Saturday, April 24, 2010

ikan PEE?

Well.. au berabiz kami laugh when i cought ikan PEE. Apa ikan PEE? Well teka-teki untuk you bagi jawapan nya.

1. Ada nama kampong di Selangor?
2. Em.. iN Indonesia, satu kind or Ghost?

Ps. this ikan PEE, comes in plastic bag too. I was shock. My umpan kena makan, tapi di sangkutkan with plastic and in it got little water and ikan PEE!

too... i am writing to you ani pun i am smiling. Tebayang sewaktu berada di dalam bot with Abg CF, c-Gimin, Iril, Lydia, a fren and me! Haha.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jangan Menyerah

Salam and Good Morning.

Love this song. Early morning yes.. a good song to hear. So when you start your day, no matter how great and how bad it turn out, we are still we who never knows or agree to giving up. Well.. it reminds me of that all the time, same human, same me, same you, as long as we don't give up, and live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment of it.. i believe we live to be a happy one. So share your happiness and share your not happy moment too to the one who needed to hear it, and let it be a journey for them to live their life from your experience and mine, and get to see it and that it exists and be everything they are and we are!

Morning. Beautiful morning. There's nothing like morning. Like a beautiful morning. Hope and wish you all the best for today. May Allah bless us in whatever we do, and may we not forget Allah too...

Hope today brings you joy and happiness. Wish you all have a Great day today..

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Please Dermakan Darah jika you mempunyai darah jenis A+ atau O, thank you.

pSSST... someone text me. The only way i can help is to share it with you from this blog. I hope someone come forward and menderma. Insyallah... I am a 'B+'.

(Askum zura, bapa kawanku ani memerlukan darah jenis A+ atau O sal ia kan operation jantung hari jumat ani,so memerlukan urgent penderma,siapa kan menderma boleh menderma di JPMC, tapi sampai masani mash blum ada penderma.Patient name: Hj Abd Rahim bin Hj Duraman. MRN 6004* TQ Very much zura)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Achik Spin

Abdillah Murad Md. Shari
semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat dan
di tempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman.. Amin.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Something from MY MaMa

She is always perihatin with vitamins kita orang makan. So she will check jua what we ate. She will seriously check it if it will do good to our body and what others to take to combine. I tell you, i am not good in chemistry but i am good in something else. haha.. this is what i wanted to share with you. But i will share with you what she will share with me. Its not for me only wanting to be healthy, but i want all to be healthy too... so we live to the fullest. You agree?

Multivitamins can keep you younger, longer. It shows Peopel who take daily Multivitamin had younger DNA. So true. Very true.

Telomeres are keys of aging. And its not just your life spa that's affected, short telomeres dramatically boost your risk of sreious diseases..

As your cells age, they're less able to defend against toxins and free radicals that damage your body and you tend to become more susceptible to a wide variety of age-related diseases.

Worse when your telomeres cmpletely run down, cell division stops and that's a bad news. Ehrn yout new cells no longer replace damaged ones, you DIE!

There are specific vitamins that lengthen telemores tht your formula needs to have. Vitamin B12 supplements increase telomere length. And vitamins C and E prevent telomere shortening, increasing the life span of cells.

Good idea to start with a diet that is full of foods that give you as many of the vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy.

So if you want to use multi-vitamin, shop with caution.

Study revealed that iron supplements have a negative effect on telomeres, they cause them to shorten. Who want to shorten it?? I wonder... so stay away from multi-vitamins that contains iron, let it be an organic multi-vitamin.

I took DOUBLE-X, and it contains no iron and its organic. That's good.

Ps. For vitamin B12, C and E, the RDA for adult males is 2.4mcg, 90mg, and 22.5 IU, respectively. So you'll have to be smart shopper when it comes to selecting the right multivitamin. So when looking for a superior multivatmin, you want it to have at least 500mg of vitamin C, 200 IU of vitamin E, and 100 mcg of B12. This will give you much more than the RDA amounts.

The first step to a better health for everybody is by taking multivitamin.

Friday, April 16, 2010

At ICC for Carnival Kerjaya On Wednesday.

Yeah i was there. Very interesting. You must go. You have not got a chance to work or been looking, go there, and you might get something. Yes i can say that. A lot of people that day too. Amazing feeling when all wanted to try out for the walk-in interview. So.. don't be shy shy, no point to be shy at this stage, rugi berabiz.

Have you heard - malu biar bertempat? Nah.. this is the one. Jangan malu untuk bertanya. If you still got that malu feeling at this stage, baik tah don't go. Stay home sure you won't get any at the ICC at Carnival Kerjaya.

Oh check out the Klinik Kerjaya. I myself also ask them there at the counter, wah.. rupanya. And if you want to know, you need to check it out yourself ya. So do go. Get something out of there and share with others your knowledge....

While writing, WAh.. yang baca Khutbah Jumaat today.. He is so cute. I am going to hear what he have to say. Eh.. not only me say he's cute, many many 0f my friends too. Like in the era of Nabi Yussof, sampai terpotong jari pun inda terasa bah orang atu.. Wah terlebih pulak.

Okay now.. lets us all listen to Khutbah Jumaat.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


1st time fishing. In My Life History i went fishing yesterday. Tell you more a bit later in the evening. I got something to do now.. But i don't want to miss telling you my story version when i went fishing... Have a very good morning!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Siapa Suka????

Makan tongking ayam = awet muda??

EM.. inda kali ah. Tua ada. So pikir kan sebelum you makan. Kenapa tua bukan muda? Well macam ani ceritanya..

Tongking ayam mempercepatkan penuaan saluran jantung. pada peringkat umor yang muda. Coba you bayangkan.. apa yang muda nya???? Okay di teruskan lagi..

Keadaan SALURAN JANTUNG sudah menjadi TUA disebabkan TERSUMBAT oleh LEMAK.

6 KETUL TONGKING = 40 gram lemak (8 sudu teh minyak)



Wahizah Wahid hai DJ, saya dari singapore..lagu man toyak tadi judulnya apa ya? belum pernah dengar di radio singapore..

Pelangi FM (zura)
Setegar Cinta. Ps. You like?

Wahizah Wahid
yes...the melodi is very soothing, simple and sweet..his song on sgp radio lagu rock so i am impressed with gayanya dalam lagu ini.. how often will you be playing the song? nak share dengan fellow singaporean....

Sifat Penakut dan Pengecut

Tak ada suatu tabiat yang lebih buruk dan lebih hina selain dri sifat penakut dan pegecut.

Perangai penakut itu, apabila telah berakar dan bersemi dalam jiwa sesuatu bangsa kehinaan dan kerendahan sajalah yang menjadi peruntungan bangasa itu. Bangsa yang penakut bersifat rendah, lemah, beku, pasif, statis, rosak, layu dan akhirnya mati.

Sifat penakut itulah yang menghambat kita bergerak, yang menghalangi kita berjuang dan yang akan menyurutkan kita dari melangkah maju ke muka. Kerana itulah tidak menjadi hairan kalau pepatah mengatakan:

"Bahawasanya si pengecut itu, kematiannya di atas batang hidungnya".

Sifat penakut itu sedikit pun tiada berpadanan dengan undang-undang Iman dan Islam. Orang yang mukmin, percaya sungguh bahawa buruk baik itu semata-mata datangnya dari Allah sendiri. Maka apakah sebabnya kita bersifat penakut dan pengecut?

Sifat penakut itu timbulnya kerana kurang percaya kepada janji-janji Allah dan kerana kebodohan semata-mata. Ingatlah firman Allah :

"Di mana saja kamu berada, pastilah kamu akan didapatkan mati, walaupun kamu bersemayam dalam mercu yang tinggi". (Q.A.78.S.4:An-Nisa')

maka barangsiapa menyangka, bahawa Iman dapat berkumpul dengan sifat penakut di dalam sesuatu jiwa, nyatalah orang itu menipu diri sendiri.

Di petik dari - Bagaimana memiliki JIWA yang TENANANG

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Why would you be takut untuk kahwin? Setau ku iblis dan syaitan saja takut umat manusia Islam berkahwin. Kalau boleh berzina saja dan mengumpul dosa. Ada kan di heret nya ke neraka jahanam. Setau ku kalau kahwin ani indah. Halal. Kalau takut kahwin, cuma untuk orang inda mampu, mungkin inda cukup duit. Tapi ada jua orang miskin kawin, dan bahagia sepanjang perkahwinan. Tapi ada orang yang mampu takut kan kawin. Notis that? Why?

Takut kawin? Setiap umat Islam yang berkahwin, selamat lah tu. Mati iblis dan syaitan atu inda dapat mengoda. Tantu. Tapi yang belum kawin, tidak mustahil terjerat and di hasut. Dan bila sudah bersama tantu berzina. Apa kah berzina ani ringan? Au nyaman 5 minit, ia tah tu rasa syurga tapi dosa. Dosa yang besar. Inda takut berzina? Tapi kawin takut?

Bangang ku mengenai topik kawin ani. Why? I was married once. Di kurninakan a child. And now he is 11 years old. 12 this year in June. But very unfortunate my marriage ended sooner than i thought. I though death will do us part. But hey.. jodoh di tangan tuhan. So tiada jodoh di sana. Now he is married to my relative and i am in good terms with them. Happy family. I am happy for him.

I believed Allah sudah menulis jalan kehidupan masing masing. Hidup Mati Jodoh semuanya ketentuan Allah. So apa kan di takutkan? Dosa yang di buat inda takut? Mati dengan dosa inda takut? Orang inda nampak, tapi Allah tau tu.. so is takut still the problem?

I believed that FAITH must ada in our life. No FAITH? Baik tah mati. Jangan tah hidup. Bedosa saja. OHhh.. i need to go out now. I will sambong this later. Stay on and let me know.

Ps. iblis and syaitan ketawa bertepuk tangan with orang yang with no FAITH. Ia tah mau nya tu. Ketawa and bertepuk tangan, tewas manusia inda mau kawin biar berzina saja. Ketawa and bertepuk tangan bila Masjid kan di bina inda jadi di bina. Ketawa and bertepuk tangan bila Masjid runtuh.. Well.. apa kan di takutkan?

This is a sign where MOVING ON and bertawakal minta perlindungan dari Allah agar di temukan dengan jodoh jika ada dan di jauhi dari Dosa! dan hasutan iblis dan syaitan! Ya Allah.


I received messege from salah seorang Penguna Jalan Raya. So i would like to share it with you.. About bikers.. Bikers yang tidak bertanggong jawab ketika menggunakan jalan raya. Lain lah bikers yang PRO dan bertanggung jawab. So we know which and which. Ada yang baru merasai riding, so agak kambang sikit kali. Tapi ada yang sudah PRO enjoyed their ride. Unfortunately she yang memandu ani terjumpa dengan riders yang ahem.. kurang sopan santun nya di jalan raya. Well.. well...

salam zura.. bila u on-air lagi?
can u help me..
just wanna share ah..
hehe a story lah..
i hope u gonna share it with ur listeners nanti yeah hehehe..

macamani.. tadi masa ku otw kn balik ke rumah bakas dari mengambil my sis skulah.. around 12+pm lah ah area kn masuk ke bengkurong arah jembatan ah.. before atu relek2 lah ni ah drive..

kali ada satu geng bikers ni.. yg ku teliat ah bini2 ada dua orang yg laki seorang.. yang ku sakit ati ah.. one of the bikers ah.. bini2 bah.. sudah tah suka2 ati durang kan melasut-lasut memotong kreta orang..sudah nya memotong nda sadarkan diri atu sampai kan telanggar my car.. langsung nda ia tau2 bh bini2 marah ku eh..

kali ku ampiri bah ia.. dari belakang maksud ku (i know bahaya tu..tpi i dont know sakit ati bh sudah tu).. kali u know zura.. di takannya minyaknya sampai melatup bah exos nya ah.. sakit ati ku eh.. bini2 macam atu tu kan tunjuk samseng di jalan.. inda guna2 bah..

banarnya dari dulu lagi ada certain bikers yang macamani ni suka2 ati memotong kreta orang.. tahulah it easy for them kan kalau jalan jam.. tapi kalau inda berhati2 bukan saja kn mbahayakan diri durang tpi urang lain jua.. ani kadang2nya bagi tekajut bah durang tiba2 ada di sebelah kreta tani tu..

so..hopefully u gonna share this zura with the others.. i really hope yg ada undang2 untuk bikers di brunei ani..

ok zura thanks for reading my email ani hehe.. have a nice day..

That's the end of the story. So beringat ingat lah. Tidak semua tidak bertanggungjawab, tapi kalau terasa, satu signal maka nya mula lah berhati-hati. Jangan marah pada teguran, untuk kebaikan bersama. Teguran untuk kebaikan untuk siapa yang boleh menerima, kalau sebaliknya, gadai nyawa sendiri lah, jangan bawa orang lain... Mun paham bisai! Thank you for reading.

@ home on Friday.

Yes being lazy and all, i said to myself home today and sleep. Yes i did but didn't sleep. Body just needed that sleep but brain want to know what's happening today. No major things today but hey i found a cassete that is only B$1. Amazing!!! Where i got it, well you got to inbox me in my FB and i will let you know. Only interested saja and only the one still pakai cassete player.

Yes went out in the evening, thought i stayed home the whole day. Eh.. paning paning lalat dah pun kan still blog. But i like it. Like no Air jua tu. If i ask you , what would make you feel noAir? haha.. probably reading my blog. hehe.. not surprise..not surprised at all...

Kalau ku cakap like that, teringat tah tadi masa cooking for my siblings, i asked my maid if she could get me something in the kitchen, boh.. my english atu berabiz jua sampai kena tagur mom. Au eh bad bahasa. In english plang, tapi lintang pukang untuk ia paham.. haha. Memang ia paham plang but just the sleng atu bah kan di ikutkan. Inda jua kan posh posh menyuroh orang ani.. kitani ikut ruang lah.. Teringat jua me kan Puan Siti Hajar tu about ikut ruang. That's where i learn and know what it meant. Puan is really good. Really good bila training vocal hari atu..

Now.. kajar kajar sudah badan nie. Kan tidor tah nie. Garu garu kepala, esuk color eh. Esuk jua kan swimming and running. Stadium pagi eh. And then swimming. Then color rambut.. hehe. Pssssst... jangan ingar.

So, tmro inda keraja. Today sudah inda keraja. Tapi Sunday.. keraja eh. Rentak 2-6 with Lydia. Yes.. You want to tune in with us.. go website pelangi. and click netradio.. wala!! we be there. So promise.. jangan lupa tu.

Oh i watched GREEN ZONE tadi. Nie jua baru habis. Siok eh. Apa lah.. ada reason why i said that. Don't want to give comment so much. Good movie, i love it. Haha.. Actor pun manyak bagus. That's the story.

Bah kan tidor tah nie. I wonder bah.. labok labok jantung ku malam ani. Kan pikir yang inda tantu-tantu malas ku jua. Kan melayan, malas ku jua. Inda mendatangkan hasil. Sakit saja kan memikirkan. Tapi labok labok. Kalau dulu labok labok ani, wah.. sana sini kan cari jawapan. Tapi sekarang, no lah. Bari malas. Bawa rilek saja. Ujung ujung mati tinggi darah. Buat apa? memikirkan apa yang membuat kan labok labok jantung?? haha.. giler jua eh.

So, kalau you like that jua, jangan terlalu dipikirkan. Sama jua situasinya tu, jangan di pikirkan. Just that you punya lain, and me punya lain. Barang kali labok labok jantung you lebih laju dari me. Or slow dari me or inbetween. So lain. Problem ada tapi lain. Jadinya jangan terlalu di pikirkan. Buat yang boleh di selesaikan dulu, and next ja..

Whatever orang buat arah tani, baik kah, jahat kah.. terima saja. Ada pembalasannya. Inda payah tah kan di balas balas. Don't waste a minute to think of such things. Wasted. Worn out you tu. So move on and have Faith. Atu saja..

OOOOOoooooo kan tidor eh. Banyak kan cerita lagi, but tired. Karang paning lagi. Tau tah if akhir tidor, lapar parut. And bila lapar bukan nya kan makan, ehhehe.. just a little saja to isi perut and tidor. One more time, BUKAN KAN MAKAN just isi perut dikit. Bah.. good night!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Aslmualaikum zura :D morning :) u knw what, i was dreaming of u lastnyte, we hangout,watching muviee at de mall and mcm2 lg la hehe.. Wlupun cuma mimpi tpi siuk zura, mcm bnr plg rsanya :D (from Suhaizah)

pS. I keep this. This doesn't come around very much.

**There was once, this person told me - met my late father, didn't becakap. I left my bag there, and i left, and my late just pointed the direction i went. And this person never met my late dad but knows that he was my dad. (that's sweet)**

JAWAPAN DARI zURA untuk yang text atas : oh.. so sweet. Thank you. I was there in your dream jua kali.. tapi me nada mimpi. Thank you for sharing. tq. May Allah bless you.


Raining and i am wet. haha.. At work now. Luckily not so cold in here and i am drying up soon. Wet morning this morning. Basah serluar jean ku.. haha. But i am okay. No worries. Ia tah ganya, kalau hujan habis basah. Love the rain so much, fresh, ganya waktu bekerja i am a bit soak.. haha.

Ia tah masa masa like this beguna DRIVER untuk menghantar keraja. haha. Only time like this. Sajok nyanta. But hey.. i am okay. Really okay. Ops.. malar jua ya. No one ask pun.

So you're very lucky, no rain no more eh this morning for you. Good for you. Well you should be thankful. You know, like us, working here like time has got to be on the dot at work. If not.. so long good bye. Is it the same to you? Well... maybe au or maybe inda jua jawapan.

Driving on the way to work on the pouring rain, ada ada saja in my mind. One of the thing i think, like us got to be disipline and manage our time right. Otherwise so long good bye jua balik ceritanya. Say.. i should know what time to leave my house when i know i will be on at 6am. Incase.. ada lagi tu incase nya, like if you leave late, say something happen, habis tia cerita nya. So you know kan.. Yup..Yup...

Lucky when you work only on the time part, that you can come few minutes late apa tah lagi to you yang datang half hour or one hour or afternoon saja show up with whatever reason when you are supposed to work at 7.45am. Boleh lagi di tapok tapok. Mun us, not so like that. Habis cerita.

In a way, you think saja lucky but actually nya inda jua lucky. Because you miss rezeki yang you inda nampak that awal pagi on your table. Rezeki dari berberapa cara. Not makanan eh. Bukan minuman eh.. bukan saja yang kan belanja tapi dari Allah. You supposed to work at that time berada di office. We never know yang kena hantarkan arah kitani rezeki yang selalu di doakan, tapi sayang kitani nda di sana untuk menyambut nya.. You get what i mean??

Argh.. kadang i felt banyak cakap jua me ani. Ani lagi bertugas here pun sempat jua memblogging. Sekali ani inda naked eh. hahah.. My fren baca, and wonder.. Naked nya? Au eh. Banar jua. Eh.. SARAPAN PAGI jangan lupa. Layan perut tu jika lapar. Jangan di biar sakit oleh nya. Perut you and you lah jua tu. Buat apa sakit kalau dapat di elakan.

I hope yo have a good day today. Always thank to Allah that we got to live to see another day. What we went through yesterday was not so bad, if it is, well you're still alive to sort it out and make it right. Okay? Promise? Okay... wish you all the best. Still thank you to Allah for giving us a chance to pijam nyawa and mengizinkan berpijak di dunia utuk melakukan tanggungjawab masing masing untuk di bawa ke dunia akhir kelak.. Take Care. xoxo

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What A Day Today!

Great Day of course. As always. Lucky i live in Brunei. Peaceful here. Very much so. I am glad. Aren't you? Cuba you ke luar negara. Jauh..jauh.. yang jauh.. Au rindu you kan balik ke Brunei tu. Seriously, lain bila stay in Brunei ani. Selesa kitani. Atu mesti bersyukur. Walaupun cuaca inda sajok, bersnow atau ada four season atu, tapi keamanan nya terserlah dan membuatkan rakyat Brunei selesa tinggal di Brunei. Betul kah for you? For me yes.

Kan bercerita sedikit. Haha.. ada isue sikit dalam segmen. Good one too. Tapi ada yang inda puas hati. ehehe.. why? Haha semua kan mau pemenang becali. Tapi inda kan lalai becali jua dalam hidup ani.. Nah ani tah namakan lalai jua kan. Berhibur satu, jangan sampai jadi issue. Ani ada kah.. haha. So i puas hati dengan pemenang yang di pilih untuk Segmen Sambong-Sambong. Don't you? Here i copy paste for you.. so what do you think? Jika bimbang..

WINNER FOR SEGMEN SAMBONG-SAMBONG - bimbang jika ku tertinggal 1 drpd 5 smbhyg fardhu.tak sanggup ngumpul2 qadha smbhyg takut jadi tabiat buruk. Drpd Dilah d lmbk2

So you tell me? Is that wrong to be a winner? (ps. 85 likes it, 46 comments and half of it not suka it and half of it melawankan and positive about it) -

this is the negative one..

bored radio F.M ane!! LAME... See More!!
aku sukong
yup aku pn sukung cm unfair.............!
pilih lah yg cali kah, atu perkataan islam atu slalu manang antah kenapa. :( yg cali2 laaaah. Ani andang dimana2 ni words ah. Relex :P
ko nda jua smbhyg..(em.. what was that about?)
aku sukung ****.cuath yg cali2 bh ah..bisai jua kn di dgr..

Well.. what do yo think of that kind of comment? kecian kan. Anyway just something i would like to share. And what do yo think of this one..positive.

Islam tetap no 1. .Dunia Islam mesti manang n sentiasa top dari dunia hiburan,hehe X) lg suka yang cali manang dri yg islamic kh?atu pun..kesian jua..
Relaaks baa ! Atupun kan kamu kelaiekan ! Haiyaa~ apaLaa..
Vaah...Mcm segment panas2 th plng ne..Relex la,mun aku f boring dgn chanel atu ku tukar chanel lain o off aja radio tu..Tutup kes .aha..More to islamic is better utk menyedarkn semua org..Mun chali th ganya liat la raja lawak yg inda lawak.Ahaha.Peace..
Congratz eh dillah bgus jua ayat mu,gpun pasal agama islam nda payah g d pertikaikan g. . Terima saja. . YuhuUu. .
jadi issue plg ne?skadar jua eh..relax sja wa..its just a game guys,luan jua bri watir ane
ih kamu ani bnr jua tu ckp dilah ah, jealous kamu plg ia manang. peace.
Bnyk2 istighfar e.
Mun pasal ugama ia th payah sikit tu kn dterima..Iath radio tmpt menyalurknya..Pahala payah kn dcari dosa skjap mata sja mendapat...Moreover bnyk lg chanel radio dbrunei ne kn dtune..4 me pelangi stil no.1 tanpamu hidup ku boring..Aha.Selalu jua ku ikut sambng2 ne pn inda pernah dpt bt i dnt mind cos inda dpt hadiah nasi katok mun ku tais liur kn mkn nasi katok membali ku sja apa jua seringgt ganya..Vaah.Peace..Lagu taubat ne patut dhayati.Sadang2 buat maksiat.
kepada yg len2 atu, sipunn trenddd,jn jua kn lupa agama ne.nada lame 2 when it c0mes 2 topic islam.
manada lame tu. okay ape. hee. sebagai peringatan untuk tani jua bah. (:
Jdi issue.Mari th ku besedakah sapa kn makan nasi katok atu.Tapi jgn lupa baca bismillah so setan betanduk inda tumpang sekaki...Mun ia tumpang mkn bekudut2 nasi katok atu dmkn pun inda mau kanyang toh..Peace

Weldone you all. Amazing you all can settle this part. Shocking to some, but hey inda salah jika memang kebenaran nya ada. Bimbang Jika .... ini jadi isu bukan jadi hiburan semata mata.. :).

Something ah.. WEll you think about it.

Not Enough Sleep..

Sleep at almost 3am. Came home from work at 12ish am. And can't sleep and apa lagi. Shopping internet. Em.. not shopping. Like cuci mata on Jessica Simpson's products and at target. Wow.. siok shopping kalau banya $$$. Would be nice. Another teraphy for tension. hahah!

Ouch.. sleepy too sleepy. Work soon. I am so naked on my bed now and blogging. Aiya.. like blue lagoon eh. No air-con at all. (OH! who can live without air conditioner?? ) - X-rated if in the movie nie..haha. But hey! once in a while its okay. Only for my eyes only. Arghhh..

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

oooo Balik Sekolah..

I am working tonight. I am so relax now. But of course jadi chef mummy. Hehe.. Got to pick up my son now.. quick shower and off i go. You?



Don't know how many years already. Haha. Been waiting too long. Families and close friends asked me.. I don't know. If it's not happening now, it woun't ever happen (voices i heard from them and entah dari mana..). haha.. again i smile and laugh in my heart.. ya lah.

Oh well.. don't wait and look forward for that. I am confortable with this since long. Now i don't have to wait and mengusut.. I know the answer already. I am with the flow whatever flow there is. But yes i don't intend to wait if there's something good out there for me.

Never mind. It's too long. And sometimes when too long, its just become something. Like food, di hidangkan when you ordered wah.. panas and nyaman, fresh. But when too long, you're expecting and it didn't come, and turn out the way you wnat it, well you become angry. When too long food became stale and you become angry. When you expect too much, and you realized that the stale food not going to be good for eating, well.. you know the answer. Or when you realized its not a good place anymore to order food, well you move on. SORT OF ya.. haha

Life too short. And it got to be worth it to live while living. No more .. enough is enough. If not interested just say so.. don't let people wait and hope..HOPE. Haha. Ususally HOPE is good for for something.. but in this case HOPE don't know or not sure what it meant.

Does that happen to you?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Gastrik lagi.

My mom not well since yesterday. But yesterday got to attend wedding jua and got to watched movie jua. Today.. woke up early send my son to school. He woke up really early everyday and he's ready by 6am. Bersemangat eh. Anyway send em to school. Mom still sleeping. Just read her text this morning buat kan bubur before she sleep. I didn't read her text until this morning. Panik di buatnya.. Kecian jua. I know how she must have felt last nite.. Dizzy and hungry kali jua. Ia lah jika gastrik, got to give warm food or drinks. Good feeling for the tummy. Worried ku jua.

So this morning, bangun and visit her in her room, still sleeping. I ask my maid did she give mom bubur last nite (coz i told her to sleep di luar at the living room next to my mom bedroom, so she can dengar what my mom wants) and she said yes she did.. Alhamdullilah. At least she makan before she slept.

Today make my mom breakfast. Plain bubur with little ikan masin. And cook soup for her before i leave for work. Warm water and mint tea for her too. Now i can work peacefully for 4 hours. She text me just now, so i think she's feeling a bit okay. I get worried when my mom got gastrik attack. Huh.. not a good feeling i know, sometimes i got that too. But i don't care i ate and get enough rest and sleep...

Took shower this morning. I started to think.. why some would membiarkan their mother ya? It happen at the hospital yang elderly lady atu got cancer, and remove the overies and etc, nada orang melawat ani bah. Teampai-ampai ibu tua atu, beranak dua tapi nada kelihatan. Ku tanya tanya.. orang susah jua. Tapi indung bah. Susah senang kitani di dunia ani, jangan di tinggal kan or di biarkan. Walaupun you begelar sekali pun, hodoh kah apa, miskin kah apa.. please eh.. sadar tah.. jangan di biarkan. She mengandongkan kitani, apa tani tau, tapi mama tani yang merasakan. Baik tani lelaki or perempuan.

Atu yang ada in my mind when i took my shower. Lain hal pun ada jua. Apa yang i do, i just smile. Its all janji Allah untuk kitani. Our path in our life, all what we want we wish we had it all but not all.. all jua yang di tentukan oleh Allah. Allah yang menentukan hidup mati jodoh us. Well .. i smile and reda jua. Anyway.. pasal ibu ani..

Banyak cerita kan di dengar dari ibu inda memedulikan anak anak. Bapa yang membiarkan anak anak. Memang ada. Tapi yang menjaga anak anak ani biarlah melahirkan perangai yang baik serta hormat orang tua. Jangan di api apikan akal anak anak yang innocent ke kejahatan. Ada nie kebanyakan nya.. Apa tah salahnya membesarkan anak dengan kebaikan menghormati orang tua bisdia walaupun bukan orang tua bisdia yang menjaga. Inda kitani tau apa hikmah di sebalik semua ani tapi semuanya tertulis. Mencoba keimanan seseorang atu sebagai seorang manusia yang baik, mencoba kedua orang tua kitani, mencoba kitani sebagai anak.. banyak.. banyak sekali.

Ibu .. susah senang inda pernah membiarkan meninggalkan anaknya.. Bapa susah senang inda pernah meninggalkan or membiarkan anaknya.. mesti ada sebab-sebab yang tidak dapat settle mungkin, tapi kenapa mengalah? Kenapa harus mengalah? Dapat kan kasih sayang atu walaupun sampai ke hujung nyawa. Jangan mengalah sebab hak you untuk merasakan kasih sayang nya, dan hak mereka untuk mendapatkan kasih sayang jua dari anak-anak nya..

Oh well.. jaga tah indung kitani selagi masih ada. Rugi you kalau you inda. Pemarah kah ia, peaibun kah ia, kuat becakap kah ia, kuat bercerita kah ia.. etc.. banyak eh macam you jua karenah nah.. enjoy the moment while you can.

Friday, April 2, 2010


haha.. Yesterday was a good day for me. I don't know why but yes one of a good day. So someone wish HAPPY APRIL FOOL to me but i just don't celebrate that. I didn't reply back. What is April Fool? Who Created April Fool? Kan .. inda paham bah. Yang lain okay.

So anyway, biar pun stail, tapi jangan tah kitani terikut-ikut dengan stail barat. Dulu inda me meliat like this, but now yes i do. Why ikut-ikuttan when we don't even know what it meant. Not our culture. Its okay if you terikut-ikut but hope you realize jua one day that its not worth it.

I used to argue why? Why we can't have this? Why we can't have that? Haha.. rupanya yang awal meliat and melalui sudah nampak. I saja inda nampak. Well now i nampak what it mean.. Kalau dulu jangan cakap. I am not proud of it but i learned something on the way to become me like this.

Nobody said its easy to live. But hey everybody said to enjoy while living. True so true. I don't even have any idea how i said things like this, somebody ask me how i got the ideas? Hey.. through experience. I think what i have experience is much much older than my age... haha. Is it because i am an Aquarius, i am like this? Because my star sign would say Aquarius are more advance in life.. like the future. Haha! What's yours? Not that i believe, but you know the stars and scientific thing..

Today, work calmly. I enjoy every moment. So 2nd April, and i said to myself, lalu already April Fool nya orang. Haha. Yesterday nenek check out from RIPAS. Good.. she looked healthier. You know lah nenek, never like to rest di rumah, always want to be busy. But she got to have a break jua and she didn't know how. So not well for the past week, got admitted to RIPAS, and all the doctors and nurses been helpful. Looking after her jua. Now.. she looked much healthier. That's great. I whisper to her last night when i salam with her, i said nenek look good and fresh and healthy. That's is important to us. Alhamdulillah.

Khutbah Jumaat today about healthy eating. About food that we ate. Very interesting. Very very interesting. Rugi you didn't dengar. If you want to hear Khutbah Jumaat every friday after Sembahyang Fardhu Jumaat with Pelangi FM. Where ever you are in the world, go browse and click netradio.

One of the day during the week, i told my mom, how beruntung we all di Brunei ani got to hear Khutbah Jumaat setiap Friday from every station. The radio in Brunei saja i think yang stop all the music and keudarakan Khutbah Jumaat seluruh negara. How amazing is that? Yang inda dapat ke Masjid untuk berjemaah, got to listen to Khutbah Jumaat trhough radio. We are very very beruntung. That Our Pemimpin mengutamakan Ugama Islam and menanamkan unsur unsur keIslaman dalam diri kitani, mengingatkan kewajiban in our lives untuk kebahagian dunia dan akhirat. That's what we all want.. not only kebahagian di dunia... Alhamdulillah.

All and all, di mana jua rakyat Brunei berada di luar negara dan dalam negara, sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah. Sentiasa, did you notis. Mengalir air mata ku jua ... bila mengenangkan. I guess all rakyat sentiasa sedar dan sentiasa berdoa.. That's amazing. So we must keep it this way.. Satu ya.. we want to berkembang dalam kehidupan, tapi jangan lupa jua melakukan kewajipan sebagai seorang manusia yang masih lagi hidup dan bernafas.

Sometimes when i am writing, i ask myself, is it okay to write like this? Well i blog to write. And i write how i felt. Happy Friday. Mudahan hari ini dan hari-hari seterusnya akan membawa kita ke arah yang lebih sempurna dan sentiasa dalam lindungan Allah.. Amin. xoxo