Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ah ... ah ...

Not appealing at all. When you think you're SUPER BRILLIANT and yet others did not see that. Especially when you evaluate yourself. How many of you out there?

You know why? Sometimes you got carried away. Yes.. carried away with what you do, you think you are doing the right thing. But you know what? Its a mess!!!. Not quite right. And evaluating yourself and assuming others like you... ah ..ah .. that's so UNCOOL.

Whereever you are, whatever it is pun, its always a learning process. Problem is, you just so UNCOOL, that makes thing just so UNCOOL.. Arggggghhhh!

Learning bah eh. Everyday. Open heart, accept the reality. You're there, so don't let go. Don't fall just because you said you are THE COOLEST..

(ngalih ku eh... i need to sleep already. esok esok lagi think what to say. My mind want to shut down. Just not COOL when you don't have enough sleep. HEHHEHE... )

NYTE!!! Psst... jangan marah. Jangan mimpi. Rilex...

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