Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Alum lagi eh tahap atu. Tapi ada ciri-ciri nya sudah. Ada kah.. My nephew operation kemarin the elbow dislocated.. em.. (still wondering how it happen?), but yes yesterday in OT for 3 hours operate and fix. So bescrew lah. So what jadi? mmmm

But he was very strong. But sakit tu, i know. What to do? Sudah nasib. Bescrew elbow damit-damit. But baik lagi bescrew dari nasib another boy age 7 months old, operate mata. The whole biji mata terpakasa di remove because he had eye cancer. Ya Allah... baik sudah kitani bemata dua biji ani, pun ada jua kadang di salah gunakan dan ada jua kadang inda bersyukur dengan apa yang dapat di lihat dengan mata.

That boy yang beremove biji mata nya akan di simpan mata batu pengganti mata yang di remove. Sedih dada ku. Kecian damit damit sudah menerima dugaan macam atu, memang dugaan yang di lalui indungnya menyakitkan tapi mereka sudah reda, demi keselamatan anak yang pertama jua. Ya Allah.. Engkau Maha Mengetahui segala apa yang akan terjadi selepas ani... Mudahan that boy dalam keadaan sihat dan dapat menikmati penglihatan yang sama, turut senang dalam kehidupan nya.. Amin.

So cerita balik with my nephew ani. Jadi tia sudah IRON MAN. Haha.. Bukan ia cali tu. Tapi.. sakit ada. Cian eh. I hope he get well soon jua.

Psst... i did ask a BONE SPECIALIST. A friend of mine di luar negara. Well this is the feedback. Ani text yang i received. I would like to share it with you.

Joints are the toughest area in the body, even for a child. It's not easy to dislocate unless by force. By fall minght get scratches around the elbow area and will break the bone but not dislocate joint is UNLIKELY.

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