Sunday, May 11, 2008


Hello mothers where ever you are in this world, Happy Mother's Day. I am a mother too. But the single one. Nada jua difference nya. Still a mother. Just ada divorced dan ada yang still married. Ada yang balu, ada yang not even married. Mother tetap mother. But never putus asa just because you are a single mother. Responsibility tani to jaga and didik anak anak tani to become somebody yang soleh or soleha dan beriman. Amin..Amin...Amin..

Selamat Hari Ibu semoga terus ceria dan berkreatif dalam menghadapi kehidupan seharian. Think of our children, and insyallah kuat semangat tani untuk terus menghadapi urusan kehidupan.

Salam sayang ....

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