Some pictures from LAST NIGHT.. last night.. na..na..na... adeh menyanyi eh. So last night got function and i was the MC. Em.. receive text all the way from PARIS.. yes from a friend.. and text my friend back that i was doing my MC that night. And my friend said "You will as usual a wonderful MC!" ... yeah from my friend all the way from PARIS.
And last night too, em.. wife Pg.Saiful bought a cake for him.. his birthday today 15.06.... and he is now today 35 years old. Last night was fun.. fun..fun.. i got to sing birthday song to YDM PEHIN CP with all yang attended the Appreciation Night. But that was his belated birthday. Last night, well at 12am today.. a birthday cake for Pg.Saiful and we all sang for him. Was amazing. The Combo from Pasukan Polis Diraja Brunei was about to pack barang barang, then just for the moment singing together HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU... LA..LA.A.. just nice.
Anyway, a picture for memory. Sweet memory and one and only. Have a super Happy Bapa's day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PG.SHAIFUL REZAL MALEK FAESAL BIN PG HJ MARALI YANG KE 35 TAHUN. MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU WITH HIS LOVE AND MAY ALLAH BE WITH YOU AND FAMILY. Greetings from your wife, Pg.Hjh.Nooriapamahwati bte Pg.Hj.Kahar and your children. Ak.Muhd Nurfadhlee @Luqman Al-Hakeem. Dk.Nurul Syafiqah Hakeemah. Ak.Muhd Nur'Ehsan @ Luqman Al-Hakeem. Ak.Muhd Nur'Syafiq @Luqman Al-Hakeem.
And from Zura and the Pelangi geng too. Wish you well and happy too..
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