airport. The party were travelling to the Food City 500 qualifying scheduled for the next day.
  • The suicide death of Deathrock legend Rozz Williams was on April 1, 1998.
  • On April 1, 1999, the Canadian Northwest Territories was split, and the territory now known as Nunavut came to be.
  • On April 1, 2002, WWE Raw changed logos.
  • The merger of Square and its rival company, Enix, took place on April 1, 2003, and was originally thought to be a joke.
  • Leslie Cheung, a famous singer and actor from Hong Kong, committed suicide in 2003 due to severe depression.
  • Gmail's April 1, 2004 launch was widely believed to be a prank, as Google traditionally perpetrates April Fools' Day hoaxes each April 1, and the announced 1GB online storage was at the time vastly more than existing online email services (see Google's hoaxes.) Another Google-related event that turned out not to be a hoax occurred on April 1, 2007, when employees at Google's New York City office were alerted that a ball python kept in an engineer's cubicle had escaped and was on the loose. An internal e-mail acknowledged that "the timing…could not be more awkward" but that the snake's escape was in fact an actual occurrence and not a prank.[79]
  • The 2005 death of comedian Mitch Hedberg was originally dismissed as an April Fools' joke. The comedian's March 29, 2005 death was announced on March 31, but many newspapers did not carry the story until April 1, 2005.
  • On April 1, 2007, the first Diary of a Wimpy Kid book came out.
  • British sprinter Dwain Chambers joined English rugby league team Castleford Tigers shortly before April 1, 2008. The athlete was attempting a return to top flight athletics at the time following a high profile drugs ban, and his apparent unfamiliarity with rugby led many people to assume this was an April Fools' Day prank.
  • On April 1, 2008, it was reported that UEFA would require the Swedish fast food chain Max to close their restaurant at the BorÃ¥s Arena during the European Under-21 Football Championship due to a conflict with official sponsor McDonald's and a requirement that only official sponsors may operate around the arena. The arena was later replaced as a tournament site.[80]
  • On April 1, 2008, Persch announced that the GNOME desktop web browser EpiphanyMozilla's Gecko engine to the WebKit engine used by Safari and KDE's equivalent application Konqueror.[81] would be switched from
  • On April 1, 2009, Alan Shearer became caretaker manager of Newcastle United.
  • On April 1, 2009, CBS announced the cancellation of the daytime drama Guiding Light after 72 years, with the final episode airing September 18, 2009.
  • Also, on April 1, 2009, a Virus/Worm called Conficker was released in December 2008 but reports about its spread to millions of computers, releasing personal info and deleting files came out on April 1st. This was supposed to be a joke, but random computers throughout America were hit. Before this happened, news media like NBC, Fox News, ABC and CBSfirewalls and updates to their Windows computers before it hit.[citation needed] told the viewers to install
  • On April 1, 2010, Sony Computer Entertainment released Firmware 3.21 for the Sony PlayStation 3. This firmware disabled the "Other OS" feature on all PlayStation 3 models. The "Other OS" feature had allowed customers to use the PlayStation 3 as a full fledged computer running Linux. Because the "upgrade" occurred on April 1, many people thought that it was a joke.[82]
  • On April 1, 2010, Charlie Sheen announced he was considering leaving Two and a Half Men.

Other prank days in the world

Iranians play jokes on each other on the 13th day of the Persian new year (Norouz), which falls on April 1 or April 2. This day, celebrated as far back as 536 BC, is called Sizdah Bedar and is the oldest prank-tradition in the world still alive today; this fact has led many to believe that April Fools' Day has its origins in this tradition.[83]

The April 1 tradition in France and French-speaking Canada includes poisson d'avril (literally "April's fish"), attempting to attach a paper fish to the victim's back without being noticed. This is also widespread in other nations, such as Italy, where the term Pesce d'aprile (literally "April's fish") is also used to refer to any jokes done during the day. In Spanish-speaking countries, similar pranks are practiced on December 28, día de los Santos Inocentes, the "Day of the Holy Innocents". This custom also exists in certain areas of Belgium, including the province of Antwerp. The Flemish tradition is for children to lock out their parents or teachers, only letting them in if they promise to bring treats the same evening or the next day.

Under the Joseon dynasty of Korea, the royal family and courtiers were allowed to lie and fool each other, regardless of their hierarchy, on the first snowy day of the year. They would stuff snow inside bowls and send it to the victim of the prank with fake excuses. The recipient of the snow was thought to be a loser in the game and had to grant a wish of the sender. Because pranks were not deliberately planned, they were harmless and were often done as benevolence[citation needed] towards royal servants.

In Poland, prima aprilis ("April 1" in Latin) is a day full of jokes; various hoaxes are prepared by people, media (which sometimes cooperate to make the "information" more credible) and even public institutions. Serious activities are usually avoided. This conviction is so strong that the anti-Turkish alliance with Leopold I signed on April 1, 1683, was backdated to March 31.

In Scotland, April Fools' Day is traditionally called Hunt-the-Gowk Day ("gowk" is Scots for a cuckoo or a foolish person), although this name has fallen into disuse. The traditional prank is to ask someone to deliver a sealed message requesting help of some sort. In fact, the message reads "Dinna laugh, dinna smile. Hunt the gowk another mile". The recipient, upon reading it, will explain he can only help if he first contacts another person, and sends the victim to this person with an identical message, with the same result.

In Denmark, the 1st of May is known as "Maj-kat", meaning "May-cat", and is historically identical to April Fools' Day. However, Danes also celebrate April Fools' Day ("aprilsnar"), and pranks on May 1, are much less frequent.

In Spain and Ibero-America, an equivalent date is December 28, Christian day of celebration of the Massacre of the Innocents. The Christian celebration is a holiday in its own right, a religious one, but the tradition of pranks is not, though the latter is observed yearly. After somebody plays a joke or a prank on somebody else, the joker usually cries out, in some regions of Ibero-America: "Inocente palomita que te dejaste engañar" ("You innocent little dove that let yourself be fooled"). In Spain, it is common to say just "Inocente!" ("Innocent!"). Nevertheless, in the Spanish island of Menorca, "Dia d'enganyar" ("Fooling day") is celebrated on the 1st of April because Menorca was a British possession during part of the 18th century.[citation needed]