Ramai lah ya.. then of course ada yang bercerita, ada yang bertanya.. and lots more. 'S' was sitting there melipat kertas at that time.. so one couple came.. betanya lah... cute eh.. the reaction when they know who 'S'? Dats was cute.. (thanks 'S' for being there on that Saturday, bedangan ku jua.. ha.ha.h..)
au.. atu tah cerita nya. I enjoyed it so much eh.. had dinner at Soto Tini's that night. I just love the soup. Memang pun. Before i was married, then betian, em... sampai hampir hari pun makan soto di sana jua in Lambak atu, then ani tia lagi. Craving for soto saja inda beranti, but inda pulang betian this time... ha.ha.ha...
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