
as usual Saturday night, ramai tah remaja belia lepak di Gadong. Remaja belia lelaki and bini-bini. Ramai.. tapi kali ani on the way to Gadong, lepas jalan-jalan mengambar di Bandar, sengaja singgah ke Gadong on the way kan balik rumah. See sunyi ka or sibok kah? Au sibok..
Ada yang kena ambush kali... mun polis ramai menjalankan tugas... em..ada yang kena block jalan oleh polis ani bah.. just opposite the Mall Gadong, ramai anak anak muda. Loud music, smoking and lepak-king.. So polis rate them, and probably checking them all... inda ada yang lapas kali. Just one spot atu saja. Must ada complain ka.. apa ka... So many questions rushing in my head and many unanswered lah.. Tantulah.. inda ku kan sibok sibok betanya. Liat saja dari jauh.. and wonder lah..
Polis just doing their job. Menjaga keamanan negara kitani. Banar tu, kalau lepak at that hour, i mean, ramai ramai, inda mustahil if something happen, something yang inda good lah. Kalau inda, inda kan lepak sampai late like that. May be some remaja or belia inda suka nie di tagur, but all for kebaikan. Kalau kan lepak, biar lah tantu tantu. Nowdays lagi, lots of drugs among student. Baru jua me baca MP.. and not good. I myself as a mother, pun not happy to hear that.
Kalau remaja sekolah ramai terbabit, not good. siapa inda worried, once you on drugs, that be it. IT!! You be ruin. Ruin. So better not even be curious about DRUGS. DRUGS KILLS. IT'S NOT EVEN COOL. IT'S STUPID. Anyway.. avoid it if possible. If you know someone doing it, just let the authority knows about it. You're helping them to LIVE. You've given them back their LIFE. And that is one good thing you can do. TO HELP AND SUPPORT SOMEONE WHO REALLY NEEDS HELP.. lets do that!!
I wonder what will become of them..Why? Why lepak like that? Is it because there's no place for them to lepak? Or is it because there's no place hiburan for them? Or is it because they need attention? Or is it because they feel left out? Are they looking for a place to lepak where ada activity? But not at two in the morning.. or what? and eh.. banyak lagi..
My friend told me, kecian dorang ani, nada hiburan lah.. nada apa lah. That's why they are like that.. Like what do you want? Hiburan? Will it solve all that? Or what.. And what can be done to reduce this gejala social ... oh well... Time will tell.
Its good to see more of the remaja and belia to be active, productive and have more skills to do own business rather than sitting lepak-king. That's how it should be. And semasa masih muda and strong, physically and mentally, use it wisely. And you will appreciate it later than regret it.
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